

"Full formXml is expected to create a form" error when importing a solution

Applies to:   Power Platform, Solutions


When you import a solution, you receive the following error message:

Microsoft.Crm.CrmInvalidOperationException: full formXml is expected to create a form



This error occurs when the form you're importing doesn't exist in the target environment, and the form is imported for the first time. The solution you're importing has only form changes (diff) in the form XML when it should have a full FormXml. A solution should only import a diff form XML when the form is already present in the environment and you're importing the changes. To verify, open your solution's customizations.xml file and search for the FormXml node using the form ID that appears in the error message. If the FormXml contains an attribute named solutionaction, the form XML is a diff.


To work around this issue, the form XML must be a full FormXml (shouldn't contain the solutionaction attribute located in the customizations.xml file), and can be obtained from the instance in which this form was originally created as an unmanaged form.