
Restore and synchronize the DPM database with DPMSync


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager

DpmSync is a command-line tool that enables you to synchronize the DPM database with the state of the disks in the storage pool and with the installed protection agents. The DpmSync tool restores the DPM database, synchronizes the DPM database with the replicas in the storage pool, restores the Report database, and reallocates missing replicas.

DpmSync Syntax

DpmSync –RestoreDb –DbLoc location –InstanceName server\instance]

DpmSync -Sync

DpmSync -ReallocateReplica

DpmSync -DataCopied


Parameter Description
-RestoreDb Restores a DPM database from a specified location.
-Sync Synchronizes restored databases.

You must run DpmSync –Sync after you restore the databases.

After you run DpmSync –Sync, some replicas may still be marked as missing.
-DbLoc  location Identifies the location of backup of DPM database.
-InstanceName  server\instance Instance to which DPMDB must be restored.
-ReallocateReplica Reallocates all missing replica volumes without synchronization.
-DataCopied Indicates that you have completed loading data into the newly allocated replica volumes.

This is applicable for client computers only.

Example 1: To restore the DPM database from local backup media on the DPM server.
Run the following command:

DpmSync –RestoreDb -DbLoc G:\DPM\Backups\2005\November\DPMDB.bak

After you restore the DPM database, to synchronize the databases, you run the following command:

DpmSync -Sync

After you restore and synchronize the DPM database and before you restore the replica, you run the following command to reallocate disk space for the replica:

DpmSync -ReallocateReplica

Example 2: To restore the DPM database from a remote database.
Run the following command on the remote computer:

DpmSync –RestoreDb -DbLoc G:\DPM\Backups\2005\November\DPMDB.bak –InstanceName contoso\ms$dpm

After you restore the DPM database, to synchronize the databases, you run the following command on the DPM server:

DpmSync -Sync

After you restore and synchronize the DPM database and before you restore the replica, you run the following command on the DPM server to reallocate disk space for the replica:

DpmSync -ReallocateReplica

Example 3: To move a DPM database from the local DPM server to a remote SQL server.

The following steps illustrate the use of DPMSync in moving a DPM database (DPMDB) from the local DPM server (DPMServer1) to a remote SQL server (DPMRemoteSQL).

1. Run the following command: DPMBackup –db.
This will create the file DPMDB.bak at \Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\volumes\Shadowcopy\Database Backups. Store this backup in a secure location.
2. Uninstall DPM from DPMServer1 and choose to retain data.
3. Delete DPMDB. You have to do this in order to reinstall DPM.
4. Install DPM on DPMServer1 with the remote SQL Server instance installed on DPMRemoteSQL.
5. Run the following command on DPMRemoteSQL dpmsync –restoredb –dbloc <dbbackuplocation> –instancename<instancename>, where dbbackuplocation is the location of the backup taken in step 1 and instancename is the name of the remote SQL Server instance.
6. Now run the following command on DPMServer1 Dpmsync –sync