

Missing main account in budget: Error code: ERR00003 [Type: Warning]


Error code ERR00003 is logged in the Bpa self help logs table in Microsoft Dataverse when budget transaction lines in Dynamics 365 Finance are missing the main account in the ledger dimension column. Transactions in the budget are linked to a generalledgeraccountkey value of -1.


If your transaction doesn't have to use the main account, this issue might not require immediate action. However, some Microsoft reports might show either fields that have no data or incomplete records. In these cases, you might have to create modified versions of the reports to address the gaps and ensure accurate reporting.

Here's an example of a record:

1 records in BudgetTransactionLine have missing MAINACCOUNT - [Row(BudgetTransactionLine_RECID=Decimal('5637145719'))]


No specific steps are required to address this scenario, and no correction is required.

See also

Business performance analytics self-help