
What software is available for download?

The list of software downloads available to you depends on the subscription you're using. If you have more than one subscription associated with the same sign-in address, you see the downloads included with the highest level subscription, regardless of which subscription you're viewing. For example, if you have a Visual Studio Enterprise standard subscription and a Visual Studio Professional subscription, you see the complete list of downloads available with your Enterprise subscription. To see the list of your subscriptions, visit https://my.visualstudio.com/subscriptions.

If you already have a Visual Studio subscription:

  1. Go to https://my.visualstudio.com/downloads
  2. Sign in to your subscription. (Learn more about signing in with your Microsoft Account, work or school account, or GitHub credentials.)
  3. Upon successful sign-in, you can search for your desired downloads. You can also see a list of popular downloads, which can be sorted by several criteria.

To quickly find products, use the Search functions at the top of the page or filter the list for your purchasing channel. You can also use the "CTRL+F" shortcut to find products.


If you're looking for your product keys, select the Product Keys tab at the top of the page.

See a list of available software titles by subscription type

You can also download an Excel spreadsheet containing an extensive list of available software titles for each subscription type.


The list of available products is updated frequently but may not immediately reflect the most recent releases. Older versions of products may not be listed separately if they were available as part of a suite. For example, older versions of Microsoft Excel may be provided as part of a Microsoft Office suite only.

Products available without downloads

As of October 2024, access to Office 2024 and related Office 2024 products is still available to subscribers; however, the link on the downloads page in the subscriptions portal will redirect you to setup.office.com where you can create a new account or sign-in with your Microsoft account credentials.

Get help with setting up Office.

For more information, visit Office 2024 and Office LTSC 2024 FAQ.


For assistance with sales, subscriptions, accounts, and billing for Visual Studio Subscriptions, see Visual Studio Subscriptions support.

See also

Next steps

You can learn more about how to download software or obtain and manage product keys.