

sp_helppullsubscription (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Displays information about one or more subscriptions at the Subscriber. This stored procedure is executed at the Subscriber on the subscription database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @publisher = ] N'publisher' ]
    [ , [ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db' ]
    [ , [ @publication = ] N'publication' ]
    [ , [ @show_push = ] N'show_push' ]
[ ; ]


[ @publisher = ] N'publisher'

The name of the remote server. @publisher is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information for all Publishers.

[ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db'

The name of the Publisher database. @publisher_db is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all the Publisher databases.

[ @publication = ] N'publication'

The name of the publication. @publication is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all the publications. If this parameter equals to ALL, only pull subscriptions with independent_agent = 0 are returned.

[ @show_push = ] N'show_push'

Specifies whether all push subscriptions are to be returned. @show_push is nvarchar(5), with a default of false, which doesn't return push subscriptions.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
publisher sysname Name of the Publisher.
publisher database sysname Name of the Publisher database.
publication sysname Name of the publication.
independent_agent bit Indicates whether there's a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication.
subscription type int Subscription type to the publication.
distribution agent nvarchar(100) Distribution Agent handling the subscription.
publication description nvarchar(255) Description of the publication.
last updating time date Time the subscription information was updated. This value is a Unicode string of ISO date (114) + ODBC time (121). The format is yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.nnn where yyyy is year, MM is month, dd is day, HH is hour, mm is minute, ss is seconds, and nnn is milliseconds.
subscription name varchar(386) Name of the subscription.
last transaction timestamp varbinary(16) Timestamp of the last replicated transaction.
update mode tinyint Type of updates allowed.
distribution agent job_id int Job ID of the Distribution Agent.
enabled_for_synmgr int Specifies whether the subscription can be synchronized through the Microsoft Synchronization Manager.
subscription guid binary(16) Global identifier for the version of the subscription on the publication.
subid binary(16) Global identifier for an anonymous subscription.
immediate_sync bit Specifies whether the synchronization files are created or re-created each time the Snapshot Agent runs.
publisher login sysname Login ID used at the Publisher for SQL Server Authentication.
publisher password nvarchar(524) Password (encrypted) used at the Publisher for SQL Server Authentication.
publisher security_mode int Security mode implemented at the Publisher:

0 = SQL Server Authentication
1 = Windows Authentication
2 = The synchronization triggers use a static sysservers entry to do remote procedure call (RPC), and publisher must be defined in the sysservers table as a remote server or linked server.
distributor sysname Name of the Distributor.
distributor_login sysname Login ID used at the Distributor for SQL Server Authentication.
distributor_password nvarchar(524) Password (encrypted) used at the Distributor for SQL Server Authentication.
distributor_security_mode int Security mode implemented at the Distributor:

0 = SQL Server Authentication
1 = Windows Authentication
ftp_address sysname This parameter is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility of scripts.
ftp_port int This parameter is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility of scripts.
ftp_login sysname This parameter is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility of scripts.
ftp_password nvarchar(524) This parameter is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility of scripts.
alt_snapshot_folder nvarchar(255) Location where snapshot folder is stored if the location is other than or in addition to the default location.
working_directory nvarchar(255) Fully qualified path to the directory where snapshot files are transferred using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) when that option is specified.
use_ftp bit Subscription is subscribing to Publication over the Internet and FTP addressing properties are configured. If 0, Subscription isn't using FTP. If 1, subscription is using FTP.
publication_type int Specifies the replication type of the publication:

0 = Transactional replication
1 = Snapshot replication
2 = Merge replication
dts_package_name sysname Specifies the name of the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package.
dts_package_location int Location where the DTS package is stored:

0 = Distributor
1 = Subscriber
offload_agent bit Specifies if the agent can be activated remotely. If 0, the agent can't be activated remotely.
offload_server sysname Specifies the network name of the server used for remote activation.
last_sync_status int Subscription status:

0 = All jobs are waiting to start
1 = One or more jobs are starting
2 = All jobs executed successfully
3 = At least one job is executing
4 = All jobs are scheduled and idle
5 = At least one job is attempting to execute after a previous failure
6 = At least one job failed to execute successfully
last_sync_summary sysname Description of last synchronization results.
last_sync_time datetime Time the subscription information was updated. This value is a Unicode string of ISO date (114) + ODBC time (121). The format is yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.nnn where yyyy is year, MM is month, dd is day, HH is hour, mm is minute, ss is seconds, and nnn is milliseconds.
job_login nvarchar(512) Is the Windows account under which the Distribution agent runs, which is returned in the format domain\username.
job_password sysname For security reasons, a value of ********** is always returned.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_helppullsubscription is used in snapshot and transactional replication.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_helppullsubscription .