


A location program code can be annotated with a SymTagAnnotation symbol.


The following table shows the properties that are valid for this symbol type.

Property Data type Description
IDiaSymbol::get_addressOffset DWORD Offset part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_addressSection DWORD Section part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_dataKind DWORD One of the DataKind Enumeration values.
IDiaSymbol::get_relativeVirtualAddress DWORD Relative position of this annotation within its module.
IDiaSymbol::get_symIndexId DWORD Index ID of symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_symTag DWORD Returns SymTagAnnotation (one of the SymTagEnum Enumeration values).
IDiaSymbol::get_value VARIANT The value of constant data.
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualAddress ULONGLONG Position of this annotation within the executable image.

See also