
t:EVENTRESTART Attribute | eventRestart Property (deprecated)

This page documents a feature of HTML+TIME 1.0, which was released in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. We recommend that you migrate your content to the latest version of HTML+TIME, which implements the SMIL 2.0 Working Draft. See the Introduction to HTML+TIME overview for more information.

Sets or gets whether the element should restart if a beginEvent call occurs while the local timeline is already running.


Scripting [ bRestart = ] object.eventRestart

Possible Values

bRestart A Boolean that specifies one of the following values.
Timeline immediately restarts every time the referenced event happens.
Default. Timeline cannot be restarted while it is running.

The property is read/write. The property has a default value of false.


This property is deprecated. For similar functionality, refer to the restart property available with the time2 behavior.

The t: prefix is used to associate this attribute with an XML namespace.

Applies To

t:AUDIO, t:IMG, t:MEDIA, t:PAR, t:SEQ, time, t:VIDEO

See Also

Introduction to HTML+TIME