


The KSPROPERTY_AUDIOEFFECTSDISCOVERY_EFFECTSLIST property is a filter property whose value is a list of audio effect types that are applied to a particular KS pin factory, for a particular audio signal processing path.

Usage Summary Table

Usage Summary Table

Get Set Target Property descriptor type Property value type



Pin factory (via Filter instance)



The property value is an array of zero or more audio effect type GUIDs (for example, AUDIO_EFFECT_TYPE_ACOUSTIC_ECHO_CANCELLATION) that are in the pin’s signal processing path identified by the KSP_PINMODE structure.

Note  The KSPROPERTY_TYPE_TOPOLOGY flag bit must not be set for this property.

Return Value

The KSPROPERTY_AUDIOEFFECTSDISCOVERY_EFFECTSLIST property request returns STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate that it has completed successfully. Otherwise, this property request returns an appropriate error status code.


If an audio driver uses Microsoft’s generic proxy APO to retrieve the audio effects that are included in the different signal processing paths for a KS pin, then it must support this property. The generic proxy APO is contained in the msapofxproxy.dll file. Audio drivers can use this generic proxy APO when all signal processing is done in the audio driver, or in the corresponding digital signal processor (DSP) hardware component, with no processing being done in an APO. In this case, the APO’s only function is to report the signal processing effects to the audio system.

The generic proxy APO receives KSPROPERTY_AUDIOEFFECTSDISCOVERY_EFFECTSLIST from the audio driver and uses it to report the effects to the audio system. The generic proxy APO assumes that the list of effects does not change while the KS pin’s filter interface is enabled.

If the property descriptor specifies a KS pin that does not support KSPROPERTY_AUDIOEFFECTSDISCOVERY_EFFECTSLIST, then the driver must return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.

If the property descriptor specifies an AudioProcessingMode value that the driver does not support, then the driver must return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. Note that an audio driver must support the KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING_MODES property to be able to indicate its supported audio signal processing modes.



Windows 8.1



See also