

Intune Certificate Connector events and diagnostic codes

Starting with version 6.1806.x.x, the Intune Connector Service logs events in the Event Viewer (Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft Intune Connector). Use these events to help troubleshoot potential issues in the configuration of the Intune Certificate Connector. These events log successes and failures of an operation, and also contain diagnostic codes with messages to help the IT admin troubleshoot.


To troubleshoot issues and verify Intune Certificate Connector setup, see Certificate Authority script samples.

Event IDs and descriptions

Event ID Event Name Event Description Related Diagnostic Codes
10010 StartedConnectorService Connector service started 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
10020 StoppedConnectorService Connector service stopped 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
10100 CertificateRenewal_Success Connector enrollment certificate successfully renewed 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
10102 CertificateRenewal_Failure Connector enrollment certificate failed to renew. Reinstall the connector. 0x00000000, 0x00000405, 0x0FFFFFFF
10302 RetrieveCertificate_Error Failed to retrieve the connector enrollment certificate from the registry. Review event details for the certificate thumbprint related to this event. 0x00000000, 0x00000404, 0x0FFFFFFF
10301 RetrieveCertificate_Warning Check diagnostic information in event details. 0x00000000, 0x00000403, 0x0FFFFFFF
20100 PkcsCertIssue_Success Successfully issued a PKCS certificate. Review event details for the device ID, user ID, CA name, certificate template name, and certificate thumbprint related to this event. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20102 PkcsCertIssue_Failure Failed to issue a PKCS certificate. Review event details for the device ID, user ID, CA name, certificate template name, and certificate thumbprint related to this event. 0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x00000401, 0x0FFFFFFF
20200 RevokeCert_Success Successfully revoked the certificate. Review event details for the device ID, user ID, CA name, and certificate serial number related to this event. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20202 RevokeCert_Failure Failed to revoke the certificate. Review event details for the device ID, user ID, CA name, and certificate serial number related to this event. For additional information, see the NDES SVC Logs. 0x00000000, 0x00000402, 0x0FFFFFFF
20300 Upload_Success Successfully uploaded the certificate's request or revocation data. Review the event details for the upload details. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20302 Upload_Failure Failed to upload the certificate's request or revocation data. Review the event details > Upload State to determine the point of failure. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20400 Download_Success Successfully downloaded request to sign a certificate, download a client certificate, or revoke a certificate. Review the event details for the download details. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20402 Download_Failure Failed to download request to sign a certificate, download client certificate, or revoke a certificate. Review the event details for the download details. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20500 CRPVerifyMetric_Success Certificate Registration Point successfully verified a client challenge 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20501 CRPVerifyMetric_Warning Certificate Registration Point completed but rejected the request. See diagnostic code and message for more details. 0x00000000, 0x00000411, 0x0FFFFFFF
20502 CRPVerifyMetric_Failure Certificate Registration Point failed to verify a client challenge. See diagnostic code and message for more details. See event message details for the Device ID corresponding to the challenge. 0x00000000, 0x00000408, 0x00000409, 0x00000410, 0x0FFFFFFF
20600 CRPNotifyMetric_Success Certificate Registration Point successfully finished notify process and has sent the certificate to the client device. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF
20602 CRPNotifyMetric_Failure Certificate Registration Point failed to finish notify process. See the event message details for information on the request. Verify connection between the NDES server and the CA. 0x00000000, 0x0FFFFFFF

Diagnostic codes

Diagnostic Code Diagnostic Name Diagnostic Message
0x00000000 Success Success
0x00000400 PKCS_Issue_CA_Unavailable Certification authority is not valid or is unreachable. Verify that the certification authority is available, and that your server can communicate with it.
0x00000401 Symantec_ClientAuthCertNotFound Symantec Client Auth certificate was not found in the local cert store. See the article Install the Symantec registration authorization certificate for more information.
0x00000402 RevokeCert_AccessDenied The specified account does not have permissions to revoke a certificate from CA. See CA Name field in the event message details to determine the issuing CA.
0x00000403 CertThumbprint_NotFound Could not find a certificate that matched your input. Enroll the certificate connector and try again.
0x00000404 Certificate_NotFound Could not find a certificate that matched the input supplied. Re-enroll the certificate connector and try again.
0x00000405 Certificate_Expired A certificate expired. Re-enroll the certificate connector to renew the certificate and try again.
0x00000408 CRPSCEPCert_NotFound CRP Encryption certificate could not be found. Verify that NDES and the Intune Connector is setup correctly.
0x00000409 CRPSCEPSigningCert_NotFound Signing certificate could not be retrieved. Verify the Intune Connector Service is configured correctly, and the Intune Connector Service is running. Verify also that the certificate download events were successful.
0x00000410 CRPSCEPDeserialize_Failed Failed to deserialize SCEP challenge request. Verify the NDES and Intune Connector is setup correctly.
0x00000411 CRPSCEPChallenge_Expired Request denied due to expired certificate challenge. The client device can retry after obtaining a new challenge from the management server.
0x0FFFFFFFF Unknown_Error We are unable to complete your request because a server-side error occurred. Please try again.

Next steps

For further assistance, see Troubleshooting SCEP certificate profiles with Microsoft Intune.