
Restart the DPM server


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

If you need to restart the DPM server for any reason, check the Monitoring task area in DPM Administrator Console for jobs currently running, and use the guidelines in the following table.

Scenario Action
No jobs are currently running. Restart
No jobs are scheduled to run during the time required for the restart. Restart
A synchronization with consistency check job is running. Restart. The job will resume at the next scheduled time, or you can retry it manually.
A replica creation job is running Postpone the restart until the job is completed. If you can’t postpone, after the restart run a synchronization with consistency check manually for the replica.
Synchronizations or express full backups are scheduled to run during the restart, Postpone the restart until the recovery points are created. If you can’t postposne, after the restart rerun the synchronizations and create the recovery points manually.
Jobs that use the tape library are running. Postpone the restart until the jobs complete. If you can’t postpone, the following job types will be canceled by the restart and you’ll need to rerun them after the restart:

- Back up to tape
- Copy to tape
- Recovery from tape
- Tape verification
Erasing a tape. Postpone the restart until the current job is complete. Cancel any pending tape erase jobs, restart the computer, and then reschedule the canceled tape erase jobs.