

Import data from Configuration Manager into Service Manager

This article describes how to create, configure, disable, and enable a Configuration Manager connector, and how to customize the Configuration Manager extended SMS_def.mof file for collecting hardware information. You use the connector to import data from Configuration Manager into Service Manager.

The connector for Configuration Manager recognizes User-device Affinity and Mobile Devices and synchronizes them in the Service Manager database.

You can import data from the Configuration Manager site database into the Service Manager database. This automatically creates and populates configuration items for the hardware and software that you want to manage in Service Manager. After you import data from Configuration Manager, you can attach the respective configuration items to relevant incidents, and the information in the configuration items will be available to analysts working on the incident.

By using a Configuration Manager connector, you can import configuration baselines from Configuration Manager and then use these configuration baselines to automatically generate incidents for noncompliant configuration items.

For information about Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) implementation of change and configuration, see Position of the Change and Configuration SMF Within the MOF IT Service Lifecycle.

Complete the data warehouse registration process

Before you create the Configuration Manager connector, you must ensure that the Data Warehouse Registration process is complete.

Additional data in Configuration Manager

Additional data in Configuration Manager includes User-Device Affinity (UDA), Mobile Device Data, and Software Request Data. UDA data from Configuration Manager more accurately determines who the primary user of a computer or device is. The UDA data collected by the Service Manager Configuration Manager connector is used to populate the UsesComputer and PrimaryUser information in the Service Manager database.

Mobile device data for Windows Phones, Windows Mobile Phones, and Nokia devices will be collected by the Service Manager Configuration Manager connector. Data from other mobile devices such as iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android-based phones will be collected when you're using the Configuration Manager Exchange Server connector. Mobile device data will be imported into the Service Manager database as configuration items, and it can be associated with work items, incident management, and change management.

Software request data will be used in support of self-service software request integration with Configuration Manager. The administrative category data from Configuration Manager will be used to select which Service Request templates to apply when creating a request from the Self-Service Portal.


You can configure the Configuration Manager connector to update the Service Manager database on a recurring schedule. You can also temporarily suspend the importation of data from Configuration Manager by disabling the connector. For example, you can disable the connector when maintenance is performed on the Configuration Manager site database because you know that the maintenance process temporarily creates inaccurate data. When appropriate, you can re-enable the connector and resume importing data.

Extended hardware inventory with Configuration Manager

In Configuration Manager, you can extend the hardware inventory by collecting an inventory of additional Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes, additional WMI class attributes, registry keys, and other customizations to accommodate your organization's requirements. For more information about extending the hardware inventory in Configuration Manager, see How to Extend Hardware Inventory.

If you've extended the hardware inventory in Configuration Manager, you must create a new Configuration Manager Connector management pack in Service Manager to collect the extended hardware inventory. This new management pack can contain only the information required to collect the extended hardware inventory from Configuration Manager, or it can consist of everything from the original Configuration Manager Connector management pack plus the new extended hardware inventory. For information about creating a new connector management pack, see How to Configure a Configuration Manager Connector for an Extended SMS_def.mof File.

Importing software configuration items

You can import software configuration items with the Configuration Manager Connector by importing the following asset intelligence reporting classes in Configuration Manager. These classes should be enabled in Configuration Manager before you configure the Configuration Manager connector in Service Manager. For more information about enabling Asset Intelligence in Configuration Manager, see How to Enable Asset Intelligence.

  • SMS_InstalledSoftware

  • SMS_SystemConsoleUsage

  • SMS_SystemConsoleUser

  • SoftwareLicensingService

  • SoftwareLicensingProduct

If the software for a particular computer doesn't appear in the All Software view in the Configuration Items workspace, you should review the Operations Manager event log on the Service Manager primary management server. You should look for events with sources of OpsMgr Connector and Lfx Service to determine if there are any errors.

Create a Configuration Manager connector

You can use the following procedures to create a connector to import data from Configuration Manager into System Center - Service Manager and confirm the status of the connector.


Before you can create the Configuration Manager connector, you've to verify that Configuration Manager is installed in your environment, and you've to turn on Windows User Account Control (UAC). For more information about UAC, see User Account Control.

To create a Configuration Manager connector, follow these steps:

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.
  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.
  3. In the Tasks pane, under Connectors, select Create Connector, and select Configuration Manager Connector. The Configuration Manager Connector Wizard starts.
  4. On the Before You Begin page, select Next.
  5. On the General page, do the following:
    1. In the Name box, enter a name for the new connector. For example, enter Configuration Manager Connector to Seattle.
    2. In the Description box, enter a description for the new connector. For example, enter A Configuration Manager connector to site Seattle.
    3. Ensure that the Enabled checkbox is selected, and select Next.
  1. On the Select Management Pack page, in the Management Pack list, select either System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration or System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Connector Configuration, and select Next.
  1. On the Select Management Pack page, in the Management Pack list, select either System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration and select Next.
  1. On the Connect to System Center Configuration Manager Database page, do the following:

    1. In the Database Server Name box, enter the server name of the server that is hosting the Configuration Manager site database and the database named instance, if applicable. For example, at the hypothetical Woodgrove Bank, you might enter woodgrove\instance1 if the Configuration Manager database is on a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server, or enter woodgrove if the database is on a default instance of the SQL Server.
    2. In the Database Name box, enter the name of the Configuration Manager site database. For example, enter SMS_CM1.
    3. In the Credentials area, select a Run As account, or create a new Run As account. The user account that you specify as the Run As account must be a member of the smsdbrole_extract and the db_datareader groups for the Configuration Manager site database.
    4. In the Credentials area, select Test Connection.
    5. In the Credentials dialog, in the Password box, enter the password for the account, and select OK.
    6. In the Test Connection dialog, if you receive the following confirmation message, select OK: The connection to the server was successful.
    7. Select Next.
  2. On the Collections page, select the appropriate collection, and then select Next.

  3. On the Schedule page, in the Synchronize list, set the frequency and time of synchronization, and select Next.

  4. On the Summary page, confirm the connector settings you made, and select Create.

  5. On the Confirmation page, ensure that you receive the following confirmation message: You have successfully completed the System Center Configuration Manager Connector Wizard. Then, select Close.


    The System Center Configuration Manager Connector Wizard may take several hours to import data from Configuration Manager.

Validate the creation of a Configuration Manager connector

  1. Confirm that the Configuration Manager connector that you created is displayed in the Connectors pane.
  2. In the Service Manager console, select Configuration Items. In the Configuration Items pane, expand Configuration Items, expand Computers, and select All Windows Computers. Verify that the intended computers appear in the All Windows Computers pane.
  3. In the middle pane, double-click a newly imported computer. Verify that the appropriate computer details appear in the computer form.

Confirm the status of a Configuration Manager connector

  • View the columns in the Connector pane; the columns contain information about the start time, the finish time, the status, and the percentage of completion.

PowerShell symbolYou can use a Windows PowerShell command to create a new Configuration Manager connector. For information about how to use Windows PowerShell to create a new Configuration Manager connector in Service Manager, see New-SCCMConnector.

Disable and enable a Configuration Manager connector

You can use the following procedures to disable or enable a Configuration Manager connector and validate the status of the change.

Disable a Configuration Manager connector

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.

  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.

  3. In the Connectors pane, select the Configuration Manager connector that you want to disable. For example, select Configuration Manager connector to SEA.

  4. In the Tasks pane, under the connector name, select Disable.


    If you disable a connector while it's synchronizing data, the synchronization process may not stop. However, a disabled connector won't import any new data from a Configuration Manager database from that point forward.

Enable a Configuration Manager connector

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.
  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.
  3. In the Connectors pane, select the Configuration Manager connector that you want to enable. For example, select Configuration Manager connector to SEA.
  4. In the Tasks pane, under the connector name, select Enable.

Validate the status change of a Configuration Manager connector

  1. After you disable or enable the connector, wait 30 seconds. Then, in the Service Manager console, select Administration, and select Connectors.
  2. In the Connectors pane, locate the connector for which you've changed status, and verify the value in the Enabled column.
  3. If you enabled the connector, verify that the connector resumes synchronization according to the schedule. If you disabled the connector, verify that the connector no longer synchronizes according to the schedule.

Screenshot of the PowerShell symbol.You can use Windows PowerShell commands to complete these tasks and other related tasks, as follows:

  • For information about how to use Windows PowerShell to start a Service Manager connector, see Start-SCSMConnector.
  • For information about how to use Windows PowerShell to retrieve connectors that are defined in Service Manager and view their status, see Get-SCSMConnector.
  • For information about how to use Windows PowerShell to update the properties of a Service Manager connector, see Update-SCSMConnector.

Synchronize a Configuration Manager connector

To ensure that the Service Manager database is up to date, the System Center Configuration Manager connector synchronizes with Configuration Manager every day after the initial synchronization. However, you can use the following procedures to synchronize the connector manually and validate that the connector synchronized.

Manually synchronize a Configuration Manager connector

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Administration.

  2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and select Connectors.

  3. In the Connectors pane, select the Configuration Manager connector that you want to synchronize.

  4. In the Tasks pane, under the name of the connector, select Synchronize Now.


    Depending on the amount of data that is imported, you might have to wait for the import to be completed.

Validate that a Configuration Manager connector synchronized

  1. In the Service Manager console, select Configuration Items.
  2. In the Configuration Items pane, expand Computers, and select All Windows Computers. Verify that any new computers in Configuration Manager appear in the middle pane.

Configure a Configuration Manager connector for an extended SMS_def.mof file

Service Manager hardware inventory collects and then provides system information, such as available disk space, processor type, and operating system, about each computer in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. In Configuration Manager, users can customize the default Configuration Manager SMS_def.mof file to extend the hardware inventory information that is collected.

When you create a Configuration Manager connector in Service Manager, you can select the default System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack that must be used for that connector. By using the default management pack, the connector imports hardware, software, and desired configuration management information for the computers that are in the system.

If the Configuration Manager SMS_def.mof file has been extended to collect additional hardware inventory data, which you also want to import into Service Manager, you must create a new custom management pack that defines that additional data. Then, you've to create a new Configuration Manager connector and configure it to use the new custom management pack.

Import extended hardware inventory data from Configuration Manager

To import extended hardware inventory data from Configuration Manager, you must author a custom Configuration Manager connector management pack. There are two approaches to implementing a custom Configuration Manager connector:

  • Create a custom Configuration Manager connector management pack that defines the extended data that you want to import and then create two connectors. Configure one connector to use the default System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack to import the data that is defined by default. Configure the second connector to use the custom management pack to import the additional extended data.

  • Customize the default System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack to also include the additional extended data. Create a single connector that is configured to use the custom management pack to import all the information that you must have.

This article provides the information that you must have to implement the first approach that is described earlier. It provides the details that you must have so that you can develop a custom Configuration Manager connector management pack that imports the extended hardware inventory from Configuration Manager.

The high-level steps to importing extended hardware inventory data are as follows:

  1. Create a custom Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack with the definitions for the extended data.
  2. Import the custom management pack into Service Manager. After you import the management pack, Service Manager processes the directives in the management pack to create staging tables and to run any install Structured Query Language (SQL) scripts, as defined in the management pack.
  3. Create a Configuration Manager connector and configure it to use the custom management pack.
  4. The Configuration Manager connector imports the data.

Work with a custom Configuration Manager Connector management pack

Consider the following tips when you're working with a custom Configurations Manager Connector management pack:

  • Semantic errors in the connector configuration templates in the management pack don't prevent the management pack from being imported, and they're logged to the event log. In this case, you must delete the management pack, correct the errors, and reimport the management pack.

  • After creating a Configuration Manager connector, you can't modify its management pack selection. Instead, you must delete that connector and then create a new one with the desired management pack selection.

  • To ensure a successful deletion of a management pack, you must delete any connectors that are configured to use the management pack that you want to delete and then delete the management pack.

    When you delete a custom Configurations Manager Connector management pack, Service Manager tries to delete all related staging tables that were created during the management pack import. Then, Service Manager runs any scripts that are defined in the Uninstall section of the management pack.

  • Unlike other management packs, the custom Configuration Manager Connector management pack can't be versioned. Importing a later version of the management pack will succeed. However, the connector configuration in the management pack will be ignored, or it might cause validation errors that are logged to the event log.

Create custom Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack

A custom Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack is similar in structure to the default Configuration Manager Connector management pack. It must contain the two object templates DataProvider and DataConsumer that specify how the data should be imported and applied.

DataProvider section

The DataProvider section provides information, such as which data to import, that you must have when you're importing data from Configuration Manager into the staging tables of LinkingFramework. The DataProvider section includes the queries that run on the Configuration Manager site database; directives for staging table creation; custom SQL scripts; and information that is relevant for incremental synchronization, such as watermarking and batching.

DataConsumer section

The DataConsumer section provides information about reading the data from staging tables and writing it to the ServiceManager database's instances space, such as Entities or Relationships. The DataConsumer section includes queries that run on the staging tables; mapping to the Service Manager type system; custom SQL scripts; and information that is relevant for incremental synchronization, such as watermarking and batching.

Structure of the DataProvider and DataConsumer object templates sections

Basically, the DataProvider and the DataConsumer are object templates that are targeted to a projection type. The following code shows the general structure of the DataProvider and the DataConsumer sections:

<TypeProjection ID="System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector.Projection" Accessibility="Public" Type="System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector">
          <Component Alias="DataTable" Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' TypeConstraint='System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']$">
            <Component Alias="Field" Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields']$" />
          <Component Alias="DataCollection" Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' TypeConstraint='System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']$" />

In this code, DataTable, Field, and DataCollection are defined as follows:

  • DataTable. The smallest data unit that is defined for data transfer. It's a declaration of what data to retrieve from the external data source. It also defines dependencies between different data tables and when data batching, watermarking, and grooming have finished.

  • Field. A single column in a data table.

  • DataCollection. A set of data tables to be transferred in one data transfer job or session. It defines which data tables are included in this data collection.

Properties in the custom management pack

The following table provides the details about each property in the custom Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack. Use these guidelines when you create the custom management pack.

Property Expected value Validation after import
ID For both DataProvider and DataConsumer templates as indicated in the sample Yes
DataConnector Properties
DataConnectorName For both DataProvider and DataConsumer templates - identical to the values in the sample Yes
IsProvider In DataProvider template - True

In DataConsumer template - False
SolutionName A comment. For example, it can indicate the type of the imported data. An attempt to import a management pack in which the solution name is already being used; it causes an error that is logged to the event log.
Entrypoint, EntryAssembly & WinformUIAssembly Identical to the value in the sample
InstallSQLScripts section SQL scripts that must run after the staging tables are set up. They're usually used in the DataConsumer template to configure views that display data from the staging tables.

Everything that is enclosed between the <Script></Script> tags is expected to be valid SQL script. Therefore, for comments, you must use the /* and the */ multi-line comment delimiters instead of the standard XML comment tags.
Not validated. Use custom table names to ensure that this does not cause overwriting or changing any tables except the ones that are declared in the management pack.
UnInstallSQLScripts section SQL scripts that must run after you delete the Configuration Manager Connector management pack in the Service Manager console.

Everything that is enclosed between the <Script></Script> tags is expected to be valid SQL script. Therefore, for comments, you must use the /* and the */ multi-line comment delimiters instead of the standard XML comment tags.
Not validated. Use custom table names to ensure that this does not cause overwriting or changing any tables except the tables that are declared in the management pack.
DisableParallelProcessing True
DataTable Properties
DataName The table from which to import data. It's used in the user interface (UI) and not used in queries.
StageTableName The name of the staging table. It must be unique. An attempt to import a management pack, in which the table name is already being used, causes an error to be logged to the event log.
WatermarkField The name of the rowversion column
WatermarkType Possible values are:

- 0-Indicates DateTime type
- 1-Indicates the Timestamp type
- (-1)-Indicates no watermarking, in which case WatermarkField becomes optional
Other types of watermarking aren't supported.
BatchIdField The name of the column that has good selectivity; used to separate incremental data into batches when importing to staging tables
BatchIdType Possible values are:

- 0-Int
- (-1)-No batching, in which case BatchIdField becomes optional
Integer column
BatchIdSize The size of the batch, if batching is used. A high number indicates that much data is being read or written at the same time. The recommended value is 500. Integer column
UseCache True
GroomType Possible values are:

- 1-The data in staging tables can be groomed after it's transferred to the Service Manager database.
- 2-The data in staging tables is groomed only after it's marked as deleted in the Configuration Manager database and has also been deleted in the Service Manager database because of the Service Manager connector synchronization.
QueryString The actual query that Configuration Manager 2007 uses to retrieve the requested data. The query must be of the form:


FROM ...



The WHERE clause can contain the $COLLECTIONLIST token. During synchronization, this token is replaced by the collections that are specified in the System Center Configuration Manager Connector Wizard.

The data that is exposed by Configuration Manager SCCM_Ext.* views is supported for import. This data can be extended by using standard sms_def.mof extensions or by using noidmifs. Other tables aren't supported.

Notably, subqueries aren't supported, but joins to other tables are supported.
Not validated. All queries have an Lfx_Status column with value U or D, indicating whether the row represents an Update or a Delete operation.
CollectionName A name for a group of data tables; this name must be unique. Tables in the same collection can't depend on each other. An attempt to import a management pack, in which the collection name is already being used, causes an error to be logged to the event log.
PrimaryKeyName A section that declares the unique primary key name for the staging table. An attempt to import a management pack, in which the key name is already being used, causes an error to be logged to the event log.
DependOnDataTable The name or names of DataTable that must be synchronized first before this one. Typically, this is used to synchronize the staging table before the system reads it in the Consumer view.

If you're using multiple collections, dependency should be expressed only between tables in different collections.
Not validated
DataField Properties
Name, Type, AllowNull These are required fields for any column type. Supported types are int, nvarchar, datetime and xml. Not validated
PrimaryKeyACs, PrimaryKeyPosition If part of primary key indicates the position from the left in the primary key. Lfx adds two internal use columns (Lfx_Status, Lfx_SourceId) to the PK at the end.
Collation DATABASE_DEFAULT Not validated
DataCollection Properties
DataCollectionName Must be identical to what is referenced by a DataTable property An attempt to import a management pack, in which the collection name is already being used, causes an error to be logged to the event log.
StagingName In DataProvider template-DefaultCache

In DataConsumer template-Not present
Not validated
DataTables Comma-separated value (CSV) list of tables referencing this collection
Settings In DataProvider template-Not present

In DataConsumer template-Indicates type mapping
Escaped XML with following syntax:



<MPVersion>version of MP</MPVersion>

<MPToken>token for MP</MPToken>

Custom Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management packs samples

The following are schema definitions and Configuration Manager Connector management pack samples that import data from the Configuration Manager SCCM_Ext.vex_GS_PC_BIOS view.

Refer to the table earlier in this article for more information about the properties of these management packs. Use an XML editor, such as the editor in Microsoft Visual Studio, to modify these samples to fit your import scenarios.

Import data from a hosted class

When you're specifying a class that is hosted, the view in the DataConsumer template should include columns for the key property of the parent class. In this sample, the class that contains the BIOS information is hosted under a computer.

In this example, the Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack has two collections in the DataProvider and in the DataConsumer sections, one for importing the computers data and the second to import the BIOS data.

Class Definition

<ManagementPack xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsl="" ContentReadable="true" SchemaVersion="1.1" OriginalSchemaVersion="1.1">
    <Name>BIOS Class MP</Name>
      <Reference Alias="System">
      <Reference Alias="Windows">
        <ClassType ID="HostedCustomClass" Accessibility="Public" Base="System!System.ConfigItem" Hosted="true" Abstract="false">
            <Property ID="SerialNumber" Type="string" Key="true"/>
        <RelationshipType ID="Microsoft.Windows.ComputerHostsBIOS" Accessibility="Public" Base="System!System.Hosting">
          <Source ID="Computer" Type="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Computer" />
          <Target ID="BIOSClass" Type="HostedCustomClass" />

Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack

<ManagementPack xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsl="" ContentReadable="true" SchemaVersion="1.1" OriginalSchemaVersion="1.1">
      <Reference Alias="System">
      <Reference Alias="LFX">
    <ObjectTemplate ID="DataProvider.Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Connector.Sms" TypeID="LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector.Projection">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/DataConnectorName$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/IsProvider$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/SolutionName$">SampleBIOS</Property>
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/EntryPoint$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/EntryAssembly$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/WinFormUIAssembly$">
          Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Connector.Sms, Version="7.0.5000.0", Culture=neutral,
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/InstallSQLScripts$"></Property>
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/DisableParallelProcess$">

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DataName$">SCCM_Ext.Sample_vex_R_System</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/StageTableName$">Sample_SMS_vex_R_System</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkField$">S.[rowversion]</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkType$">1</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdField$">S.[ResourceID]</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdSize$">2000</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/UseCache$">true</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/GroomType$">2</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/QueryString$"><![CDATA[
                            SELECT S.ResourceID,
                                S.ChangeAction as Lfx_Status,
                            FROM SCCM_Ext.vex_R_System S
                            INNER JOIN SCCM_Ext.vex_FullCollectionMembership CM
                                ON S.ResourceID = CM.ResourceID
                            INNER JOIN SCCM_Ext.vex_Collection C
                                ON C.CollectionID = CM.CollectionID
                            WHERE ((S.ChangeAction = 'U' AND S.Client_Type0 != 3 AND S.Hardware_ID0 IS NOT NULL)
                                  OR S.ChangeAction = 'D')
                                  AND $COLLECTIONLIST
                            ORDER BY S.rowversion
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/CollectionName$">BIOSComputers</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/PrimaryKeyName$">[Sample_SMS_PK_v_R_SYSTEM]</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">[ResourceID]</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">Int</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">false</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyPosition$">0</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyAcs$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">Netbios_Name0</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">NVarChar</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Size$">64</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Collation$">DATABASE_DEFAULT</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">NVarChar</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Size$">255</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Collation$">DATABASE_DEFAULT</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">true</Property>

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DataName$">SCCM_Ext.Sample_vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/StageTableName$">Sample_SMS_vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkField$">CS.[rowversion]</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkType$">1</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdField$">CS.[ResourceID]</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdSize$">2000</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/UseCache$">true</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/GroomType$">2</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/QueryString$"><![CDATA[
                            SELECT CS.ResourceID,
                                    CS.ChangeAction as Lfx_Status,
                            FROM SCCM_Ext.vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS
                            INNER JOIN SCCM_Ext.vex_FullCollectionMembership CM
                                ON CS.ResourceID = CM.ResourceID
                            INNER JOIN SCCM_Ext.vex_Collection C
                                ON C.CollectionID = CM.CollectionID  
                            WHERE $COLLECTIONLIST
                            ORDER BY CS.rowversion
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/CollectionName$">BIOSComputers</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/PrimaryKeyName$">[Sample_SMS_PK_v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM]</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">[ResourceID]</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">Int</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">false</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyPosition$">0</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyAcs$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">[GroupKey]</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">Int</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">false</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyPosition$">1</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyAcs$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">[Name0]</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">NVarChar</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Size$">64</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Collation$">DATABASE_DEFAULT</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">[Domain0]</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">NVarChar</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Size$">32</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Collation$">DATABASE_DEFAULT</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">true</Property>

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DataName$">SCCM_Ext.vex_GS_PC_BIOS</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/StageTableName$">Sample_SMS_vex_GS_PC_BIOS</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkField$">S.[rowversion]</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkType$">1</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdField$">S.[ResourceID]</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdSize$">2000</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/UseCache$">true</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/GroomType$">2</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/QueryString$"><![CDATA[
                      SELECT S.ChangeAction as Lfx_Status,
                      FROM SCCM_Ext.vex_GS_PC_BIOS S
                      INNER JOIN SCCM_Ext.vex_FullCollectionMembership CM
                        ON S.ResourceID = CM.ResourceID
                      INNER JOIN SCCM_Ext.vex_Collection C
                        ON C.CollectionID = CM.CollectionID
                      WHERE C.ChangeAction = 'U' AND CM.ChangeAction = 'U' AND $COLLECTIONLIST
                      ORDER BY S.rowversion
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/CollectionName$">Sample_SMS_PROVIDER_BIOS_COLLECTION</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/PrimaryKeyName$">[Sample_SMS_PK_v_GS_BIOS1]</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">[ResourceID]</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">Int</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">false</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyPosition$">0</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/PrimaryKeyAcs$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">BatchingKey</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">Int</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">false</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">GroupKey</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">Int</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">true</Property>
        <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Name$">SerialNumber0</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Type$">NVarChar</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Size$">34</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/Collation$">DATABASE_DEFAULT</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.Field']/AllowNull$">true</Property>

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']$">
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataCollectionName$">BIOSComputers</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/StagingName$">DefaultCache</Property>
          <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataTables$">SCCM_Ext.Sample_vex_R_System,SCCM_Ext.Sample_vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM</Property>
      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataCollectionName$">Sample_SMS_PROVIDER_BIOS_COLLECTION</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/StagingName$">DefaultCache</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataTables$">SCCM_Ext.vex_GS_PC_BIOS</Property>

    <ObjectTemplate ID="DataConsumer.Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Connector.Sms" TypeID="LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector.Projection">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/DataConnectorName$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/IsProvider$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/SolutionName$">SampleBIOS</Property>
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/EntryPoint$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/EntryAssembly$">
      <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/InstallSQLScripts$"><![CDATA[
                             if not object_id('[LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer]') is null
                                drop view [LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer];
                             exec ('
                                CREATE VIEW [LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer] AS
                                    SELECT S.Lfx_RowId,
                                           CS.Name0 AS ''DisplayName'',
                                           COALESCE(CS.Name0, S.Netbios_Name0)
                                    + ''.'' + COALESCE(CS.Domain0, S.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0) AS ''PrincipalName''
                                    FROM LFXSTG.Sample_SMS_vex_R_System S
                                    INNER JOIN LFXSTG.Sample_SMS_vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS
                                         ON S.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID AND S.Lfx_SourceId = CS.Lfx_SourceId
                                    WHERE S.Netbios_Name0 IS NOT NULL
                                        AND S.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0 IS NOT NULL

                            if not object_id('[LFXSTG].[v_Sample_BIOS]') is null
                                drop view [LFXSTG].[v_Sample_BIOS]
                            exec ('
                                CREATE VIEW [LFXSTG].[v_Sample_BIOS] AS
                                    SELECT P.Lfx_RowId AS Lfx_RowId,
                                        P.Lfx_Timestamp AS Lfx_Timestamp,
                                        P.Lfx_Status as Lfx_Status,
                                        P.SerialNumber0 AS ''SerialNumber'',
                                        COALESCE(CS.Name0, S.Netbios_Name0) + ''.'' + COALESCE(CS.Domain0, S.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0) AS ''PrincipalName''
                                    FROM [LFXSTG].Sample_SMS_vex_GS_PC_BIOS P
                                    INNER JOIN [LFXSTG]. Sample_SMS_vex_R_System S
                                        ON P.ResourceID=S.ResourceID AND P.Lfx_SourceId = S.Lfx_SourceId
                                    INNER JOIN [LFXSTG]. Sample_SMS_vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS
                                        ON S.ResourceID=CS.ResourceID
                                           AND S.Lfx_SourceId = CS.Lfx_SourceId
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataConnector']/UninstallSQLScripts$"><![CDATA[
                            if not object_id('[LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer]') is null
                                drop view [LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer];

                            if not object_id('[LFXSTG].[v_Sample_BIOS]') IS NULL
                                drop view [LFXSTG].[v_Sample_BIOS];

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DataName$">Sample_SMS_Computer</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkField$">E.Lfx_Timestamp</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdField$">E.Lfx_RowId</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdSize$">500</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/UseCache$">false</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/QueryString$"><![CDATA[
                            SELECT * FROM [LFXSTG].v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer E
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/CollectionName$">Sample_SMS_Computers_COLLECTION</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DependOnDataTable$">SCCM_Ext.Sample_vex_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM,SCCM_Ext.Sample_vex_R_System</Property>

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DataName$">Sample_SMS_BIOS_CONSUMER_VIEW</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkField$">C.Lfx_Timestamp</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/WatermarkType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdField$">C.Lfx_RowId</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdType$">0</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/BatchIdSize$">500</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/UseCache$">False</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/QueryString$"><![CDATA[
                        select C.* from [LFXSTG].v_Sample_BIOS C
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/CollectionName$">Sample_SMS_BIOS_CONSUMER_COLLECTION</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataTable']/DependOnDataTable$">SCCM_Ext.vex_GS_PC_BIOS, Sample_SMS_Computer</Property>

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataCollectionName$">Sample_SMS_Computers_COLLECTION</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataTables$">Sample_SMS_Computer</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/Settings$"><![CDATA[
<TypeName xmlns="">Microsoft.Windows.Computer</TypeName>
<MPName xmlns="">Microsoft.Windows.Library</MPName>
<MPVersion xmlns="">7.0.5229.0</MPVersion>
<MPToken xmlns="">31bf3856ad364e35</MPToken>

      <Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']$">
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataCollectionName$">Sample_SMS_BIOS_CONSUMER_COLLECTION</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/DataTables$">Sample_SMS_BIOS_CONSUMER_VIEW</Property>
        <Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!System.LinkingFramework.DataCollection']/Settings$"><![CDATA[
<TypeName xmlns="">HostedCustomClass</TypeName>
<MPName xmlns="">SampleBIOSMP</MPName>
<MPVersion xmlns=""></MPVersion>

Next steps