Monitor and diagnose


The best way to monitor the status and diagnose the error of your agent is at the topic level.

The Topics list shows if the agent Status is on or off, if it has errors, and if it's currently being edited by someone.

Screenshot of Topics list with the agent status, errors, and editing values highlighted.

Hover your mouse over the displayed initial to find the full name of the person who is editing the topic.

Screenshot of Mouse hovering the initial displayed under Editing that shows the full name of the person currently editing the topic.

To diagnose the cause of the error, select the error in Topics to go to the Setup page, which shows that the error is from the authoring canvas.

Screenshot of Setup page where you can view the errors.

Selecting the status error number takes you to the canvas, which shows the two errors in the Topic checker feature.

Screenshot of Topic checker with two errors highlighted.