
Performance counters


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

You can use performance counters when monitoring System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM). The following table summarizes the counters. To open the Performance tool to work with counters, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Performance. On the Action menu, click Help.

DPM performance counters

Performance Object and Counter Description Value That Might Indicate a Problem Possible Causes
Memory: Avail/MBytes Measures the memory that is available to processes running on the specified DPM server. The Avail/MBytes value is the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free, and zero-paged lists. < 50 megabytes (MB).

Indicates low memory on DPM server.
- One or more applications are consuming large amounts of memory.
- Multiple DPM jobs are running simultaneously.
- The DPM server does not have sufficient memory to handle the current DPM workload.
Processor: % Processor Time Measures the percentage of time the processor was busy during the sampling interval. > 95% for more than 10 minutes.

Indicates very high CPU usage on the DPM server.
- Multiple DPM jobs are running simultaneously. Synchronization with consistency check jobs are particularly CPU-intensive.
- On-the-wire compression has been enabled on the DPM server. On-the-wire compression allows faster data throughput without negatively affecting network performance. However, it places a large processing load on both the protected computer and the DPM server.
- A runaway process is exhausting system resources.
- The DPM server does not have sufficient processing capacity to handle the DPM workload.
Physical Disk: Current Disk Queue Length (for all instances) Measures the number of disk requests that are currently waiting and the requests currently being serviced. > 80 requests for more than 6 minutes.

Indicates possibly excessive disk queue length.
- Multiple DPM jobs that are running simultaneously are placing a high demand on disk resources.
- Disk performance needs tuning.
- Disk resources on the DPM server are not sufficient for the current DPM workload.

See Also

Tweak performance settings