View payment predictions
If you enable the Late Payment Prediction extension, a Sales Invoices Predicted Overdue tile is available in the Business Manager Role Center.
The tile displays the number of payments that are predicted to be late and gives you access to the Customer Ledger Entries page, where you can closely examine the posted invoices.
Three important columns that you should evaluate are:
Payment Prediction - Indicates whether the payment for the invoice is predicted to be late.
Prediction Confidence - Indicates how reliable you should consider the prediction to be. High confidence means that the prediction is at least 90 percent certain, Medium confidence is between 80 and 90 percent, and Low confidence is below 80 percent.
Prediction Confidence % - Shows the actual percentage behind the confidence rating. By default, this column isn't displayed, but you can add it if you want.
The Customer Ledger Entries page also shows a FactBox on the right. While you are reviewing predictions, the information in the Customer Details section can be helpful. When you select the invoice in the list, the section shows information about the customer. It also lets you take immediate action. For example, if a customer frequently misplaces their wallet, you can open the customer card from the FactBox and block the customer for future sales.