
Backup File Naming Conventions in System Center 2012 - Operations Manager


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

Correct use of naming conventions for backup files helps you distinguish between them. Backup files are unique based on the management group that they back up and the time that the backup was created. Consistent use of a standard naming convention can help you avoid the unintentional restoration of a backup to the wrong management group or restoring a backup from the wrong time.

Database File Naming Conventions

There might be multiple management groups in your Operations Manager environment; therefore, ensure to include the management group name or some distinguishing name in the database backup file names.

You can also include other information in the file name, such as the database name, date, and type of backup. For example, a file name might be formatted as follows: OpsMgrDB_DIFFERENTIAL_<management group name>_7_15_2011 or REPORTING_FULL_<management group name>_7_15_2011.

Custom Management Pack Naming Conventions

If your monitoring infrastructure consists of multiple management groups, it is very likely that the configuration of management packs and their overrides vary across those management groups. Therefore, implementing a standard naming convention for custom management packs helps prevent the same problems as using a standard naming convention for databases.

Include the management group name or some distinguishing name in the .xml file name for these backups. Also include the version of the sealed management pack for which the custom management pack contains overrides and other information in the file name, such as the date. For example, a file name might be in the following format: <management group name>_<Management pack name>_<Management pack version>_7_15_2011.xml.