
Release Notes for Service Provider Foundation for System Center 2012 SP1


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Orchestrator

These release notes apply to Service Provider Foundation, a component of System Center 2012 - Orchestrator. They contain up-to-date information about known issues that you might experience.

Known Issues

Installation fails on a computer with only IPv6 enabled

Description: Installation of Service Provider Foundation fails on a computer that has only IPv6 enabled for the network adapters.

Workaround: Enable IPv4.

You cannot move a virtual machine across clouds

Description: Service Provider Foundation cannot accommodate moving a virtual machine from one cloud to another.

Workaround: None. This is a known limitation.

A new virtual machine is unusable if it is created without a guest operating system

Description: You can create a new virtual machine from a template by using a blank virtual hard disk (VHD). However, a 13206 error appears in the summary page. The virtual machine will be unusable if it is created with a VHD that contains no guest operating system.

Workaround: Create the virtual machine with a guest operating system.

Creating a virtual disk drive from a large VHD results in timeout exceptions

Description: Sporadic timeout exceptions might occur when you are creating a virtual disk drive with a large VHD.

Workaround: Retry the operation.

Creation of a user role fails occasionally

Description: In attempting to create a new user role on a second Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) server, the administrator user role might be unable to create a new user role, because the attempt is treated as an accidental impersonation.

Workaround: Recycle the VMM application pool.

An endpoint was registered successfully, but it cannot be registered as a Virtual Machine Cloud Provider

Description: Service Provider Foundation has been successfully installed, the endpoint can be accessed, but the service will not register as a Virtual Machine Cloud Provider.

Workaround: Copy the required files to the Service Provider Foundation endpoint website.

Updating a tenant to a new issuer and key does not work

Description: If you create a tenant with a specified key and issuer name and then update that same tenant (such as by using the Set-SCSPFTenant cmdlet) to a new key and issuer name, the new key for the tenant will not be updated in the database.

Workaround: Recreate the tenant as shown in the following example.

PS C:\> $tenant = Get-SCSPFTenant -Name "TenantToFix"  
PS C:\> $issuerName = (Get-SCSPFTrustedIssuer -Tenant $tenant).Name  
PS C:\> $stamps = Get-SCSPFStamp -Tenant $tenant  
PS C:\> $userroles = Get-SCSPFTenantUserRole -Tenant $tenant | Select-Object Name  
PS C:\> Remove-SCSPFTenant -Tenant $tenant  
PS C:\> $tenant2 = New-SCSPFTenant -Name "FixedTenant" -IssuerName $issuerName -Key $key2 -Stamps $stamps  
PS C:\> $userroles | foreach {New-SCSPFTenantUserRole -Tenant $tenant2 -Name $_.Name}  

See Also

Deploying Service Provider Foundation
Administering Service Provider Foundation
Architecture Overview of Service Provider Foundation