


This interface supplies a proxy interface to view and change an object's data.


IPropertyProxyProvider : IUnknown

Notes for Implementers

The expression evaluator (EE) implements this interface on the same object that implements the IDebugProperty3 interface as part of the EE's support of type visualizers.

Notes for Callers

Call QueryInterface on an IDebugProperty3 interface to obtain this interface.

Methods in Vtable order

The IPropertyProxyProvider interface implements the following method:

Method Description
GetPropertyProxy Retrieves a property proxy interface to view data on an object.


Although the EE implements this interface, the implementation of GetPropertyProxy is typically handled by GetPropertyProxy. See Visualizing and Viewing Data for details on obtaining the IEEVisualizerService interface.


Header: msdbg.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll

See also