
Manage tape libraries


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

Use the following procedures to manage tapes in the DPM library:

  • Enable or disable a library or drive

  • Detect tape drives

  • Rename a tape library

  • Lock or unlock a library door

  • Clean a tape drive

Enable or disable a library or drive

You can temporarily disable a tape library or drive in DPM to perform maintenance or repairs. You can reenable it as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, go to the Management > Libraries. Select the tape library or drive and enable or disable it.

Detect tape drives

DPM automatically detects a tape library or drive that’s physically attached to the DPM server, and displays information in the Libraries If the tape library or drive isn’t displayed do the following:

  1. In the Libraries workspace click Rescan.

  2. If settings aren’t correct try remapping the tape drive.

Rename a tape library

You can assign a new name to a tape library or drive as follows:

  1. In the Libraries workspace, select the tape library or drive > Rename library. Specify a new name and click Rename. The new name only appears in the DPM Administrator Console.

Lock or unlock a library door

If your tape library does not have an insert/eject (I/E) port, you can use the following procedures to lock or unlock the tape library door”

  1. On the Libraries tab, select the library and click Lock library door or Unlock library door.

Clean a tape drive

To clean a drive in a tape library, you must specify which tape to use for cleaning, and then start the cleaning job. If a cleaning tape is online and marked as a cleaning tape, you only need to run the cleaning job.

  1. In theLibraries workspace select the drive and click Clean drive.

Windows PowerShell instructions

To enable a library using DPM Management Shell

  • Use the following syntax to retrieve the library:

    Get-DPMLibrary [-DPMServerName]  <String>  [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

  • Use the following syntax to enable a library:

    Enable-DPMLibrary [-DPMLibrary]  <Library[]>  [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Enable-DPMLibrary -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Enable-DPMLibrary -full" in DPM Management Shell.

To disable a library using DPM Management Shell

  • Use the following syntax to retrieve the library:

    Get-DPMLibrary [-DPMServerName]  <String>  [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

  • Use the following syntax to disable a library:

    Disable-DPMLibrary [-DPMLibrary]  <Library[]>  [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Disable-DPMLibrary -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Disable-DPMLibrary -full" in DPM Management Shell.

To rename a tape library using DPM Management Shell

  • Use the following syntax to retrieve the library:

    Get-DPMLibrary [-DPMServerName]  <String>  [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

  • Use the following syntax to rename the library:

    Rename-DPMLibrary [-DPMLibrary]  <Library>  [-NewName]  <String>  [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Rename-DPMLibrary -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Rename-DPMLibrary -full" in DPM Management Shell.

To lock a tape library door using DPM Management Shell

  • Use the following syntax to unlock a library door:

    Lock-DPMLibraryDoor [-DPMLibrary]  <Library>  [-Async] [-DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler  <DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Lock-DPMLibraryDoor -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Lock-DPMLibraryDoor -full" in DPM Management Shell.

To unlock a tape library door using DPM Management Shell

  • Use the following syntax to unlock a library door:

    Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor [-DPMLibrary]  <Library>  [[-Timeout]  <Int32> ] [-Async] [-DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler  <DoorAccessJobStateChangeEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ] [-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor -full" in DPM Management Shell.

To clean a tape drive using DPM Management Shell

  • Use the following syntax to retrieve a tape drive:

    Get-DPMTapeDrive [-DPMLibrary]  <Library[]>  [-Verbose] [-Debug][-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ][-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

  • Use the following syntax to clean a drive:

    Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning [-TapeDrive]  <Drive[]>  [-JobStateChangedEventHandler  <JobStateChangedEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug][-ErrorAction  <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable  <String> ][-OutVariable  <String> ] [-OutBuffer  <Int32> ]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning -full" in DPM Management Shell.