
How to Upgrade a Management Group from an Operations Manager 2007 R2 Secondary Management Server


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

You upgrade your System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group to System Center 2012 – Operations Manager from a secondary management server when the computer hosting the Operations Manager 2007 R2 root management server (RMS) does not meet the minimum supported configurations for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager. For more information, see Supported Configurations for System Center 2012 - Operations Manager. You must first move the agents over to the secondary management server and gateway servers. For more information, see How to Move Agents to an Operations Manager 2007 R2 Secondary Management Server (Operations Manager Upgrade).


If you have a clustered Operations Manager 2007 R2 RMS, you might receive an error during the prerequisite check that indicates that the root management server still has devices reporting to it, even if you have moved the agents to a secondary management server. To resolve this, open the Operations console, and select the Administration workspace. In Device Management, select Agentless Managed. Right-click the agentless nodes, and then click Delete.


Before you follow any of these procedures, make sure that you verify that the servers in your Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group meet the minimum supported configurations for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager. This will help you determine whether you need to add any new servers to your management group before you upgrade. For more information, see Supported Configurations for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager.

You should first upgrade other features, such as secondary management servers, agents, and gateways before running the final upgrade on the management group. If you have more than one secondary management server in your management group, we recommend that you upgrade from the secondary management server that has the simplest configuration. For example, if you have a management server that does not have any gateways, agents, or network devices, run upgrade from that management server. For more information about each upgrade path and the order in which to perform each upgrade task, see Upgrade Path Checklists for Operations Manager.

If the computer hosting the RMS meets the minimum supported configurations, you can run upgrade on that server. For more information, see How to Upgrade a Management Group from an Operations Manager 2007 R2 RMS.

When you run upgrade from the secondary management server, the management server is marked as the RMS emulator, and the unsupported RMS is removed from the management group. The RMS emulator enables legacy management packs that rely on the RMS to continue to function in System Center 2012 – Operations Manager.


You must restore the encryption key on the secondary management server before you attempt to upgrade the management group. For more information, see Restore the RMS Encryption Key on the Secondary Management Server

To upgrade a management group from a secondary management server

  1. Log on to the computer that hosts the secondary management server with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for your Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group and a local administrator on the computer. You also need SQL Server Administrator rights on both the operational database server and the data warehouse server.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator by using the Run as administrator feature.

  3. Change to the path of the System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Setup.exe file, and run the following command.

    setup.exe /upgrademanagementgroup  
  4. When the System Center 2012 - Operations Manager wizard opens, click Install.

  5. On the Getting Started, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Upgrade page, review the features that will be upgraded and added, and click Next.


    The Operations Manager data warehouse is added if it does not already exist. The Operations Manager 2007 R2 root management server is removed from the management group.

  6. On the Getting Started, Please read the license terms page, review the license terms and select the option I have read, understood, and agree with the license terms, and then click Next.

  7. On the Prerequisites page, review and address any warnings or errors that the Prerequisites checker returns, and then click Verify Prerequisites Again to recheck the system.


    If there are any issues with the upgrade, such as having agents still reporting to the RMS, the Prerequisites page appears with information about the issue and how to resolve it.

  8. If the Prerequisites checker does not return any warnings or errors the Prerequisites, Proceed with Setup page appears. Click Next.

  9. If a data warehouse was not already installed, it is created, and you must configure it as follows:

    1. In the Configuration, Configure the data warehouse database page, type the name and instance of the SQL Server database server that will host the Operations Manager data warehouse database in the Server name and instance name box.

    2. Accept the default value of Create a new data warehouse database.

    3. In the Database name, Database size (MB)Data file folder, and Log file folder boxes, we recommend that you accept the default values. Click Next.


      These paths do not change if you connect to a different instance of SQL Server.

  10. On the Configuration, Configure Operations Manager accounts page, we recommend that you use the Domain Account option for the System Center Configuration service and System Center Data Access service accounts, the Data Reader account and Data Writer account. Before the account is validated, an error icon appears to the left of the Domain\Username box.

  11. Enter the credentials for a domain account in each box. The error icons disappear after account validation. Click Next.

  12. If Windows Update is not enabled on the computer, the Configuration, Microsoft Update page appears. Select your options, and then click Next.

  13. Review the options on the Configuration, Ready to Upgrade page, and then click Upgrade.

  14. When the upgrade is finished, the Upgrade complete page appears. Click Close.

To upgrade a management group from a secondary management server by using the Command Prompt window

  1. Log on to the computer that hosts the secondary management server with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for your Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group and a local administrator on the computer.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator by using the Run as administrator option.

  3. Change the path to where the System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Setup.exe file is located.


    The following commands assume that you specified the Local System account for the Data Access service (/UseLocalSystemDASAccount). To specify a domain\user name for these accounts, you must provide the following parameters instead:

    /DASAccountUser: <domain\username> /DASAccountPassword: <password>

    If you installed a data warehouse in your Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group, use the following command.

    setup.exe /silent /upgrademanagementgroup  

    If you did not install a data warehouse in your Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group, use the following command.

    setup.exe /silent /upgrademanagementgroup  

See Also

Upgrading a Distributed Operations Manager 2007 R2 Environment
Upgrade Path Checklists for Operations Manager