
Connection Manager keys

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Connection Manager keys

You can change how Connection Manager handles aspects of its own operation. To do this, you need to edit the service (.cms) file. The table in this topic covers the key names and values that relate to the operation of Connection Manager. It also describes the formats and conventions you should use in the .cms file.

Formats and conventions

Connection Manager creates service (.cms) files and connection profile (.cmp) files, which use the same format as Windows initialization (.ini) files and information (.inf) files. These files have several things in common:

  • Each file is divided into sections, with specific entries, called keys, assigned to the sections. A section heading is enclosed within brackets ([ ]). For example, [Strings] is a section containing text strings for messages. The keys for a section are not enclosed within brackets.

  • Each value specified for a numeric key must be an integer. Any noninteger value is truncated to an integer or ignored as invalid data. For example, 1.1 is truncated to 1 or ignored.

  • The order in which sections appear is not important; a particular section can be placed anywhere in the file.

  • Each comment in the file begins with a semicolon (;).

For more information on these formats and conventions, see the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) at the Microsoft Web site.

Table of Connection Manager keys

The following table shows the valid keys for the [Connection Manager] section of the .cms and .cmp files, the function and use of each key, and where each key can be set. You can set different keys in the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) wizard, the .cms file, or the .cmp file. If you change the .cms file with a text editor, rather than by using the Advanced Customization pane of the CMAK wizard, you must rebuild the profile afterward with the CMAK wizard.


  • In the following table, keys controlled by specific panes of the CMAK wizard are identified in the Set in column as CMAK. Although these keys appear in the .cms file, you should use the CMAK wizard to update these keys. If you change these keys by editing the .cms file, the CMAK wizard might overwrite them if you run it again on the same profile. Keys set in the Advanced Customization portion of the CMAK wizard are identified as .cms or .cmp, as appropriate.

  • Any changes you make to the .cmp file will be available only the first time the service profile is used. Editing this file allows you to provide a first-time-only population of user information. For example, you can fill in the user name, the password and the phone number fields for the first user to install and open your service profile.

  • Make sure that locations are specified either as the full path or in reference to the location of the .cmp file.

[Section] or key Description and values Set in

[Connection Manager]

Miscellaneous service profile keys and values.





Whether dial-up connections are supported. If this key is set to 0, the General tab of the Properties dialog box will not be displayed in Connection Manager.

0 = No.

1 (default) = Yes.



Whether direct connections are supported.

0 = No.

1 (default) = Yes.

This key is valid only for virtual private network (VPN) service profiles.



The connection method to be used.

0 (default) = Connect the VPN by using a dial-up connection.

1 = Connect the VPN by using a direct connection (for example, DSL).

The direct connection (for example, DSL) must already exist and cannot be set up by using CMAK. This key is valid only if both the Dialup key and the Direct key values are set to 1. The user can change this option in the Properties dialog box, on the General tab.



Name of the service profile file: (\Path\ServiceProfileFileName.cms), as entered in File name on the Service and File Names pane. Do not use any of the following in this name: ! @ ^ & ( ) { } ` ´ ~ , ; <space> * = \ / : ? ' " < > | . % + [ ] $ #. Do not alter this value in the .cmp file. If a different name is required, use the CMAK wizard to edit the existing profile, specify new names for both the Service name and the File name, and then finish running the wizard.



The primary identifier for the profile. This text appears in the Connection Manager logon dialog box as the service name and as the name of the connection.

Maximum = approximately 35 characters. Do not use any of the following in this name: * \ / : ? " < > | [ ]



Connection Manager logon dialog box service message, usually a customer-support number for the service.

Maximum = Approximately 50 characters.



Name used to authenticate the user, for first-time use.



The user name provided for the dial-up portion of a double-dial VPN connection, for first-time use.



Whether to use a separate user name and password when connecting to the Internet service provider (for a VPN connection).

0 (default) = Use the separate user name and password as specified by the user in the Properties dialog box, on the Internet Logon tab. Service profiles built to support VPN connections contain this additional tab.1 = Use the same user name and password when connecting to the Internet service provider as is specified in the Connection Manager logon dialog box for logging on to the private service.



Whether or not to incorporate the user name, password, and domain specified when the user logged on most recently to Windows (Windows 2000, Windows XP, and members of the Windows Server 2003 family only).

0 = Do not use credentials.

1 (default) = Use credentials.



Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family only. Whether to save the user name and password supplied for first-time use of the connection for all users of the connection.

0 (default) = Save the user name and password for a single user.

1 = Save the user name and password for all users of the connection.



Whether to keep first-time credentials such as user name and password in the .cmp file of the profile, for persistent default display and usage for all first-time users of the profile. For single-user profiles, this information will only be displayed once.

0 (default) = Do not keep first-time credentials in the .cmp file.

1 = Keep first-time credentials in the .cmp file.



Prefix added to the user name. Enables access to a service that requires a realm name as a user name prefix. This key will not be used in a VPN connection.



Suffix appended to the user name. Enables access to a service that requires a realm name as a user name suffix. This key will not be used in a VPN connection.



Maximum length of the user name.

Default = 256 bytes.



Whether the user must type a user name in the Connection Manager logon and Internet logon dialog boxes.

0 (default) = User name required.

1 = User name not required.



Whether the User name box appears in the Connection Manager logon dialog box.

0 (default) = Display the box.

1 = Do not display the box.

If the box is hidden, the data is considered optional.



Whether the User name box appears in the Properties dialog box, Internet Logon tab.

0 (default) = Display the box.

1 = Do not display the box.

If the box is hidden, the data is considered optional. If HideInternetPassword and HideInternetUsername are both 1, the Internet Logon tab is not displayed.



The password that appears automatically the first time the profile is used.



The password provided for the dial-up portion of a double-dial VPN connection. The password appears automatically the first time the user tries to connect using a double-dial VPN connection.



Method of handling the password during the logon process.

0 (default) = Normal (case sensitive).

1 = Lowercase password.

2 = Uppercase password.



Maximum length of the password that can be typed by the user.

Default = 127 bytes.



Whether the user must specify a password in the Connection Manager logon and Internet logon dialog boxes.

0 (default) = Password required.

1 = Password not required.



Whether to have the Save password check box in the Connection Manager logon dialog box selected by default for a populated password. This key is ignored if the Password key is not set in the .cmp file.

0 (default) = The check box is not selected by default.

1 = The check box is selected by default, and the password is saved.



Whether to have the Save password check box on the Internet Logon tab selected by default for a populated Internet password. This key is ignored if the InternetPassword key is not set in the .cmp file.

0 (default) =  The check box is not selected by default.

1 = The check box is selected by default, and the password is saved.



Whether to show the Save Password check box on the Internet Logon tab. If this key is not specified, the value of HideRememberPassword is used by default.

0 = Display check box.

1 = Do not display check box.



Whether the New button appears in the Connection Manager logon dialog box to enable a user to change the password. You can use this button to set up a custom password option. Type the location (including the name) of the executable (.exe) program you use to support this process. You must provide an executable program for this option and include it as an additional file when you run the CMAK wizard.



Whether the Password box appears in the Connection Manager logon dialog box when using dial-up connections.

0 (default) = Display the box.

1 = Do not display the box.

If the box is hidden, the data is considered optional.



Whether the Password box appears in the Properties dialog box, on the Internet Logon tab.

0 (default) = Display the box.

1 = Do not display the box.

If the box is hidden, the data is considered optional. If HideInternetPassword and HideInternetUsername are both 1, the Internet Logon tab is not displayed.



Whether to require the user to enter a domain name when making a connection.

0 = Require a domain.

1 (default) = Do not require a domain.



Whether to display the Save password check box in the Connection Manager logon dialog box and on the Internet Logon tab.

0 (default) = Display the check box.

1 = Do not display the check box.

If HideRememberPassword is set to 1, it overrides the HideDialAutomatically setting.



Logon domain name that appears automatically the first time the profile is used.



Maximum length of the domain name that can be typed by the user.

Default = 15 characters.



Whether the Logon domain box appears in the Connection Manager logon dialog box when using dial-up connections.

0 = Display the box.

1  = Do not display the box.

The default is 1. If the profile supports VPN connections, CMAK will set this value to 0 if you have not previously set a value. If the box is hidden, the data is considered optional.



Whether to have the Connect automatically check box in the Connection Manager logon dialog box selected by default and to connect automatically when the service profile is used for the first time.

0 (default) = Do not select the check box.

1 = Select the check box and connect automatically.



Text displayed when the Dial Automatically check box has been selected.



Whether the Connect automatically check box appears in the Connection Manager logon dialog box.

0 (default) = Display the check box.

1 = Do not display the check box.

If HideRememberPassword is set to 1, that key value overrides the HideDialAutomatically setting.



Primary phone number populated for the user the first time the service profile is used, and used as the default phone number any time another phone number is not selected.



Backup phone number populated for the user the first time the service profile is used.



The canonical format of the primary phone number the first time the service profile is used.



The canonical format of the backup phone number the first time the service profile is used.



Specifies a character limit for the phone number fields. The default for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition is 36; the default for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and members of the Windows Server 2003 family is 80.



Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) country/region code for the primary phone number set as default for the user the first time the service profile is used.



Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) country/region code for the backup phone number set as default for the user the first time the service profile is used.



Whether dialing rules are applied to the primary phone number the first time the service profile is used.

0 = Use the form of the number exactly as it appears in the phone book or as it is typed.

1 (default) = Apply dialing rules to the number when displaying and dialing.



Whether dialing rules are applied to the backup number the first time the service profile is used.

0 = Use the form of the number exactly as it appears in the phone book or as it is typed.

1 (default) = Apply dialing rules to the number when displaying and dialing.



Whether the user can use dialing rules on phone numbers selected from a phone book. Dialing rules check boxes are grayed out when this key value is set to 1.

0 (default) = Allow dialing rules.

1 = Do not allow dialing rules.



Service profile for the primary phone number to be used the first time the user connects.



Service profile for the backup phone number to be used the first time the user connects.



Description of the primary phone number provided the first time the service profile is opened. Appears in the Phone Book dialog box as a Point of Presence (POP) name.



Description of the backup phone number provided the first time the service profile is opened. Appears in the Phone Book dialog box as a POP name.



Dial-up entry used for the primary phone number the first time the service profile is opened. Value must exactly match the entry name specified in Phone Book Administrator.



Dial-up entry used for the backup phone number the first time the service profile is opened. Value must exactly match the entry name specified in Phone Book Administrator.



Default service type from the phone book for the primary phone number the first time that the service profile is opened.



Default service type from the phone book for the backup phone number the first time that the service profile is opened.



Default state or province from the phone book for the primary phone number the first time that the service profile is opened.



Default state or province from the phone book for the backup phone number the first time that the service profile is opened.



Version of the phone book. If you use Connection Point Services (CPS) to provide phone books, the CPS phone book server will use this value to determine how to handle phone book updates. If the version on the client is more than five versions out of date, the CPS phone book server downloads the complete phone book. Otherwise, the CPS phone book server downloads a delta file to the client.



Specifies the default network entry used when the Dial-up Networking entry field for a POP is blank.

Default = ServiceProfileServiceName.



Number of redials to attempt the first time the service profile is opened.

Default = 3.



Delay (in seconds) between dials. The delay is the elapsed time between the point of failure of the first call and the dialing of the first digit of the next phone number.

Default = 5 seconds.



Time (in minutes) that the connection must be idle before disconnecting the first time the service profile is used to connect.

Default = 10 minutes.

If set to 0, no time-out occurs.



Maximum bytes per minute that can be received if an idle state is to be detected for the connection.

Default = 0.

This key is not available for use on Windows NT 4.0 systems.



Whether to automatically attempt to reconnect when a connection is terminated unexpectedly.

0 (default) = Do not automatically attempt to reconnect.

1 = Attempt to reconnect when the connection is terminated unexpectedly.



Whether the user is prompted for reconnection when the connection is inadvertently dropped.

0 (default) = Prompt the user.

1 = Do not prompt the user.



Location and name of the icon (.ico) file for the large program icon.

Default =  The default value for this key is blank. When nothing is specified, the standard Connection Manager program icon is used.



Location and name of the icon (.ico) file for the small title-bar icon.

Default =  The default value for this key is blank. When nothing is specified, the standard Connection Manager title-bar icon is used.



Location and name of the icon (.ico) file for the notification area shortcut.

Default =  The default value for this key is blank. When nothing is specified, the Connection Manager notification area shortcut is used.



Whether to display notification area shortcuts.

NULL = If TrayIcon is set, display the notification area shortcut specified. Otherwise, display the connection-status notification area shortcut ("blinking lights"). The NULL value is available for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and members of the Windows Server 2003 family only.

0 = If TrayIcon is set, display the notification area shortcut specified and the connection-status notification area shortcut ("blinking lights"). Otherwise, display the Connection Manager notification area shortcut and the connection-status notification area shortcut ("blinking lights").

1 = Do not display any notification area shortcuts.

If you choose not to display any notification area shortcuts, edit the Help file to remove references to it.



Location and name of the .bmp file displayed in the Connection Manager logon dialog box.

Default =  The default value for this key is blank. When nothing is specified, the standard Connection Manager logon bitmap is used.



Location and name of the .bmp file for the Phone Book dialog box.

Default =  The default value for this key is blank. When nothing is specified, the standard Phone Book bitmap is used.



Text in the Phone Book dialog box next to More access numbers when alternate access numbers are available for the selected geographic region.

Maximum = Approximately 100 characters.



Text that appears in the dialog box during a phone book update.

Default = "Downloading new phone book."



Time (in seconds) to delay before downloading phone book updates. The delay time starts when the connection is established.

Default = 15 seconds.

This entry is valid only when, in the CMAK wizard, in the Phone Book dialog box, Automatically download phone book updates is selected.



Time (in seconds) to delay before displaying the Phone Book Updates dialog box (with progress indicators and message).

Default = Do not display the dialog box.



Location (including name) of the custom Help file.

Default Help file =  The default value for this key is blank. When nothing is specified, the standard Help file for service profiles is used.



Whether VPN connections are enabled for the phone numbers in the top-level phone book.

0 (default) = Not enabled.

1 = Enabled.



Specifies the default networking entry used for VPN connections.

Default = ServiceProfileServiceName tunnel.



The relative path and file name to the VPN file. If you use macros in the relative path, make sure the macros are recognized on all operating systems to which you want to distribute the profile.



IP address or domain name for the VPN server.



Whether VPN connections are enabled for phone numbers taken from a component profile phone book in a top-level service profile.

0 (default) = Do not use a VPN connection when using any of these phone numbers.

1 = Use a VPN connection when using a phone number from a component profile.



Whether an animation is used instead of a static bitmap in the Connection Manager logon dialog box.

0 (default) = Do not use animated graphic.

1 = Use animated graphic.

The [Animated Logo] section specifies the location of the animation (.spl or .swf) file. This function is provided for compatibility with Connection Manager 1.0, which supports Macromedia Flash animation files.




Whether Connection Manager checks the operating system components.

0 (default) = Check the operating system components only when an error occurs.

1 = Always check the operating system components on service profile initialization.



Whether to include the TCP/IP bindings when checking operating system components.

0 (default) = Include the TCP/IP bindings in the TCP/IP check and bind all that are not bound.

1 = Do not include the TCP/IP bindings when checking operating system components.

TCP/IP services that sit between the TCP/IP protocol and the dial-up adapter are protected from checking only if this option is set to 1 in all installed service profiles. This option does not prevent bindings from being checked by other service profiles or programs.



Whether Connection Manager binds two channels on the same ISDN device.

0 (default) = Do not bind (use single channel only).

1 = Always bind the two channels (connect both channels automatically). If a dual channel connection cannot be made, the connection attempt will fail. This entry is valid only for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows XP, and members of the Windows Server 2003 family.

2 = Attempt to bind the two channels (connect with both channels). If the two channels cannot be bonded, use single channel. This entry is valid only for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and members of the Windows Server 2003 family.



Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family only. Whether to turn on Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) or Windows Firewall for this connection with default settings.

0 = Do not adjust ICF or Windows Firewall settings. Default for the original releases of the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

1 = Enable ICF or Windows Firewall for the connection with default settings. Default for Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and for Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1.

Note: Internet Connection Firewall is included only in the original releases of Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.



Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family only. Whether to suppress the user's ability to share the connection with Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).

0 (default) = Do not suppress ICS settings.

1 = Disable ICS settings for this connection.

Note: Internet Connection Sharing and Network Bridge are not included in Windows Server 2003, Web Edition; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition; and the Itanium-based versions of the original release of the Windows Server 2003 operating systems.



Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family only. Whether to suppress the display of the Advanced tab in the Connection Manager user interface for this connection.

0 (default) = Do not suppress display of the Advanced tab.

1 = Suppress display of the Advanced tab.



Text displayed on a custom button on the main connect screen. This feature is not supported when logging on to Windows.



Text displayed on a tooltip for a custom button on the main connect screen. This feature is not supported when logging on to Windows.



When Connection Manager is called programmatically, whether to handle Connection Manager as a monitored custom action when the calling process terminates.

0 = Do not monitor.

1 (default) = Monitor.



Whether a log file is created for the connection the first time the service profile is opened. The log file is named ServiceProfileServiceName.log for an all user profile, and ServiceProfileServiceName (Single User).log for a single user profile.

0 = Do not create a log file.

1 (default) = Create a log file.



Whether to suppress display of balloon-tip help for this connection.

0 (default) = Do not suppress balloon-tip help.

1 = Suppress balloon-tip help.



Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family only. Whether to inform the operating system that this connection is a connection to the Internet.

0 (default) = Do not inform the operating system that this connection connects to the Internet for the purposes of automatically connecting when no connection is present.

1 = Allow the system to register this connection as a connection to the Internet.
