


This interface supplies ports to the session debug manager (SDM).


IDebugPortSupplier2 : IUnknown

Notes for Implementers

A custom port supplier implements this interface to represent a port supplier.

Notes for Callers

A call to CoCreateInstance with a port supplier's GUID returns this interface (this is the typical way to obtain this interface). For example:

IDebugPortSupplier2 *GetPortSupplier(GUID *pPortSupplierGuid)
    IDebugPortSupplier2 *pPS = NULL;
    if (pPortSupplierGuid != NULL) {
        CComPtr<IDebugPortSupplier2> spPortSupplier;
        if (spPortSupplier != NULL) {
            pPS = spPortSupplier.Detach();
    return (pPS);

A call to GetPortSupplier returns this interface, representing the current port supplier being used by Visual Studio.

  • GetPortSupplier returns this interface, representing the port supplier that created the port.

  • IEnumDebugPortSuppliers2 represents a list of IDebugPortSupplier interfaces (the IEnumDebugPortSuppliers interface is obtained from EnumPortSuppliers, representing all of the port suppliers registered with Visual Studio).

A debug engine typically does not interact with a port supplier.

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDebugPortSupplier2.

Method Description
GetPortSupplierName Gets the port supplier name.
GetPortSupplierId Gets the port supplier identifier.
GetPort Gets a port from a port supplier.
EnumPorts Enumerates the ports that already exist.
CanAddPort Verifies that a port supplier supports adding new ports.
AddPort Adds a port.
RemovePort Removes a port.


A port supplier can identify itself by name and ID, add and remove ports, and enumerate all ports that the port supplier provides.


Header: msdbg.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll

See also