
Import data from Virtual Machine Manager into Service Manager

You can import objects, such as VM templates, service templates, and storage classifications that are created in Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) into the Service Manager database by creating a Virtual Machine Manager connector. After you import these objects into the Service Manager database, you can use these objects, for example, when you create Request Offerings.

If, in your environment, your VMM server pushes discovery data to an Operations Manager server, you'll want to create an Operations Manager CI connector. You must ensure that the VMM management pack, Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.<version>.Discovery, is synchronized with the Service Manager management server. You can create the Operations Manager CI connector either before or after creating the Virtual Machine Manager connector.

Create a Virtual Machine Manager connector

Use the following procedures to create a System Center Virtual Machine Manager connector and validate the creation of the connector.

To create a System Center Virtual Machine Manager connector, follow these steps:

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.

  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.

  3. In the Tasks pane, under Connectors, select Create Connector, and select Virtual Machine Manager connector.

  4. Complete these steps to complete the Virtual Machine Manager Connector Wizard:

    1. On the Before You Begin page, select Next.

    2. On the General page, in the Name box, enter a name for the new connector. Ensure that Enable this connector is selected, and select Next.

    3. On the Connection page, in the Server Information area, enter the same of the computer hosting Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).

    4. On the Connection page, in the Credentials area, either select an existing account or select New, and then do the following:

      1. In the Run As Account dialog, in the Display name box, enter a name for the Run As account. In the Account list, select Windows Account. Enter the credentials for an account that has rights to connect VMM, and select OK. On the Connection page, select Test Connection.


        Special characters (such as the ampersand [&]) in the User Name box aren't supported.

      2. In the Test Connection dialog, ensure that The connection to the server was successful appears, and select OK. On the Connection page, select Next.

    5. On the Summary page, ensure that the settings are correct, and select Create.

    6. On the Completion page, ensure that you receive a Virtual Machine Manager connector successfully created message, and select Close.

Validate the creation of a System Center Virtual Machine Manager connector

  1. In the Connectors pane, locate the System Center Virtual Machine Manager connector that you created.

  2. Review the Status column for a status of Running.


    Allow sufficient time for the import process to finish if you're importing a large number of virtual machines or clouds.

  3. In the Service Manager console, select Configuration Items.

  4. In the Tasks pane, select Create Folder.

  5. In the Create New Folder Wizard, do the following:

    1. In the Folder name box, enter a name for the folder. For example, enter Test.

    2. In the Management pack area, ensure that an unsealed management pack of your choice is selected, and select OK. For example, select Service Catalog Generic Incident Request.

  6. In the Configuration Items pane, select the folder you just created. For example, select Test.

  7. In the Tasks pane, select Create View.

  8. In the Create View Wizard, do the following:

    1. On the General page, in the Name area, enter a name for this view. For example, enter VMMTemplates.

    2. In the Management pack area, ensure that an unsealed management pack of your choice is selected. For example, select Service Catalog Generic Incident Request.

    3. In the navigation pane of the wizard, select Criteria.

    4. In the Advanced Search area, select Browse.

    5. In the dropdown list (located to the right of the Type to filter box), select All basic classes.

    6. In the Type to filter box, enter virtual machine template, select Virtual Machine Template, select OK, and select OK to save and close the form.

  9. In the Configuration Items pane, expand the folder you created, and select the view you created. For example, expand Test, and select VMMTemplates

  10. In the VMMTemplates pane, you'll see the Virtual Machine Manager templates that have been created.

Synchronize a Virtual Machine Manager connector

To ensure that the Service Manager database is up to date, the Virtual Machine Manager connector synchronizes with Service Manager on a daily basis. You can use the following procedures to synchronize the connector manually and validate that the connector synchronized.

Manually synchronize a Virtual Machine Manager connector

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.

  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.

  3. In the Connectors pane, select the Virtual Machine Manager connector that you want to synchronize.

  4. In the Tasks pane, under the name of the connector, select Synchronize Now.

Validate that a Virtual Machine Manager connector synchronized

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Connectors.

  2. In the Connectors pane, examine the start time and finish time to determine when the synchronization process started and finished.


    Synchronization events are also written to the Event log in the Applications and Services Logs/Operations Manager folder.

Disable and enable a Virtual Machine Manager connector

You can use the following procedures to disable or enable a Virtual Machine Manager connector and validate the status of the connector.

Disable a virtual Machine Manager connector

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.

  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.

  3. In the Connectors pane, select the Virtual Machine Manager connector that you want to disable.

  4. In the Tasks pane, under the connector name, select Disable.

  5. In the Disable Connector dialog, select OK.

Enable a virtual Machine Manager connector

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration, and select Connectors.

  2. In the Connectors pane, select the Virtual Machine Manager connector that you want to enable.

  3. In the Tasks pane, under the connector name, select Enable.

  4. In the Enable Connector dialog, select OK.

Validate the status change of a virtual Machine Manager connector

  1. In the middle pane, locate the connector for which you've changed status, and then verify the value in the Enabled column.

Next steps

  • Review the Configuration items article to learn about storing information about services, computers, software, software updates, users, and other undefined imported objects in the Service Manager database.