


This interface describes a method.


IDebugMethodField : IDebugContainerField

Notes for Implementers

A symbol provider implements this interface on the same object that implements the IDebugContainerField interface. This interface is a specialization that presents a method.

Notes for Callers

Use QueryInterface to obtain this interface from the IDebugContainerField interface if GetKind returns FIELD_TYPE_METHOD. In addition, the methods, GetPropertyGetter, GetPropertySetter, and EnumConstructors, all return the IDebugMethodField interface.

Methods in Vtable Order

In addition to the methods on the IDebugField and IDebugContainerField interfaces, this interface implements the following methods:

Method Description
EnumParameters Creates an enumerator for the parameters of the method.
GetThis Gets the "this" pointer of the object containing the method.
EnumAllLocals Creates an enumerator for all local variables of the method.
EnumLocals Creates an enumerator for selected local variables of the method.
IsCustomAttributeDefined Determines whether a specific custom attribute has been defined.
EnumStaticLocals Creates an enumerator for static local variables of the method.
GetGlobalContainer Gets the global container of the method.
EnumArguments Creates an enumerator for the type of each argument required to call the method.


A method can contain parameters as well as local variables.


Header: sh.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll

See also