Manage tape libraries
Updated: May 13, 2016
Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager
Use the following procedures to manage tapes in the DPM library:
Enable or disable a library or drive
Detect tape drives
Rename a tape library
Lock or unlock a library door
Clean a tape drive
Enable or disable a library or drive
You can temporarily disable a tape library or drive in DPM to perform maintenance or repairs. You can reenable it as follows:
- In DPM Administrator Console, go to the Management > Libraries. Select the tape library or drive and enable or disable it.
Detect tape drives
DPM automatically detects a tape library or drive that’s physically attached to the DPM server, and displays information in the Libraries If the tape library or drive isn’t displayed do the following:
In the Libraries workspace click Rescan.
If settings aren’t correct try remapping the tape drive.
Rename a tape library
You can assign a new name to a tape library or drive as follows:
- In the Libraries workspace, select the tape library or drive > Rename library. Specify a new name and click Rename. The new name only appears in the DPM Administrator Console.
Lock or unlock a library door
If your tape library does not have an insert/eject (I/E) port, you can use the following procedures to lock or unlock the tape library door”
- On the Libraries tab, select the library and click Lock library door or Unlock library door.
Clean a tape drive
To clean a drive in a tape library, you must specify which tape to use for cleaning, and then start the cleaning job. If a cleaning tape is online and marked as a cleaning tape, you only need to run the cleaning job.
- In theLibraries workspace select the drive and click Clean drive.
Windows PowerShell instructions
To enable a library using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve the library:
Get-DPMLibrary [-DPMServerName] <String> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to enable a library:
Enable-DPMLibrary [-DPMLibrary] <Library[]> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Enable-DPMLibrary -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Enable-DPMLibrary -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To disable a library using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve the library:
Get-DPMLibrary [-DPMServerName] <String> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to disable a library:
Disable-DPMLibrary [-DPMLibrary] <Library[]> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
For more information, type "Get-Help Disable-DPMLibrary -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Disable-DPMLibrary -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To rename a tape library using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve the library:
Get-DPMLibrary [-DPMServerName] <String> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to rename the library:
Rename-DPMLibrary [-DPMLibrary] <Library> [-NewName] <String> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Rename-DPMLibrary -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Rename-DPMLibrary -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To lock a tape library door using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to unlock a library door:
Lock-DPMLibraryDoor [-DPMLibrary] <Library> [-Async] [-DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler <DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Lock-DPMLibraryDoor -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Lock-DPMLibraryDoor -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To unlock a tape library door using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to unlock a library door:
Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor [-DPMLibrary] <Library> [[-Timeout] <Int32> ] [-Async] [-DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler <DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To clean a tape drive using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve a tape drive:
Get-DPMTapeDrive [-DPMLibrary] <Library[]> [-Verbose] [-Debug][-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ][-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to clean a drive:
Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning [-TapeDrive] <Drive[]> [-JobStateChangedEventHandler <JobStateChangedEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug][-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ][-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning -full" in DPM Management Shell.