

Disk specifies the disk settings to add or to edit on the destination computer. Disk is a list item type, and each instance of Disk in an unattended installation answer file applies to a single hard disk (specified by DiskID).

Child Elements

Setting Description
CreatePartitions Specifies a list of CreatePartition items.
DiskID Specifies the identification number of the disk to edit.
ModifyPartitions Specifies a list of ModifyPartition items.
WillWipeDisk Specifies whether to reformat the disk.

Valid Configuration Passes


Parent Hierarchy

Microsoft-Windows-Setup | DiskConfiguration | Disk

Applies To

For a list of supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-Setup.

XML Examples

BIOS-Based System with Two Hard Drives

The following XML output for the DiskConfiguration setting shows partition modifications for a BIOS-based computer with two hard drives.


  <!-- First hard drive -->
  <Disk wcm:action="add">

      <!-- System partition -->
      <CreatePartition wcm:action="add">

      <!-- Windows partition -->
      <CreatePartition wcm:action="add">


      <!-- System partition -->
      <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">

      <!-- Windows partition -->
      <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">

  <!-- Second hard drive -->
  <Disk wcm:action="add">

      <!-- Data partition -->
      <CreatePartition wcm:action="add">


      <!-- Data partition -->
      <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">




For full XML examples and recommended partition configurations, see How to Configure UEFI/GPT-Based Hard Disk Partitions or How to Configure BIOS/MBR-Based Hard Disk Partitions.
