Build and sustain a blended learning community
Moving from traditional instruction to blended learning requires buy-in from staff, students, and parents.
Paramount in gaining buy-in from staff is the need for professional development. Before implementing any type of change, leaders should seek out professional development resources to use to help staff feel comfortable moving in a blended learning direction. Leaders can also provide ways for staff to support each other by creating professional learning communities (PLC). Groups of educators should be allowed to meet regularly to share successes and failures as they work collaboratively to improve their blended learning classrooms. Educational systems that employ instructional coaches can make sure coaches are available to support staff as they transition from the "sage on the stage" to a "guide on the side."
Students perform best when they know what to expect in the classroom. Leaders must ensure that students are aware of and confident in the move to blended learning. In blended learning environments, students are provided some type of choice in their learning. This may be a new concept for some students. Active learning, instead of passive listening, may also be a new concept for students so leaders must make sure students understand their new roles in controlling the time, place, and pace of their learning.
Informing parents of this innovative approach to learning is an important component of any successful transition but especially important in moving to blended learning because parents may need to support certain aspects of this student-empowered learning. Leaders should include parents as members of any committees that are established to study a transition to blended learning. Parents need to know how to support their children in learning, and they need to be aware of how to ask for help should technology issues arise.
Change is hard, yes, but sometimes change is necessary. When educational institutions realize change is essential, they must find ways to avoid typical implementation pitfalls in order to promote success in building and sustaining a blended learning community.