
Troubleshooting Package Conversion Manager in Configuration Manager


Updated: February 1, 2012

Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

Use the information in this topic to help you troubleshoot problems when using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Package Conversion Manager.

Before using the information in this topic, ensure that you have installed and properly configured Package Conversion Manager using the procedures in Configuring Package Conversion Manager in Configuration Manager and Operations and Maintenance for Package Conversion Manager in Configuration Manager.

Package Conversion Manager Features and Processes

This section describes some of the features and processes of Package Conversion Manager. This information might be useful when troubleshooting problems.

Package Conversion Manager and the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider

Package Conversion Manager uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider associated with the Configuration Manager console site server.


If the WMI provider is not working properly with the Configuration Manager console, the Configuration Manager console, including the Package Conversion Manager will not function.

Package Readiness

Before converting a package to an application, the package must be analyzed using the Package Conversion Manager Analyze function. After the analysis, in the Package Conversion Manager node of the Configuration Manager console, one of the following readiness states of the analyzed package for conversion is displayed in the list of packages:

  • Automatic

    A package with the readiness state of automatic can be directly converted using the Convert function in Package Conversion Manager.


    An automatic conversion does not convert WQL queries into application requirements. You must use the Fix and Convert process to accomplish this.

  • Manual

    A package with the readiness state of manual needs some additions or changes before it can be converted, using the Fix and Convert function which launches the Package Conversion Wizard.

  • Not Applicable

    A package with the readiness state of not applicable is not suitable for conversion. Either correct any problems with the package, or continue to deploy it as a package.

  • Error

    A package with the readiness state of error contains errors that must be manually corrected before it can be analyzed and converted.

If a package you expected to be analyzed with the readiness state of automatic is, instead, analyzed with a readiness state of manual, you can see the readiness issues it found in the lower pane of the Configuration Manager console. Click the package, and then, in the details pane, click the Summary tab.

Log Files

There are two log files that can provide information for troubleshooting the functioning of Package Conversion Manager.

  • PCMTrace.log

    The PCMTRace.log file is produced by each instance of Package Conversion Manager.

  • SMSProv.log

    The SMSProv.log file is produced by each Configuration Manager site server.


Each instance of Package Conversion Manager produces a log file of all of its actions, exceptions, and errors. The file is named PCMTrace.log.

File Location

PCMTrace.log, is located on the computer running Package Conversion Manager, in the folder %userProfile%\AppData\Local\Temp.

Log File Detail (Verbosity)

The level of detail in the PCMTrace.log file is specified in the file Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe.Config, which is located in the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin.

To set the level of detail, in the Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe.Config file, in the <switches> element, use the PcmLogging trace switch setting. The PcmLogging value can be set to four levels of detail, from least detailed (1) to most detailed (4).


In some situations, information relevant to troubleshooting the package conversion process will be located in the SMSProv.log file. which captures information from the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager WMI Provider.

File Location

The SMSProv.log file is located on the Configuration Manager site server at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs.

Error Messages

There are two error messages that could indicate that the SMSProv.log file contains relevant troubleshooting information. The error messages are:

  1. The SMS Provider reported an error

  2. Generic Failure

These messages typically indicate that an error occurred on the site server, and that the error information was not sent to the Configuration Manager console.

For more information, see Technical Reference for Package Conversion Manager Error Messages.

Changing package attributes after analysis

After a package is analyzed and has an assigned readiness state of Automatic or Manual, if any of the relevant attributes are changed, the conversion process might fail.

For example, if a package was analyzed and assigned a readiness state of Automatic, and then a user adds another program to the package, the conversion might fail.

Another example is, if a package was analyzed and assigned a readiness state of Manual, and then the user removes the content source path, the conversion might fail.

WORKAROUND: After making any changes to a package, analyze the package again before you try to convert the package.