
What is a Lock?

Locking is the process by which a DBMS restricts access to a row in a multi-user environment. When a row or column is exclusively locked, other users are not permitted to access the locked data until the lock is released. This ensures that two users cannot simultaneously update the same column in a row.

Locks can be very expensive from a resource perspective and should be used only when required to preserve data integrity. In a database where hundreds or thousands of users could be trying to access a record every second - such as a database connected to the Internet - unnecessary locking could quickly result in slower performance in your application.

You can control how the data source and the ADO cursor library manage concurrency by choosing the appropriate locking option.

Set the LockType property before opening a Recordset to specify what type of locking the provider should use when opening it. Read the property to return the type of locking in use on an open Recordset object.

Providers might not support all lock types. If a provider cannot support the requested LockType setting, it will substitute another type of locking. To determine the actual locking functionality available in a Recordset object, use the Supports method with adUpdate and adUpdateBatch.

The adLockPessimistic setting is not supported if the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient. If an unsupported value is set, no error will result; the closest supported LockType will be used instead.

The LockType property is read/write when the Recordset is closed, and read-only when it is open.

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