
SccInitialize Function

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This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

This function initializes the source control plug-in and provides capabilities and limits to the integrated development environment (IDE).


SCCRTN SccInitialize (
   LPVOID* ppvContext,
   HWND    hWnd,
   LPCSTR  lpCallerName,
   LPSTR   lpSccName,
   LPLONG  lpSccCaps,
   LPSTR   lpAuxPathLabel,
   LPLONG  pnCheckoutCommentLen,
   LPLONG  pnCommentLen



[in] The source control plug-in can place a pointer to its context structure here.


[in] A handle to the IDE window that the source control plug-in can use as a parent for any dialog boxes that it provides.


[in] The name of the program calling the source control plug-in.


[in, out] The buffer where the source control plug-in puts its own name (not to exceed SCC_NAME_LEN).


[out] Returns the source control plug-in's capability flags.


[in, out] The buffer where the source control plug-in puts a string that describes the lpAuxProjPath parameter returned by the SccOpenProject and the SccGetProjPath (not to exceed SCC_AUXLABEL_LEN).


[out] Returns the maximum permissible length for a checkout comment.


[out] Returns the maximum permissible length for other comments.

Return Value

The source control plug-in implementation of this function is expected to return one of the following values:

Value Description
SCC_OK Source control initialization succeeded.
SCC_E_INITIALIZEFAILED System could not be initialized.
SCC_E_NOTAUTHORIZED The user is not allowed to perform the specified operation.
SCC_E_NONSPECFICERROR Nonspecific failure; source control system was not initialized.


The IDE calls this function when it first loads the source control plug-in. It enables the IDE to pass certain information, such as the caller name, to the plug-in. The IDE also gets back certain information such as the maximum allowable length for comments and the plug-in's capabilities.

The ppvContext points to a NULL pointer. The source control plug-in can allocate a structure for its own use and store a pointer to that structure in ppvContext. The IDE will pass this pointer to every other VSSCI API function, allowing the plug-in to have context information available without resorting to global storage and to support multiple instances of the plug-in. This structure should be deallocated when the SccUninitialize is called.

The lpCallerName and lpSccName parameters enable the IDE and the source control plug-in to exchange names. These names may be used simply to distinguish among multiple instances, or they may actually appear in menus or dialog boxes.

The lpAuxPathLabel parameter is a string used as a comment to identify the auxiliary project path that is stored in the solution file and passed to the source control plug-in in a call to the SccOpenProject. Visual SourceSafe uses the string "SourceSafe Project:"; other source control plug-ins should refrain from using this particular string.

The lpSccCaps parameter gives the source control plug-in a place to store bitflags indicating the plug-in's capabilities. (For a full list of capability bitflags, see Capability Flags). For instance, if the plug-in plans to write results into a caller-provided callback function, the plug-in would set the capability bit SCC_CAP_TEXTOUT. This would signal the IDE to create a window for version control results.

See also