Migration workflow report and error codes
When migrating SharePoint Server workflows to Microsoft 365 using the SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT), reports are automatically generated. Any error codes encountered are listed below.
Workflow migration reports
The work migration task generates two reports, one for scans and the other for the migration. These reports will saved to the WF_xxx/Report/TaskReport_xxx/ folder.
- Workflow scans: WorkflowScanReport.csv
- Workflow migrations: WorkflowMigrationReport.csv
Report column name | Notes |
Source association URL | Source SharePoint object URL that is associated with the workflow. It can be URL of list, library, site |
Destination association URL | Destination SharePoint object URL that is associated with the migrated Power Automate flow. It can be the URL of a list or library. |
Source workflow URL | Location of the source workflow. |
Destination workflow URL | The location where the workflow is migrated. |
Source workflow ID | |
Destination flow ID | |
Source workflow name | |
Destination flow name | |
Solution name | The name of Power Automate solution that contains migrated flows. Flow owner can find migrated flows in the solution. |
Source workflow owner | The creator of source workflow instance |
Destination flow owner | The owner(s) of migrated Power Automate flow |
Association type | Possible values: List, Site, or Content type |
Workflow version | Possible values: Workflow 2010, Workflow 2013 |
Workflow template name | |
Workflow accessed date | Latest execution/modification date of the workflow |
Total action count | The count of actions for SPD workflow |
Unsupported actions | List of actions that aren't supported by migration tool |
Status | Possible values: Migrated, Failed, or Skipped, Scan Finished. |
Result category | Possible values: Migrated, Scan Finished, SCAN FILTER, MIGRATION SKIP, SCAN FAILURE, FLOW CREATE FAILURE |
Message | Error message |
Error code |
Workflow migration errors
When a scan or migration fails with either a SCAN FAILURE or FLOW CREATE FAILURE, the error message and code are provided in the report.
Error message | Error code | Suggested action |
SharePoint workflow scan unknown error. | 0x02110001 | |
SharePoint workflow subscription found without a workflow definition. | 0x02110002 | Confirm the workflow has valid definition |
SharePoint workflow parse unknown error. | 0x02110011 | |
SharePoint workflow parse initial variables failed. | 0x02110012 | |
SharePoint workflow parse activities failed. | 0x02110013 | |
SharePoint workflow definition can't be loaded. | 0x02110014 | Confirm the workflow has valid definition |
SharePoint workflow association data can't be loaded. | 0x02110015 | Check your workflow and associate it with a list or library |
SharePoint workflow parse initial operator failed. | 0x02110016 | |
SharePoint workflow template isn't supported. | 0x02110021 | |
SharePoint workflow associated with a site or site level content type isn't supported. | 0x02110022 | |
SharePoint workflow can't convert to cloud flow because some variables aren't supported. | 0x02110023 | |
SharePoint workflow can't convert to cloud flow because some actions aren't supported. | 0x02110024 | |
Workflow migration failed because of unsupported variables or activities. | 0x02110024 | |
Workflow stage isn't supported. It may contain circle stage dependency in the flow definition. | 0x02110025 | |
SharePoint Workflow definition contains unsupported actions. | 0x02110026 | You can select "Convert to compose action" in settings, and try migration again to convert unsupported action to compose. |
Not all dependencies used in SharePoint workflow are resolved. | 0x02110041 | Resolve dependencies (user or list), then retry migration. |
Lookup list used in SharePoint workflow can't be mapped to target list. | 0x02110042 | Migrate the lookup list to SPO, then retry migration. |
Can't get flow owner's AAD ID. | 0x02110044 | Map flow owner to a valid AAD user, then retry migration. |
SharePoint workflow is filtered out because its association list or content type is out of migration scope. | 0x02210031 | If you migrate workflows of a single list, try to perform workflow migration of its site. If the workflow is associated to a content type, manually create the content type on SPO list or library and try workflow migration again. |
SharePoint workflow is filtered out because no new instances are allowed. | 0x02210032 | Confirm the workflow is still in use. If you want to continue the migration, reactivate the workflow. |
SharePoint workflow is filtered out because no SharePoint object is associated. | 0x02210033 | Check your workflow and associate it with a list or library |
SharePoint workflow is filtered out because no triggers are configured. | 0x02210034 | Confirm the workflow is still in use. If you want to continue the migration, please reactivate the workflow. |
SharePoint workflow is filtered out because it is a draft, please publish it and try to migrate it again. | 0x02210035 | Publish your workflow and try migration again. |
Workflow migration failed. | 0x02810051 | |
Workflow migration failed because flow owner isn't found. | 0x02810052 | Check the user mapping file or AAD lookup to make workflow owner can be mapped to a AAD user. |
Workflow migration failed because flow approvers aren't found. | 0x02810053 | Check the user mapping file or AAD lookup to make sure the approver in Workflow can be mapped to a AAD user. |
Workflow migration failed because association data is missing. | 0x02810054 | Check your workflow and associate it with a list or library and check OOTB workflow includes necessary data. |
SharePoint workflow is skipped because it has been migrated before. | 0x02810055 | |
Unable to create flow. | 0x02810061 | |
Can't find the Flow owner in CDS | 0x02810062 | Make sure flow owner existed in Power Platform. |
Invalid parameters to create flows. Contact with Microsoft for details. | 0x02810063 | |
No flow is going to be created. Contact with Microsoft for details. | 0x02810064 | |
Fails to detect the endpoints of the BAP environment | 0x02810065 | Make sure your custom endpoint file is valid. |
Can't access BAP environment | 0x02810066 | Make migrator user can access Business Applications Platform. |
Unable to get Power Platform's default environment. | 0x02810067 | Check if tenant has power automate license and if database is created |
Can't access CDS | 0x02810068 | Make migrator user can access Common Data Service. |
Unable to create CDS user because can't fetch the business unit in CDS | 0x02810070 | You can create flow owner user manually in power platform admin center. Assign Basic User and Environment Maker security role to this user. Then migrate the workflow again. |
Unable to create CDS user because can't detect the built-in roles in CDS | 0x02810071 | Retry migration |
Unable to fetch existing flows from the environment | 0x02810072 | You can create flow owner user manually in power platform admin center. Assign Basic User and Environment Maker security role to this user. Then migrate the workflow again. |
Unable to create user in Power Platform's default environment. | 0x02810073 | You can create flow owner user manually in power platform admin center. Assign Basic User and Environment Maker security role to this user. Then migrate the workflow again. |
Unable to get the publisher | 0x02810074 | Retry migration |
Unable to publish solution. | 0x02810075 | Retry migration |
Workflow migration failed possibly because flow owner missing environment maker role. | 0x02810076 | Flow owner didn't meet the role prerequisite, please make sure flow owner have Basic User and Environment Make role. |