

MSreplication_monitordata (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

The MSreplication_monitordata table contains cached data used by Replication Monitor, with one row for each monitored subscription. This table is stored in the distribution database.

Column name Data type Description
lastrefresh datetime Date and time that the monitor data was refreshed.
computetime int Is the time (in seconds) taken to compute monitor data.
publication_id int The publication ID.
publisher sysname The name of the Publisher.
publisher_srvid int The server ID of the Publisher.
publisher_db sysname The name of the publication database.
publication sysname The name of the publication.
publication_type int The type of publication, which can be one of these values:

0 = Transactional publication

1 = Snapshot publication

2 = Merge publication
agent_type int The type of replication agent, which can be one of these values.

1 = Snapshot Agent

2 = Log Reader Agent

3 = Distribution Agent

4 = Merge Agent

9 = Queue Reader Agent
agent_id int The ID of the replication agent.
agent_name sysname The name of the replication agent job.
job_id uniqueidentifier The GUID of the replication agent job.
status int Status of the replication agent, which can be one of these values:

1 = Started

2 = Succeeded

3 = In progress

4 = Idle

5 = Retrying

6 = Failed
isagentrunningnow bit A flag that indicates if the agent job is currently running, where a value of 1 means that the job is running.
warning int Threshold warning generated by a subscription, which can be the logical OR result of one or more of these values.

1 = expiration - a subscription to a transactional publication has exceeded the retention period by more than the allowable threshold, as a percentage of the retention period.

2 = latency - the time taken to replicate data from a transactional Publisher to the Subscriber exceeds the threshold, in seconds.

4 = mergeexpiration - a subscription to a merge publication has exceeded the retention period by more than the allowable threshold, as a percentage of the retention period. 8 = mergefastrunduration - the time taken to complete synchronization of a merge subscription exceeds the threshold, in seconds, over a fast network connection.

16 = mergeslowrunduration - the time taken to complete synchronization of a merge subscription exceeds the threshold, in seconds, over a slow or dial-up network connection.

32 = mergefastrunspeed - the delivery rate for rows during synchronization of a merge subscription has failed to maintain the threshold rate, in rows per second, over a fast network connection.

64 = mergeslowrunspeed - the delivery rate for rows during synchronization of a merge subscription has failed to maintain the threshold rate, in rows per second, over a slow or dial-up network connection.
last_distsync datetime The last date and time that the Distribution Agent ran.
agentstoptime datetime The date and time that the agent stopped.
distdb sysname Name of the distribution database for the subscription.
retention int The retention period for the publication.
time_stamp datetime Internal-use only.
worst_latency int The highest latency, in seconds, for data changes propagated by the Log Reader or Distribution Agents for a transactional publication.
best_latency int The lowest latency, in seconds, for data changes propagated by the Log Reader or Distribution Agents for a transactional publication.
avg_latency int The average latency, in seconds, for data changes propagated by the Log Reader or Distribution Agents for a transactional publication.
cur_latency int The latency, in seconds, for data changes propagated by the Log Reader or Distribution Agents during the current run.
worst_runspeedPerf int The longest synchronization time for the merge publication
best_runspeedPerf int The shortest synchronization time for the merge publication
average_runspeedPerf int The average synchronization time for the merge publication
mergePerformance int Performance of the last synchronization compared to all synchronizations for the subscription, which is based on the delivery rate of the last synchronization divided by the average of all previous delivery rates.
mergelatestsessionrunduration int Duration of the most recent Merge Agent run.
mergelatestsessionrunspeed float(53) Delivery rate of the most recent Merge Agent run.
mergelatestsessionconnectiontype int Connection used for the most recent Merge Agent session, which can be one of the following values:

1 = local area network (LAN)

2 = dial-up network connection
retention_period_unit tinyint Defines the unit used when defining retention, which can be one of these values:

1 = week

2 = month

3 = year

See Also

Programmatically Monitor Replication
Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)
sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription (Transact-SQL)
sp_replmonitorhelppublication (Transact-SQL)
sp_replmonitorhelppublisher (Transact-SQL)
sp_replmonitorhelpmergesession (Transact-SQL)
sp_replmonitorhelppublicationthresholds (Transact-SQL)
sp_replmonitorhelpmergesessiondetail (Transact-SQL)