
PowerBIRestClient Class

REST client to access PowerBI REST endpoints. Authentication tokens are automatically acquired from the execution environment.

Experimental: This class is experimental and may change in future versions.


PowerBIRestClient(token_provider: TokenProvider | None = None, retry_config: Dict | None = None)


Name Description

Implementation of TokenProvider that can provide auth token for access to the PowerBI workspace. Will attempt to acquire token from its execution environment if not provided.

Default value: None

Configuration for the retry strategy. The following keys are filled with default values if not provided:

  • total: int, default=10
  • allowed_methods: list, default=["HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"]
  • status_forcelist: list, default=[429, 502, 503, 504]
  • backoff_factor: int, default=1
  • raise_on_status: bool, default=False
Default value: None