
Cursor and Lock Characteristics

While the characteristics of a cursor depend upon capabilities of the provider, the following advantages and disadvantages generally apply to the various types of cursors and locks.

Cursor or lock type Advantages Disadvantages
adOpenForwardOnly - Low resource requirements - Cannot scroll backward
- No data concurrency
adOpenStatic - Scrollable - No data concurrency
adOpenKeyset - Some data concurrency
- Scrollable
- Higher resource requirements
- Not available in disconnected scenario
adOpenDynamic - High data concurrency
- Scrollable
- Highest resource requirements
- Not available in disconnected scenario
adLockReadOnly - Low resource requirements
- Highly scalable
- Data not updatable through cursor
adLockBatchOptimistic - Batch updates
- Allows disconnected scenarios
- Other users able to access data
- Data can be changed by multiple users at once
adLockPessimistic - Data cannot be changed by other users while locked - Prevents other users from accessing data while locked
adLockOptimistic - Other users able to access data - Data can be changed by multiple users at once