

File status code enumerator

The SccStatus enumerator contains named constant values that specify the state of a file in the source control system. This enumeration is used by the SccQueryInfo and the POPLISTFUNC callback function (see POPLISTFUNC for details).


enum SccStatus {
   SCC_STATUS_INVALID          = -1L,
   SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED       = 0x0001L,
   SCC_STATUS_CHECKEDOUT       = 0x0002L,
   SCC_STATUS_OUTOTHER         = 0x0004L,
   SCC_STATUS_OUTOFDATE        = 0x0020L,
   SCC_STATUS_DELETED          = 0x0040L,
   SCC_STATUS_LOCKED           = 0x0080L,
   SCC_STATUS_MERGED           = 0x0100L,
   SCC_STATUS_SHARED           = 0x0200L,
   SCC_STATUS_PINNED           = 0x0400L,
   SCC_STATUS_MODIFIED         = 0x0800L,
   SCC_STATUS_OUTBYUSER        = 0x1000L
   SCC_STATUS_NOMERGE          = 0x2000L
   SCC_STATUS_RESERVED_1       = 0x4000L
   SCC_STATUS_RESERVED_2       = 0x8000L


SCC_STATUS_INVALID Status could not be obtained; do not rely on it.

SCC_STATUS_NOTCONTROLLED File is not under source control.

SCC_STATUS_CONTROLLED File is under source control.

SCC_STATUS_CHECKEDOUT Checked out by current user on local disk.

SCC_STATUS_OUTOTHER File is checked out by another user.

SCC_STATUS_OUTEXCLUSIVE File is exclusively checked out.

SCC_STATUS_OUTMULTIPLE File is checked out by more than one user.

SCC_STATUS_OUTOFDATE The file is not the most recent.

SCC_STATUS_DELETED File has been deleted from the project.

SCC_STATUS_LOCKED File is locked; no more versions allowed.

SCC_STATUS_MERGED File has been merged but not yet fixed/verified.

SCC_STATUS_SHARED File is shared between projects.

SCC_STATUS_PINNED File is shared to an explicit version.

SCC_STATUS_MODIFIED File has been modified/broken/violated.

SCC_STATUS_OUTBYUSER File is checked out by current user.

SCC_STATUS_NOMERGE File can never be merged with and need not be saved before a GET.

SCC_STATUS_RESERVED_1 Reserved for internal use.

SCC_STATUS_RESERVED_2 Reserved for internal use.

See also