

VSCT XML schema conditional attributes

You can apply conditional attributes to all lists and items. Logical operators and symbol expansion expressions evaluate to true or false. If true, the associated list or item is included in the resulting output.

You can test token expansions against other token expansions or constants. The function Defined() tests whether a particular name has been defined, even if it has no value. To define a name, use the VSCTDefinitions property in your project file.

When a Condition attribute is applied to a list, the condition is applied to every child element in the list. If a child element itself contains a Condition attribute, then its condition is combined with the parent expression by an AND operation.

The values 1, '1' and 'true' are evaluated as true, and 0, '0' and 'false' are evaluated as false.


Use the following operators to evaluate conditional expressions.

Operator Definition
(,) Grouping
! Logical not
<, >, <=, >=, ==, != Relational and Equality
and Boolean
or Boolean


Project file


VSCT file

<Menu Condition="Defined(DEBUG)" ...

<Menu Condition="%(SKU_MODE) = 'Demo'" ...

<Menus Condition="Defined(DEBUG)">
    <Menu ...

<Menus Condition="Defined(DEMO_SKU)">
    <Menus Condition="!Defined(DEBUG)">
        <Menu ...

    <Menu ...

<Menus Condition="(Defined(DEMO_SKU) or Defined(SAMPLE_SKU))
and !Defined(DEBUG)">
    <Menu ...

See also