
Working with JNI and Xamarin.Android

Xamarin.Android permits writing Android apps with C# instead of Java. Several assemblies are provided with Xamarin.Android which provide bindings for Java libraries, including Mono.Android.dll and Mono.Android.GoogleMaps.dll. However, bindings are not provided for every possible Java library, and the bindings that are provided may not bind every Java type and member. To use unbound Java types and members, the Java Native Interface (JNI) may be used. This article illustrates how to use JNI to interact with Java types and members from Xamarin.Android applications.


It is not always necessary or possible to create a Managed Callable Wrapper (MCW) to invoke Java code. In many cases, "inline" JNI is perfectly acceptable and useful for one-off use of unbound Java members. It is often simpler to use JNI to invoke a single method on a Java class than to generate an entire .jar binding.

Xamarin.Android provides the Mono.Android.dll assembly, which provides a binding for Android's android.jar library. Types and members not present within Mono.Android.dll and types not present within android.jar may be used by manually binding them. To bind Java types and members, you use the Java Native Interface (JNI) to lookup types, read and write fields, and invoke methods.

The JNI API in Xamarin.Android is conceptually very similar to the System.Reflection API in .NET: it makes it possible for you to look up types and members by name, read and write field values, invoke methods, and more. You can use JNI and the Android.Runtime.RegisterAttribute custom attribute to declare virtual methods that can be bound to support overriding. You can bind interfaces so that they can be implemented in C#.

This document explains:

  • How JNI refers to types.
  • How to lookup, read, and write fields.
  • How to lookup and invoke methods.
  • How to expose virtual methods to allow overriding from managed code.
  • How to expose interfaces.


JNI, as exposed through the Android.Runtime.JNIEnv namespace, is available in every version of Xamarin.Android. To bind Java types and interfaces, you must use Xamarin.Android 4.0 or later.

Managed Callable Wrappers

A Managed Callable Wrapper (MCW) is a binding for a Java class or interface which wraps up the all the JNI machinery so that client C# code doesn't need to worry about the underlying complexity of JNI. Most of Mono.Android.dll consists of managed callable wrappers.

Managed callable wrappers serve two purposes:

  1. Encapsulate JNI use so that client code doesn't need to know about the underlying complexity.
  2. Make it possible to sub-class Java types and implement Java interfaces.

The first purpose is purely for convenience and encapsulation of complexity so that consumers have a simple, managed set of classes to use. This requires use of the various JNIEnv members as described later in this article. Keep in mind that managed callable wrappers aren't strictly necessary – "inline" JNI use is perfectly acceptable and is useful for one-off use of unbound Java members. Sub-classing and interface implementation requires the use of managed callable wrappers.

Android Callable Wrappers

Android callable wrappers (ACW) are required whenever the Android runtime (ART) needs to invoke managed code; these wrappers are required because there is no way to register classes with ART at runtime. (Specifically, the DefineClass JNI function is not supported by the Android runtime. Android callable wrappers thus make up for the lack of runtime type registration support.)

Whenever Android code needs to execute a virtual or interface method that is overridden or implemented in managed code, Xamarin.Android must provide a Java proxy so that this method gets dispatched to the appropriate managed type. These Java proxy types are Java code that have the "same" base class and Java interface list as the managed type, implementing the same constructors and declaring any overridden base class and interface methods.

Android callable wrappers are generated by the monodroid.exe program during the build process, and are generated for all types that (directly or indirectly) inherit Java.Lang.Object.

Implementing Interfaces

There are times when you may need to implement an Android interface, (such as Android.Content.IComponentCallbacks).

All Android classes and interfaces extend the Android.Runtime.IJavaObject interface; therefore, all Android types must implement IJavaObject. Xamarin.Android takes advantage of this fact – it uses IJavaObject to provide Android with a Java proxy (an Android callable wrapper) for the given managed type. Because monodroid.exe only looks for Java.Lang.Object subclasses (which must implement IJavaObject), subclassing Java.Lang.Object provides us with a way to implement interfaces in managed code. For example:

class MyComponentCallbacks : Java.Lang.Object, Android.Content.IComponentCallbacks {
    public void OnConfigurationChanged (Android.Content.Res.Configuration newConfig) {
        // implementation goes here...
    public void OnLowMemory () {
        // implementation goes here...

Implementation Details

The remainder of this article provides implementation details subject to change without notice (and is presented here only because developers may be curious about what's going on under the hood).

For example, given the following C# source:

using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;

namespace Mono.Samples.HelloWorld
    public class HelloAndroid : Activity
        protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
            base.OnCreate (savedInstanceState);
            SetContentView (R.layout.main);

The mandroid.exe program will generate the following Android Callable Wrapper:

package mono.samples.helloWorld;

public class HelloAndroid extends android.app.Activity {
    static final String __md_methods;
    static {
        __md_methods =
            "n_onCreate:(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V:GetOnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler\n" +
        mono.android.Runtime.register (
                "Mono.Samples.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid, HelloWorld, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",

    public HelloAndroid ()
        super ();
        if (getClass () == HelloAndroid.class)
            mono.android.TypeManager.Activate (
                "Mono.Samples.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid, HelloWorld, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
                "", this, new java.lang.Object[] { });

    public void onCreate (android.os.Bundle p0)
        n_onCreate (p0);

    private native void n_onCreate (android.os.Bundle p0);

Notice that the base class is preserved, and native method declarations are provided for each method that is overridden within managed code.

ExportAttribute and ExportFieldAttribute

Typically, Xamarin.Android automatically generates the Java code that comprises the ACW; this generation is based on the class and method names when a class derives from a Java class and overrides existing Java methods. However, in some scenarios, the code generation is not adequate, as outlined below:

  • Android supports action names in layout XML attributes, for example the android:onClick XML attribute. When it is specified, the inflated View instance tries to look up the Java method.

  • The java.io.Serializable interface requires readObject and writeObject methods. Since they are not members of this interface, our corresponding managed implementation does not expose these methods to Java code.

  • The android.os.Parcelable interface expects that an implementation class must have a static field CREATOR of type Parcelable.Creator. The generated Java code requires some explicit field. With our standard scenario, there is no way to output field in Java code from managed code.

Because code generation does not provide a solution to generate arbitrary Java methods with arbitrary names, starting with Xamarin.Android 4.2, the ExportAttribute and ExportFieldAttribute were introduced to offer a solution to the above scenarios. Both attributes reside in the Java.Interop namespace:

  • ExportAttribute – specifies a method name and its expected exception types (to give explicit "throws" in Java). When it is used on a method, the method will "export" a Java method that generates a dispatch code to the corresponding JNI invocation to the managed method. This can be used with android:onClick and java.io.Serializable.

  • ExportFieldAttribute – specifies a field name. It resides on a method that works as a field initializer. This can be used with android.os.Parcelable.

Troubleshooting ExportAttribute and ExportFieldAttribute

  • Packaging fails due to missing Mono.Android.Export.dll – if you used ExportAttribute or ExportFieldAttribute on some methods in your code or dependent libraries, you have to add Mono.Android.Export.dll. This assembly is isolated to support callback code from Java. It is separate from Mono.Android.dll as it adds additional size to the application.

  • In Release build, MissingMethodException occurs for Export methods – In Release build, MissingMethodException occurs for Export methods. (This issue is fixed in the latest version of Xamarin.Android.)


ExportAttribute and ExportFieldAttribute provide functionality that Java run-time code can use. This run-time code accesses managed code through the generated JNI methods driven by those attributes. As a result, there is no existing Java method that the managed method binds; hence, the Java method is generated from a managed method signature.

However, this case is not fully determinant. Most notably, this is true in some advanced mappings between managed types and Java types such as:

  • InputStream
  • OutputStream
  • XmlPullParser
  • XmlResourceParser

When types such as these are needed for exported methods, the ExportParameterAttribute must be used to explicitly give the corresponding parameter or return value a type.

Annotation Attribute

In Xamarin.Android 4.2, we converted IAnnotation implementation types into attributes (System.Attribute), and added support for annotation generation in Java wrappers.

This means the following directional changes:

  • The binding generator generates Java.Lang.DeprecatedAttribute from java.Lang.Deprecated (while it should be [Obsolete] in managed code).

  • This does not mean that existing Java.Lang.Deprecated class will vanish. These Java-based objects could be still used as usual Java objects (if such usage exists). There will be Deprecated and DeprecatedAttribute classes.

  • The Java.Lang.DeprecatedAttribute class is marked as [Annotation] . When there is a custom attribute that is inherited from this [Annotation] attribute, msbuild task will generate a Java annotation for that custom attribute (@Deprecated) in the Android Callable Wrapper (ACW).

  • Annotations could be generated onto classes, methods and exported fields (which is a method in managed code).

If the containing class (the annotated class itself, or the class that contains the annotated members) is not registered, the entire Java class source is not generated at all, including annotations. For methods, you can specify the ExportAttribute to get the method explicitly generated and annotated. Also, it is not a feature to "generate" a Java annotation class definition. In other words, if you define a custom managed attribute for a certain annotation, you'll have to add another .jar library that contains the corresponding Java annotation class. Adding a Java source file that defines the annotation type is not sufficient. The Java compiler does not work in the same way as apt.

Additionally the following limitations apply:

  • This conversion process does not consider @Target annotation on the annotation type so far.

  • Attributes onto a property does not work. Use attributes for property getter or setter instead.

Class Binding

Binding a class means writing a managed callable wrapper to simplify invocation of the underlying Java type.

Binding virtual and abstract methods to permit overriding from C# requires Xamarin.Android 4.0. However, any version of Xamarin.Android can bind non-virtual methods, static methods, or virtual methods without supporting overrides.

A binding typically contains the following items:

Declaring Type Handle

The field and method lookup methods require an object reference referring to their declaring type. By convention, this is held in a class_ref field:

static IntPtr class_ref = JNIEnv.FindClass(CLASS);

See the JNI Type References section for details about the CLASS token.

Binding Fields

Java fields are exposed as C# properties, for example the Java field java.lang.System.in is bound as the C# property Java.Lang.JavaSystem.In. Furthermore, since JNI distinguishes between static fields and instance fields, different methods be used when implementing the properties.

Field binding involves three sets of methods:

  1. The get field id method. The get field id method is responsible for returning a field handle that the get field value and set field value methods will use. Obtaining the field id requires knowing the declaring type, the name of the field, and the JNI type signature of the field.

  2. The get field value methods. These methods require the field handle and are responsible for reading the field's value from Java. The method to use depends upon the field's type.

  3. The set field value methods. These methods require the field handle and are responsible for writing the field's value within Java. The method to use depends upon the field's type.

Static fields use the JNIEnv.GetStaticFieldID, JNIEnv.GetStatic*Field, and JNIEnv.SetStaticField methods.

Instance fields use the JNIEnv.GetFieldID, JNIEnv.Get*Field, and JNIEnv.SetField methods.

For example, the static property JavaSystem.In can be implemented as:

static IntPtr in_jfieldID;
public static System.IO.Stream In
    get {
        if (in_jfieldId == IntPtr.Zero)
            in_jfieldId = JNIEnv.GetStaticFieldID (class_ref, "in", "Ljava/io/InputStream;");
        IntPtr __ret = JNIEnv.GetStaticObjectField (class_ref, in_jfieldId);
        return InputStreamInvoker.FromJniHandle (__ret, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef);

Note: We're using InputStreamInvoker.FromJniHandle to convert the JNI reference into a System.IO.Stream instance, and we're using JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef because JNIEnv.GetStaticObjectField returns a local reference.

Many of the Android.Runtime types have FromJniHandle methods which will convert a JNI reference into the desired type.

Method Binding

Java methods are exposed as C# methods and as C# properties. For example, the Java method java.lang.Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit method is bound as the Java.Lang.Runtime.RunFinalizersOnExit method, and the java.lang.Object.getClass method is bound as the Java.Lang.Object.Class property.

Method invocation is a two-step process:

  1. The get method id for the method to invoke. The get method id method is responsible for returning a method handle that the method invocation methods will use. Obtaining the method id requires knowing the declaring type, the name of the method, and the JNI type signature of the method.

  2. Invoke the method.

Just as with fields, the methods to use to get the method id and invoke the method differ between static methods and instance methods.

Static methods use JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID() to lookup the method id, and use the JNIEnv.CallStatic*Method family of methods for invocation.

Instance methods use JNIEnv.GetMethodID to lookup the method id, and use the JNIEnv.Call*Method and JNIEnv.CallNonvirtual*Method families of methods for invocation.

Method binding is potentially more than just method invocation. Method binding also includes allowing a method to be overridden (for abstract and non-final methods) or implemented (for interface methods). The Supporting Inheritance, Interfaces section covers the complexities of supporting virtual methods and interface methods.

Static Methods

Binding a static method involves using JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID to obtain a method handle, then using the appropriate JNIEnv.CallStatic*Method method, depending on the method's return type. The following is an example of a binding for the Runtime.getRuntime method:

static IntPtr id_getRuntime;

[Register ("getRuntime", "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;", "")]
public static Java.Lang.Runtime GetRuntime ()
    if (id_getRuntime == IntPtr.Zero)
        id_getRuntime = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID (class_ref,
                "getRuntime", "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;");

    return Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Java.Lang.Runtime> (
            JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod  (class_ref, id_getRuntime),

Note that we store the method handle in a static field, id_getRuntime. This is a performance optimization, so that the method handle doesn't need to be looked up on every invocation. It is not necessary to cache the method handle in this way. Once the method handle is obtained, JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod is used to invoke the method. JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod returns an IntPtr which contains the handle of the returned Java instance. Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<T>(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) is used to convert the Java handle into a strongly typed object instance.

Non-virtual Instance Method Binding

Binding a final instance method, or an instance method which doesn't require overriding, involves using JNIEnv.GetMethodID to obtain a method handle, then using the appropriate JNIEnv.Call*Method method, depending on the method's return type. The following is an example of a binding for the Object.Class property:

static IntPtr id_getClass;
public Java.Lang.Class Class {
    get {
        if (id_getClass == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_getClass = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "getClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;");
        return Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Java.Lang.Class> (
                JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod (Handle, id_getClass),

Note that we store the method handle in a static field, id_getClass. This is a performance optimization, so that the method handle doesn't need to be looked up on every invocation. It is not necessary to cache the method handle in this way. Once the method handle is obtained, JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod is used to invoke the method. JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod returns an IntPtr which contains the handle of the returned Java instance. Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<T>(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) is used to convert the Java handle into a strongly typed object instance.

Binding Constructors

Constructors are Java methods with the name "<init>". Just as with Java instance methods, JNIEnv.GetMethodID is used to lookup the constructor handle. Unlike Java methods, the JNIEnv.NewObject methods are used to invoke the constructor method handle. The return value of JNIEnv.NewObject is a JNI local reference:

int value = 42;
IntPtr class_ref    = JNIEnv.FindClass ("java/lang/Integer");
IntPtr id_ctor_I    = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "<init>", "(I)V");
IntPtr lrefInstance = JNIEnv.NewObject (class_ref, id_ctor_I, new JValue (value));
// Dispose of lrefInstance, class_ref…

Normally a class binding will subclass Java.Lang.Object. When subclassing Java.Lang.Object, an additional semantic comes into play: a Java.Lang.Object instance maintains a global reference to a Java instance through the Java.Lang.Object.Handle property.

  1. The Java.Lang.Object default constructor will allocate a Java instance.

  2. If the type has a RegisterAttribute , and RegisterAttribute.DoNotGenerateAcw is true , then an instance of the RegisterAttribute.Name type is created through its default constructor.

  3. Otherwise, the Android Callable Wrapper (ACW) corresponding to this.GetType is instantiated through its default constructor. Android Callable Wrappers are generated during package creation for every Java.Lang.Object subclass for which RegisterAttribute.DoNotGenerateAcw is not set to true.

For types which are not class bindings, this is the expected semantic: instantiating a Mono.Samples.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid C# instance should construct a Java mono.samples.helloworld.HelloAndroid instance which is a generated Android Callable Wrapper.

For class bindings, this may be the correct behavior if the Java type contains a default constructor and/or no other constructor needs to be invoked. Otherwise, a constructor must be provided which performs the following actions:

  1. Invoking the Java.Lang.Object(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) instead of the default Java.Lang.Object constructor. This is needed to avoid creating a new Java instance.

  2. Check the value of Java.Lang.Object.Handle before creating any Java instances. The Object.Handle property will have a value other than IntPtr.Zero if an Android Callable Wrapper was constructed in Java code, and the class binding is being constructed to contain the created Android Callable Wrapper instance. For example, when Android creates a mono.samples.helloworld.HelloAndroid instance, the Android Callable Wrapper will be created first , and the Java HelloAndroid constructor will create an instance of the corresponding Mono.Samples.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid type, with the Object.Handle property being set to the Java instance prior to constructor execution.

  3. If the current runtime type is not the same as the declaring type, then an instance of the corresponding Android Callable Wrapper must be created, and use Object.SetHandle to store the handle returned by JNIEnv.CreateInstance.

  4. If the current runtime type is the same as the declaring type, then invoke the Java constructor and use Object.SetHandle to store the handle returned by JNIEnv.NewInstance .

For example, consider the java.lang.Integer(int) constructor. This is bound as:

// Cache the constructor's method handle for later use
static IntPtr id_ctor_I;

// Need [Register] for subclassing
// RegisterAttribute.Name is always ".ctor"
// RegisterAttribute.Signature is tye JNI type signature of constructor
// RegisterAttribute.Connector is ignored; use ""
[Register (".ctor", "(I)V", "")]
public Integer (int value)
    // 1. Prevent Object default constructor execution
    : base (IntPtr.Zero, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer)
    // 2. Don't allocate Java instance if already allocated
    if (Handle != IntPtr.Zero)

    // 3. Derived type? Create Android Callable Wrapper
    if (GetType () != typeof (Integer)) {
        SetHandle (
                Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.CreateInstance (GetType (), "(I)V", new JValue (value)),

    // 4. Declaring type: lookup &amp; cache method id...
    if (id_ctor_I == IntPtr.Zero)
        id_ctor_I = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "<init>", "(I)V");
    // ...then create the Java instance and store
    SetHandle (
            JNIEnv.NewObject (class_ref, id_ctor_I, new JValue (value)),

The JNIEnv.CreateInstance methods are helpers to perform a JNIEnv.FindClass, JNIEnv.GetMethodID, JNIEnv.NewObject, and JNIEnv.DeleteGlobalReference on the value returned from JNIEnv.FindClass. See the next section for details.

Supporting Inheritance, Interfaces

Subclassing a Java type or implementing a Java interface requires the generation of Android Callable Wrappers (ACWs) that are generated for every Java.Lang.Object subclass during the packaging process. ACW generation is controlled through the Android.Runtime.RegisterAttribute custom attribute.

For C# types, the [Register] custom attribute constructor requires one argument: the JNI simplified type reference for the corresponding Java type. This allows providing different names between Java and C#.

Prior to Xamarin.Android 4.0, the [Register] custom attribute was unavailable to "alias" existing Java types. This is because the ACW generation process would generate ACWs for every Java.Lang.Object subclass encountered.

Xamarin.Android 4.0 introduced the RegisterAttribute.DoNotGenerateAcw property. This property instructs the ACW generation process to skip the annotated type, allowing the declaration of new Managed Callable Wrappers that will not result in ACWs being generated at package creation time. This allows binding existing Java types. For instance, consider the following simple Java class, Adder, which contains one method, add, that adds to integers and returns the result:

package mono.android.test;
public class Adder {
    public int add (int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

The Adder type could be bound as:

[Register ("mono/android/test/Adder", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public partial class Adder : Java.Lang.Object {
    static IntPtr class_ref = JNIEnv.FindClass ( "mono/android/test/Adder");

    public Adder ()

    public Adder (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        : base (handle, transfer)
partial class ManagedAdder : Adder {

Here, the Adder C# type aliases the Adder Java type. The [Register] attribute is used to specify the JNI name of the mono.android.test.Adder Java type, and the DoNotGenerateAcw property is used to inhibit ACW generation. This will result in the generation of an ACW for the ManagedAdder type, which properly subclasses the mono.android.test.Adder type. If the RegisterAttribute.DoNotGenerateAcw property hadn't been used, then the Xamarin.Android build process would have generated a new mono.android.test.Adder Java type. This would result in compilation errors, as the mono.android.test.Adder type would be present twice, in two separate files.

Binding Virtual Methods

ManagedAdder subclasses the Java Adder type, but it isn't particularly interesting: the C# Adder type doesn't define any virtual methods, so ManagedAdder can't override anything.

Binding virtual methods to permit overriding by subclasses requires several things that need to be done which fall into the following two categories:

  1. Method Binding

  2. Method Registration

Method Binding

A method binding requires the addition of two support members to the C# Adder definition: ThresholdType, and ThresholdClass.


The ThresholdType property returns the current type of the binding:

partial class Adder {
    protected override System.Type ThresholdType {
        get {
            return typeof (Adder);

ThresholdType is used in the Method Binding to determine when it should perform virtual vs. non-virtual method dispatch. It should always return a System.Type instance which corresponds to the declaring C# type.


The ThresholdClass property returns the JNI class reference for the bound type:

partial class Adder {
    protected override IntPtr ThresholdClass {
        get {
            return class_ref;

ThresholdClass is used in the Method Binding when invoking non-virtual methods.

Binding Implementation

The method binding implementation is responsible for runtime invocation of the Java method. It also contains a [Register] custom attribute declaration that is part of the method registration, and will be discussed in the Method Registration section:

[Register ("add", "(II)I", "GetAddHandler")]
    public virtual int Add (int a, int b)
        if (id_add == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_add = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "add", "(II)I");
        if (GetType () == ThresholdType)
            return JNIEnv.CallIntMethod (Handle, id_add, new JValue (a), new JValue (b));
        return JNIEnv.CallNonvirtualIntMethod (Handle, ThresholdClass, id_add, new JValue (a), new JValue (b));

The id_add field contains the method ID for the Java method to invoke. The id_add value is obtained from JNIEnv.GetMethodID, which requires the declaring class (class_ref), the Java method name ("add"), and the JNI signature of the method ("(II)I").

Once the method ID is obtained, GetType is compared to ThresholdType to determine if virtual or non-virtual dispatch is required. Virtual dispatch is required when GetType matches ThresholdType, as Handle may refer to a Java-allocated subclass which overrides the method.

When GetType doesn't match ThresholdType, Adder has been subclassed (e.g. by ManagedAdder), and the Adder.Add implementation will only be invoked if the subclass invoked base.Add. This is the non-virtual dispatch case, which is where ThresholdClass comes in. ThresholdClass specifies which Java class will provide the implementation of the method to invoke.

Method Registration

Assume we have an updated ManagedAdder definition which overrides the Adder.Add method:

partial class ManagedAdder : Adder {
    public override int Add (int a, int b) {
        return (a*2) + (b*2);

Recall that Adder.Add had a [Register] custom attribute:

[Register ("add", "(II)I", "GetAddHandler")]

The [Register] custom attribute constructor accepts three values:

  1. The name of the Java method, "add" in this case.

  2. The JNI Type Signature of the method, "(II)I" in this case.

  3. The connector method , GetAddHandler in this case. Connector methods will be discussed later.

The first two parameters allow the ACW generation process to generate a method declaration to override the method. The resulting ACW would contain some of the following code:

public class ManagedAdder extends mono.android.test.Adder {
    static final String __md_methods;
    static {
        __md_methods = "n_add:(II)I:GetAddHandler\n" +
        mono.android.Runtime.register (...);
    public int add (int p0, int p1) {
        return n_add (p0, p1);
    private native int n_add (int p0, int p1);
    // ...

Note that an @Override method is declared, which delegates to an n_-prefixed method of the same name. This ensure that when Java code invokes ManagedAdder.add, ManagedAdder.n_add will be invoked, which will allow the overriding C# ManagedAdder.Add method to be executed.

Thus, the most important question: how is ManagedAdder.n_add hooked up to ManagedAdder.Add?

Java native methods are registered with the Java (the Android runtime) runtime through the JNI RegisterNatives function. RegisterNatives takes an array of structures containing the Java method name, the JNI Type Signature, and a function pointer to invoke that follows JNI calling convention. The function pointer must be a function that takes two pointer arguments followed by the method parameters. The Java ManagedAdder.n_add method must be implemented through a function that has the following C prototype:

int FunctionName(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, int a, int b)

Xamarin.Android does not expose a RegisterNatives method. Instead, the ACW and the MCW together provide the information necessary to invoke RegisterNatives: the ACW contains the method name and the JNI type signature, the only thing missing is a function pointer to hook up.

This is where the connector method comes in. The third [Register] custom attribute parameter is the name of a method defined in the registered type or a base class of the registered type that accepts no parameters and returns a System.Delegate. The returned System.Delegate in turn refers to a method that has the correct JNI function signature. Finally, the delegate that the connector method returns must be rooted so that the GC doesn't collect it, as the delegate is being provided to Java.

#pragma warning disable 0169
static Delegate cb_add;
// This method must match the third parameter of the [Register]
// custom attribute, must be static, must return System.Delegate,
// and must accept no parameters.
static Delegate GetAddHandler ()
    if (cb_add == null)
        cb_add = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Func<IntPtr, IntPtr, int, int, int>) n_Add);
    return cb_add;
// This method is registered with JNI.
static int n_Add (IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr lrefThis, int a, int b)
    Adder __this = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Adder>(lrefThis, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer);
    return __this.Add (a, b);
#pragma warning restore 0169

The GetAddHandler method creates a Func<IntPtr, IntPtr, int, int, int> delegate which refers to the n_Add method, then invokes JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate. JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate wraps the provided method in a try/catch block, so that any unhandled exceptions are handled and will result in raising the AndroidEvent.UnhandledExceptionRaiser event. The resulting delegate is stored in the static cb_add variable so that the GC will not free the delegate.

Finally, the n_Add method is responsible for marshaling the JNI parameters to the corresponding managed types, then delegating the method call.

Note: Always use JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer when obtaining an MCW over a Java instance. Treating them as a local reference (and thus calling JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef) will break managed -> Java -> managed stack transitions.

Complete Adder Binding

The complete managed binding for the mono.android.tests.Adder type is:

[Register ("mono/android/test/Adder", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class Adder : Java.Lang.Object {

    static IntPtr class_ref = JNIEnv.FindClass ("mono/android/test/Adder");

    public Adder ()

    public Adder (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        : base (handle, transfer)

    protected override Type ThresholdType {
        get {return typeof (Adder);}

    protected override IntPtr ThresholdClass {
        get {return class_ref;}

#region Add
    static IntPtr id_add;

    [Register ("add", "(II)I", "GetAddHandler")]
    public virtual int Add (int a, int b)
        if (id_add == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_add = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "add", "(II)I");
        if (GetType () == ThresholdType)
            return JNIEnv.CallIntMethod (Handle, id_add, new JValue (a), new JValue (b));
        return JNIEnv.CallNonvirtualIntMethod (Handle, ThresholdClass, id_add, new JValue (a), new JValue (b));

#pragma warning disable 0169
    static Delegate cb_add;
    static Delegate GetAddHandler ()
        if (cb_add == null)
            cb_add = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Func<IntPtr, IntPtr, int, int, int>) n_Add);
        return cb_add;

    static int n_Add (IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr lrefThis, int a, int b)
        Adder __this = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Adder>(lrefThis, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer);
        return __this.Add (a, b);
#pragma warning restore 0169


When writing a type that matches the following criteria:

  1. Subclasses Java.Lang.Object

  2. Has a [Register] custom attribute

  3. RegisterAttribute.DoNotGenerateAcw is true

Then for GC interaction the type must not have any fields which may refer to a Java.Lang.Object or Java.Lang.Object subclass at runtime. For example, fields of type System.Object and any interface type are not permitted. Types which cannot refer to Java.Lang.Object instances are permitted, such as System.String and List<int>. This restriction is to prevent premature object collection by the GC.

If the type must contain an instance field that can refer to a Java.Lang.Object instance, then the field type must be System.WeakReference or GCHandle.

Binding Abstract Methods

Binding abstract methods is largely identical to binding virtual methods. There are only two differences:

  1. The abstract method is abstract. It still retains the [Register] attribute and the associated Method Registration, the Method Binding is just moved to the Invoker type.

  2. A non- abstract Invoker type is created which subclasses the abstract type. The Invoker type must override all abstract methods declared in the base class, and the overridden implementation is the Method Binding implementation, though the non-virtual dispatch case can be ignored.

For example, assume that the above mono.android.test.Adder.add method were abstract. The C# binding would change so that Adder.Add were abstract, and a new AdderInvoker type would be defined which implemented Adder.Add:

partial class Adder {
    [Register ("add", "(II)I", "GetAddHandler")]
    public abstract int Add (int a, int b);

    // The Method Registration machinery is identical to the
    // virtual method case...

partial class AdderInvoker : Adder {
    public AdderInvoker (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        : base (handle, transfer)

    static IntPtr id_add;
    public override int Add (int a, int b)
        if (id_add == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_add = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "add", "(II)I");
        return JNIEnv.CallIntMethod (Handle, id_add, new JValue (a), new JValue (b));

The Invoker type is only necessary when obtaining JNI references to Java-created instances.

Binding Interfaces

Binding interfaces is conceptually similar to binding classes containing virtual methods, but many of the specifics differ in subtle (and not so subtle) ways. Consider the following Java interface declaration:

public interface Progress {
    void onAdd(int[] values, int currentIndex, int currentSum);

Interface bindings have two parts: the C# interface definition, and an Invoker definition for the interface.

Interface Definition

The C# interface definition must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The interface definition must have a [Register] custom attribute.

  • The interface definition must extend the IJavaObject interface. Failure to do so will prevent ACWs from inheriting from the Java interface.

  • Each interface method must contain a [Register] attribute specifying the corresponding Java method name, the JNI signature, and the connector method.

  • The connector method must also specify the type that the connector method can be located on.

When binding abstract and virtual methods, the connector method would be searched within the inheritance hierarchy of the type being registered. Interfaces can have no methods containing bodies, so this doesn't work, thus the requirement that a type be specified indicating where the connector method is located. The type is specified within the connector method string, after a colon ':', and must be the assembly qualified type name of the type containing the invoker.

Interface method declarations are a translation of the corresponding Java method using compatible types. For Java builtin types, the compatible types are the corresponding C# types, e.g. Java int is C# int. For reference types, the compatible type is a type that can provide a JNI handle of the appropriate Java type.

The interface members will not be directly invoked by Java – invocation will be mediated through the Invoker type – so some amount of flexibility is permitted.

The Java Progress interface can be declared in C# as:

[Register ("mono/android/test/Adder$Progress", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public interface IAdderProgress : IJavaObject {
    [Register ("onAdd", "([III)V",
            "GetOnAddHandler:Mono.Samples.SanityTests.IAdderProgressInvoker, SanityTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")]
    void OnAdd (JavaArray<int> values, int currentIndex, int currentSum);

Notice in the above that we map the Java int[] parameter to a JavaArray<int>. This isn't necessary: we could have bound it to a C# int[], or an IList<int>, or something else entirely. Whatever type is chosen, the Invoker needs to be able to translate it into a Java int[] type for invocation.

Invoker Definition

The Invoker type definition must inherit Java.Lang.Object, implement the appropriate interface, and provide all connection methods referenced in the interface definition. There is one more suggestion that differs from a class binding: the class_ref field and method IDs should be instance members, not static members.

The reason for preferring instance members has to do with JNIEnv.GetMethodID behavior in the Android runtime. (This may be Java behavior as well; it hasn't been tested.) JNIEnv.GetMethodID returns null when looking up a method that comes from an implemented interface and not the declared interface. Consider the java.util.SortedMap<K, V> Java interface, which implements the java.util.Map<K, V> interface. Map provides a clear method, thus a seemingly reasonable Invoker definition for SortedMap would be:

// Fails at runtime. DO NOT FOLLOW
partial class ISortedMapInvoker : Java.Lang.Object, ISortedMap {
    static IntPtr class_ref = JNIEnv.FindClass ("java/util/SortedMap");
    static IntPtr id_clear;
    public void Clear()
        if (id_clear == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_clear = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(class_ref, "clear", "()V");
        JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod(Handle, id_clear);
     // ...

The above will fail because JNIEnv.GetMethodID will return null when looking up the Map.clear method through the SortedMap class instance.

There are two solutions to this: track which interface every method comes from, and have a class_ref for each interface, or keep everything as instance members and perform the method lookup on the most-derived class type, not the interface type. The latter is done in Mono.Android.dll.

The Invoker definition has six sections: the constructor, the Dispose method, the ThresholdType and ThresholdClass members, the GetObject method, interface method implementation, and the connector method implementation.


The constructor needs to lookup the runtime class of the instance being invoked and store the runtime class in the instance class_ref field:

partial class IAdderProgressInvoker {
    IntPtr class_ref;
    public IAdderProgressInvoker (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        : base (handle, transfer)
        IntPtr lref = JNIEnv.GetObjectClass (Handle);
        class_ref   = JNIEnv.NewGlobalRef (lref);
        JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (lref);

Note: The Handle property must be used within the constructor body, and not the handle parameter, as on Android v4.0 the handle parameter may be invalid after the base constructor finishes executing.

Dispose Method

The Dispose method needs to free the global reference allocated in the constructor:

partial class IAdderProgressInvoker {
    protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
        if (this.class_ref != IntPtr.Zero)
            JNIEnv.DeleteGlobalRef (this.class_ref);
        this.class_ref = IntPtr.Zero;
        base.Dispose (disposing);

ThresholdType and ThresholdClass

The ThresholdType and ThresholdClass members are identical to what is found in a class binding:

partial class IAdderProgressInvoker {
    protected override Type ThresholdType {
        get {
            return typeof (IAdderProgressInvoker);
    protected override IntPtr ThresholdClass {
        get {
            return class_ref;

GetObject Method

A static GetObject method is required to support Extensions.JavaCast<T>():

partial class IAdderProgressInvoker {
    public static IAdderProgress GetObject (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        return new IAdderProgressInvoker (handle, transfer);

Interface Methods

Every method of the interface needs to have an implementation, which invokes the corresponding Java method through JNI:

partial class IAdderProgressInvoker {
    IntPtr id_onAdd;
    public void OnAdd (JavaArray<int> values, int currentIndex, int currentSum)
        if (id_onAdd == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_onAdd = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "onAdd", "([III)V");
        JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod (Handle, id_onAdd, new JValue (JNIEnv.ToJniHandle (values)), new JValue (currentIndex), new JValue (currentSum));

Connector Methods

The connector methods and supporting infrastructure are responsible for marshaling the JNI parameters to appropriate C# types. The Java int[] parameter will be passed as a JNI jintArray, which is an IntPtr within C#. The IntPtr must be marshaled to a JavaArray<int> in order to support invoking the C# interface:

partial class IAdderProgressInvoker {
    static Delegate cb_onAdd;
    static Delegate GetOnAddHandler ()
        if (cb_onAdd == null)
            cb_onAdd = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Action<IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, int, int>) n_OnAdd);
        return cb_onAdd;

    static void n_OnAdd (IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr lrefThis, IntPtr values, int currentIndex, int currentSum)
        IAdderProgress __this = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<IAdderProgress>(lrefThis, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer);
        using (var _values = new JavaArray<int>(values, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer)) {
            __this.OnAdd (_values, currentIndex, currentSum);

If int[] would be preferred over JavaList<int>, then JNIEnv.GetArray() could be used instead:

int[] _values = (int[]) JNIEnv.GetArray(values, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer, typeof (int));

Note, however, that JNIEnv.GetArray copies the entire array between VMs, so for large arrays this could result in lots of added GC pressure.

Complete Invoker Definition

The complete IAdderProgressInvoker definition:

class IAdderProgressInvoker : Java.Lang.Object, IAdderProgress {

    IntPtr class_ref;

    public IAdderProgressInvoker (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        : base (handle, transfer)
        IntPtr lref = JNIEnv.GetObjectClass (Handle);
        class_ref = JNIEnv.NewGlobalRef (lref);
        JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (lref);

    protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
        if (this.class_ref != IntPtr.Zero)
            JNIEnv.DeleteGlobalRef (this.class_ref);
        this.class_ref = IntPtr.Zero;
        base.Dispose (disposing);

    protected override Type ThresholdType {
        get {return typeof (IAdderProgressInvoker);}

    protected override IntPtr ThresholdClass {
        get {return class_ref;}

    public static IAdderProgress GetObject (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        return new IAdderProgressInvoker (handle, transfer);

#region OnAdd
    IntPtr id_onAdd;
    public void OnAdd (JavaArray<int> values, int currentIndex, int currentSum)
        if (id_onAdd == IntPtr.Zero)
            id_onAdd = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "onAdd",
        JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod (Handle, id_onAdd,
                new JValue (JNIEnv.ToJniHandle (values)),
                new JValue (currentIndex),
new JValue (currentSum));

#pragma warning disable 0169
    static Delegate cb_onAdd;
    static Delegate GetOnAddHandler ()
        if (cb_onAdd == null)
            cb_onAdd = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Action<IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, int, int>) n_OnAdd);
        return cb_onAdd;

    static void n_OnAdd (IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr lrefThis, IntPtr values, int currentIndex, int currentSum)
        IAdderProgress __this = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<IAdderProgress>(lrefThis, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer);
        using (var _values = new JavaArray<int>(values, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer)) {
            __this.OnAdd (_values, currentIndex, currentSum);
#pragma warning restore 0169

JNI Object References

Many JNIEnv methods return JNI object references, which are similar to GCHandles. JNI provides three different types of object references: local references, global references, and weak global references. All three are represented as System.IntPtr, but (as per the JNI Function Types section) not all IntPtrs returned from JNIEnv methods are references. For example, JNIEnv.GetMethodID returns an IntPtr, but it doesn't return an object reference, it returns a jmethodID. Consult the JNI function documentation for details.

Local references are created by most reference-creating methods. Android only allows a limited number of local references to exist at any given time, usually 512. Local references can be deleted via JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef. Unlike JNI, not all reference JNIEnv methods which return object references return local references; JNIEnv.FindClass returns a global reference. It is strongly recommended that you delete local references as quickly as you can, possibly by constructing a Java.Lang.Object around the object and specifying JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef to the Java.Lang.Object(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) constructor.

Global references are created by JNIEnv.NewGlobalRef and JNIEnv.FindClass. They can be destroyed with JNIEnv.DeleteGlobalRef. Emulators have a limit of 2,000 outstanding global references, while hardware devices have a limit of around 52,000 global references.

Weak global references are only available on Android v2.2 (Froyo) and later. Weak global references can be deleted with JNIEnv.DeleteWeakGlobalRef.

Dealing With JNI Local References

The JNIEnv.GetObjectField, JNIEnv.GetStaticObjectField, JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod, JNIEnv.CallNonvirtualObjectMethod and JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod methods return an IntPtr which contains a JNI local reference to a Java object, or IntPtr.Zero if Java returned null. Due to the limited number of local references that can be outstanding at once (512 entries), it is desirable to ensure that the references are deleted in a timely fashion. There are three ways that local references can be dealt with: explicitly deleting them, creating a Java.Lang.Object instance to hold them, and using Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<T>() to create a managed callable wrapper around them.

Explicitly Deleting Local References

JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef is used to delete local references. Once the local reference has been deleted, it cannot be used anymore, so care must be taken to ensure that JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef is the last thing done with the local reference.

IntPtr lref = JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod(instance, methodID);
try {
    // Do something with `lref`
finally {
    JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (lref);

Wrapping with Java.Lang.Object

Java.Lang.Object provides a Java.Lang.Object(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) constructor which can be used to wrap an exiting JNI reference. The JniHandleOwnership parameter determines how the IntPtr parameter should be treated:

  • JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer – The created Java.Lang.Object instance will create a new global reference from the handle parameter, and handle is unchanged. The caller is responsible to freeing handle , if necessary.

  • JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef – The created Java.Lang.Object instance will create a new global reference from the handle parameter, and handle is deleted with JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef . The caller must not free handle , and must not use handle after the constructor finishes executing.

  • JniHandleOwnership.TransferGlobalRef – The created Java.Lang.Object instance will take over ownership of the handle parameter. The caller must not free handle .

Since the JNI method invocation methods return local refs, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef would normally be used:

IntPtr lref = JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod(instance, methodID);
var value = new Java.Lang.Object (lref, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef);

The created global reference will not be freed until the Java.Lang.Object instance is garbage collected. If you are able to, disposing of the instance will free up the global reference, speeding up garbage collections:

IntPtr lref = JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod(instance, methodID);
using (var value = new Java.Lang.Object (lref, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef)) {
    // use value ...

Using Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<T>()

Java.Lang.Object provides a Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<T>(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) method that can be used to create a managed callable wrapper of the specified type.

The type T must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. T must be a reference type.

  2. T must implement the IJavaObject interface.

  3. If T is not an abstract class or interface, then T must provide a constructor with the parameter types (IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) .

  4. If T is an abstract class or an interface, there must be an invoker available for T . An invoker is a non-abstract type that inherits T or implements T , and has the same name as T with an Invoker suffix. For example, if T is the interface Java.Lang.IRunnable , then the type Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker must exist and must contain the required (IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) constructor.

Since the JNI method invocation methods return local refs, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef would normally be used:

IntPtr lrefString = JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod(instance, methodID);
Java.Lang.String value = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Java.Lang.String>( lrefString, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef);

Looking up Java Types

To lookup a field or method in JNI, the declaring type for the field or method must be looked up first. The Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.FindClass(string)) method is used to lookup Java types. The string parameter is the simplified type reference or the full type reference for the Java type. See the JNI Type References section for details about simplified and full type references.

Note: Unlike every other JNIEnv method which returns object instances, FindClass returns a global reference, not a local reference.

Instance Fields

Fields are manipulated through field IDs. Field IDs are obtained via JNIEnv.GetFieldID, which requires the class that the field is defined in, the name of the field, and the JNI Type Signature of the field.

Field IDs do not need to be freed, and are valid as long as the corresponding Java type is loaded. (Android does not currently support class unloading.)

There are two sets of methods for manipulating instance fields: one for reading instance fields and one for writing instance fields. All sets of methods require a field ID to read or write the field value.

Reading Instance Field Values

The set of methods for reading instance field values follows the naming pattern:

* JNIEnv.Get*Field(IntPtr instance, IntPtr fieldID);

where * is the type of the field:

Writing Instance Field Values

The set of methods for writing instance field values follows the naming pattern:

JNIEnv.SetField(IntPtr instance, IntPtr fieldID, Type value);

where Type is the type of the field:

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of any field that isn't a builtin type, such as java.lang.Object , arrays, and interface types. The IntPtr value may be a JNI local reference, JNI global reference, JNI weak global reference, or IntPtr.Zero (for null ).

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of bool instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of sbyte instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of char instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of short instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of int instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of long instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of float instance fields.

  • JNIEnv.SetField) – Write the value of double instance fields.

Static Fields

Static Fields are manipulated through field IDs. Field IDs are obtained via JNIEnv.GetStaticFieldID, which requires the class that the field is defined in, the name of the field, and the JNI Type Signature of the field.

Field IDs do not need to be freed, and are valid as long as the corresponding Java type is loaded. (Android does not currently support class unloading.)

There are two sets of methods for manipulating static fields: one for reading instance fields and one for writing instance fields. All sets of methods require a field ID to read or write the field value.

Reading Static Field Values

The set of methods for reading static field values follows the naming pattern:

* JNIEnv.GetStatic*Field(IntPtr class, IntPtr fieldID);

where * is the type of the field:

Writing Static Field Values

The set of methods for writing static field values follows the naming pattern:

JNIEnv.SetStaticField(IntPtr class, IntPtr fieldID, Type value);

where Type is the type of the field:

Instance Methods

Instance Methods are invoked through method IDs. Method IDs are obtained via JNIEnv.GetMethodID, which requires the type that the method is defined in, the name of the method, and the JNI Type Signature of the method.

Method IDs do not need to be freed, and are valid as long as the corresponding Java type is loaded. (Android does not currently support class unloading.)

There are two sets of methods for invoking methods: one for invoking methods virtually, and one for invoking methods non-virtually. Both sets of methods require a method ID to invoke the method, and non-virtual invocation also requires that you specify which class implementation should be invoked.

Interface methods can only be looked up within the declaring type; methods that come from extended/inherited interfaces cannot be looked up. See the later Binding Interfaces / Invoker Implementation section for more details.

Any method declared in the class or any base class or implemented interface can be looked up.

Virtual Method Invocation

The set of methods for invoking methods virtually follows the naming pattern:

* JNIEnv.Call*Method( IntPtr instance, IntPtr methodID, params JValue[] args );

where * is the return type of the method.

Non-virtual Method Invocation

The set of methods for invoking methods non-virtually follows the naming pattern:

* JNIEnv.CallNonvirtual*Method( IntPtr instance, IntPtr class, IntPtr methodID, params JValue[] args );

where * is the return type of the method. Non-virtual method invocation is usually used to invoke the base method of a virtual method.

Static Methods

Static Methods are invoked through method IDs. Method IDs are obtained via JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID, which requires the type that the method is defined in, the name of the method, and the JNI Type Signature of the method.

Method IDs do not need to be freed, and are valid as long as the corresponding Java type is loaded. (Android does not currently support class unloading.)

Static Method Invocation

The set of methods for invoking methods virtually follows the naming pattern:

* JNIEnv.CallStatic*Method( IntPtr class, IntPtr methodID, params JValue[] args );

where * is the return type of the method.

JNI Type Signatures

JNI Type Signatures are JNI Type References (though not simplified type references), except for methods. With methods, the JNI Type Signature is an open parenthesis '(', followed by the type references for all of the parameter types concatenated together (with no separating commas or anything else), followed by a closing parenthesis ')', followed by the JNI type reference of the method return type.

For example, given the Java method:

long f(int n, String s, int[] array);

The JNI type signature would be:


In general, it is strongly recommended to use the javap command to determine JNI signatures. For example, the JNI Type Signature of the java.lang.Thread.State.valueOf(String) method is "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Thread$State;", while the JNI Type Signature of the java.lang.Thread.State.values method is "()[Ljava/lang/Thread$State;". Watch out for the trailing semicolons; those are part of the JNI type signature.

JNI Type References

JNI type references are different from Java type references. You cannot use fully qualified Java type names such as java.lang.String with JNI, you must instead use the JNI variations "java/lang/String" or "Ljava/lang/String;", depending on context; see below for details. There are four types of JNI type references:

  • built-in
  • simplified
  • type
  • array

Built-in Type References

Built-in type references are a single character, used to reference built-in value types. The mapping is as follows:

  • "B" for sbyte .
  • "S" for short .
  • "I" for int .
  • "J" for long .
  • "F" for float .
  • "D" for double .
  • "C" for char .
  • "Z" for bool .
  • "V" for void method return types.

Simplified Type References

Simplified type references can only be used in JNIEnv.FindClass(string)). There are two ways to derive a simplified type reference:

  1. From a fully-qualified Java name, replace every '.' within the package name and before the type name with '/' , and every '.' within a type name with '$' .

  2. Read the output of 'unzip -l android.jar | grep JavaName' .

Either of the two will result in the Java type java.lang.Thread.State being mapped to the simplified type reference java/lang/Thread$State.

Type References

A type reference is a built-in type reference or a simplified type reference with an 'L' prefix and a ';' suffix. For the Java type java.lang.String, the simplified type reference is "java/lang/String", while the type reference is "Ljava/lang/String;".

Type references are used with Array type references and with JNI Signatures.

An additional way to obtain a type reference is by reading the output of 'javap -s -classpath android.jar fully.qualified.Java.Name'. Depending on the type involved, you can use a constructor declaration or method return type to determine the JNI name. For example:

$ javap -classpath android.jar -s java.lang.Thread.State
Compiled from "Thread.java"
public final class java.lang.Thread$State extends java.lang.Enum{
public static final java.lang.Thread$State NEW;
  Signature: Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static final java.lang.Thread$State RUNNABLE;
  Signature: Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static final java.lang.Thread$State BLOCKED;
  Signature: Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static final java.lang.Thread$State WAITING;
  Signature: Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static final java.lang.Thread$State TIMED_WAITING;
  Signature: Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static final java.lang.Thread$State TERMINATED;
  Signature: Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static java.lang.Thread$State[] values();
  Signature: ()[Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
public static java.lang.Thread$State valueOf(java.lang.String);
  Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Thread$State;
static {};
  Signature: ()V

Thread.State is a Java enum type, so we can use the Signature of the valueOf method to determine that the type reference is Ljava/lang/Thread$State;.

Array Type References

Array type references are '[' prefixed to a JNI type reference. Simplified type references cannot be used when specifying arrays.

For example, int[] is "[I", int[][] is "[[I", and java.lang.Object[] is "[Ljava/lang/Object;".

Java Generics and Type Erasure

Most of the time, as seen through JNI, Java generics do not exist. There are some "wrinkles," but those wrinkles are in how Java interacts with generics, not with how JNI looks up and invokes generic members.

There is no difference between a generic type or member and a non-generic type or member when interacting through JNI. For example, the generic type java.lang.Class<T> is also the "raw" generic type java.lang.Class, both of which have the same simplified type reference, "java/lang/Class".

Java Native Interface Support

Android.Runtime.JNIEnv is managed wrapper for the Jave Native Interface (JNI). JNI Functions are declared within the Java Native Interface Specification, though the methods have been changed to remove the explicit JNIEnv* parameter and IntPtr is used instead of jobject, jclass, jmethodID, etc. For example, consider the JNI NewObject function:

jobject NewObjectA(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, jvalue *args);

This is exposed as the JNIEnv.NewObject method:

public static IntPtr NewObject(IntPtr clazz, IntPtr jmethod, params JValue[] parms);

Translating between the two calls is reasonably straightforward. In C you would have:

jobject CreateMapActivity(JNIEnv *env)
    jclass    Map_Class   = (*env)->FindClass(env, "mono/samples/googlemaps/MyMapActivity");
    jmethodID Map_defCtor = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, Map_Class, "<init>", "()V");
    jobject   instance    = (*env)->NewObject (env, Map_Class, Map_defCtor);

    return instance;

The C# equivalent would be:

IntPtr CreateMapActivity()
    IntPtr Map_Class   = JNIEnv.FindClass ("mono/samples/googlemaps/MyMapActivity");
    IntPtr Map_defCtor = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (Map_Class, "<init>", "()V");
    IntPtr instance    = JNIEnv.NewObject (Map_Class, Map_defCtor);

    return instance;

Once you have a Java Object instance held in an IntPtr, you'll probably want to do something with it. You can use JNIEnv methods such as JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod() to do so, but if there is already an analogue C# wrapper then you'll want to construct a wrapper over the JNI reference. You can do so through the Extensions.JavaCast<T> extension method:

IntPtr lrefActivity = CreateMapActivity();

// imagine that Activity were instead an interface or abstract type...
Activity mapActivity = new Java.Lang.Object(lrefActivity, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef)

You can also use the Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<T> method:

IntPtr lrefActivity = CreateMapActivity();

// imagine that Activity were instead an interface or abstract type...
Activity mapActivity = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Activity>(lrefActivity, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef);

Furthermore, all of the JNI functions have been modified by removing the JNIEnv* parameter present in every JNI function.


Dealing directly with JNI is a terrible experience that should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, it's not always avoidable; hopefully this guide will provide some assistance when you hit the unbound Java cases with Mono for Android.