Automatically rewave to add unfulfilled lines to new waves


Administrators in your organization can schedule the Auto add shipments to wave jobs to enhance operation speed and efficiency. When this job is run in the system, it looks for not completed work and automatically rewaves it. On the Failed shipment lines page, you can view the lines that are ready to be rewaved.

Rewaving workflow

Enabling the rewaving workflow, your organization will no longer need to manually monitor failed shipment lines. Work will be automatically created and added to each wave. The process begins when a shipment line fails while a wave is being processed. The failed shipment line is removed as the system continues to process the rest of the wave. Once there is a failed shipment line, the system creates a placeholder for the work that is required to process the failed shipment. Inventory is then replenished at the picking location based off of the warehouse operations. When the Auto add shipments to wave batch job is run again, the previously failed shipment lines are identified again and the newly created work is added to the wave for processing.

The Auto add shipments to wave batch job ends by checking the Failed shipment lines table for records that were successfully processed and that the Shipment table includes a shipment for.  The Wave processing removed shipments cleanup job runs and removes Failed shipment lines from the Failed shipment lines table. 

To monitor the failed shipment lines, navigate to Warehouse management > Shipments > Failed shipment lines.

Enable rewaving for your system

Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse management parameters. Select the General tab and expand the Wave processing FastTab. Toggle the Process waves in batch option to Yes. Select Save.

Screenshot of the Warehouse management parameters page.

Schedule the auto add shipments to wave batch job

Go to Warehouse management > Outbound waves > Auto add shipments to wave. Expand the Run in background FastTab and set the Batch processing field to Yes.


If the Task description field, Auto add shipments to wave auto-populates. Select Recurrence and define how often you want the rewaving job to run. Select OK to save the schedule for your job and OK again to create the job. You can use the Records to include option to add filters to the batch job if desired.

Schedule the cleanup job

To ensure that failed and old shipment lines are removed from the Failed shipment lines table, you must schedule the cleanup job. To do this, go to Warehouse management > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Wave processing removed shipment cleanup. Define the Cleanup rewave threshold field and the Last update older than given number fields. Expand the Run in background FastTab and set the Batch processing option to Yes.


If Task description field auto populates to Wave processing removed shipment. Define how often you want the batch job to run by selecting Recurrence. Select OK and OK.