
Operations Manager Reports Library


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

System Center 2012 – Operations Manager provides the reports described in the following tables. For more information on a report, in the Reporting workspace, click the report and view the Report Details. For information on reports that are provided by other management packs, see the respective management pack guides.


When you first install Operations Manager, it may take several minutes for all report libraries to appear in Reporting.

Microsoft Generic Report Library



Alert Logging Latency

This report helps to isolate issues in monitoring with Operations Manager by showing the logging latency of an alert for selected objects over time.


This report shows alerts raised during the selected report duration and for given filter parameters for selected objects.


This report shows the time in state for selected objects during the selected report duration. Time in state is summarized by default as per the objects’ availability monitors.

Configuration Changes

This report shows the changes in configuration for selected objects over time.

Custom Configuration

This report shows configuration data filtered by all entered parameters.

Custom Event

This report shows event data filtered by all selected parameters.

Event Analysis

This report shows a table of events and a count by server filtered by all entered parameters.


This report shows the time in state for selected objects during the selected report duration. Time in state is summarized by default as per the objects’ overall entity health.

Most Common Alerts

This report shows the most common alerts raised during the selected report duration and for given filter parameters for selected objects.

Most Common Events

This report shows the most common events raised during the selected report duration and for given filter parameters for selected objects.


This report shows overrides configured in or applied to selected management packs over time.


This report shows selected objects and performance counter values graphically over time.

Performance Detail

This report shows selected objects and performance counter values graphically over time.

Performance Top Instances

This report shows the top or bottom “N” instances for selected objects and a specific performance counter rule.

Performance Top Objects

This report shows the top or bottom “N” objects for selected objects and a specific performance counter rule.

Client Monitoring Views Library



Top N Applications

This report shows the top “N” applications based on their crash count and provides details for each application.

Top N Applications Growth and Resolution

This report shows the top “N” applications based on their growth percentile computed against two specified time intervals.

Top N Error Groups

This report shows the top “N” error groups based on their crash count.

Top N Error Groups Growth and Resolution

This report shows the top “N” error groups based on their growth percentile computed against two specified time intervals.

Microsoft Data Warehouse Reports



Data Warehouse Availability

This report shows the availability of the data warehouse components based on the monitor "Data Warehouse Connectivity and Processes State".

Data Warehouse Events

This report shows data warehouse-related events to help determine data warehouse health.

Data Warehouse Properties

This report shows data warehouse properties and grooming settings.

Microsoft ODR Report Library



Alerts Per Day

This report shows the number of alerts generated per day from each rule or monitor that alerted within the report period (by default one week).

Instance Space

This report shows the number of instances of each class (for example, Exchange Servers) that are created in your management group.

Management Group

This report shows the operating system version used in the Operations Manager infrastructure (management servers).

Management Packs

This report shows the versions of each management pack that is installed in your environment. It also summarizes all the overrides you have defined in your environment, as well as custom rules and monitors you have authored.

Most Common Alerts

This report shows the most common alerts generated within the report period (by default one week). It also shows this data by management pack.

System Center Core Monitoring Reports



Agent Counts by Date, Management Group and Version

This report shows detail information for agent accounts during specified time interval.

Agents by Health State

This report shows lists of agents organized by health state.

Data Volume by Management Pack

This report shows the volume of data generated by management packs. The purpose of this report is to provide insight into which management packs are driving the data volumes in your environment so that you can establish baselines and identify opportunities for tuning.  From this report, you can obtain more specific details per management pack by clicking one of the counts cells in the table at the top of the report to open the Data Volume by Workflow and Instance report for the management packs.

Data Volume by Workflow and Instance

This report shows the volume of data generated, organized by workflows (discoveries, rules, monitors, etc.), as well as by instances.

Microsoft Service Level Report Library



Service Level Tracking Summary Report

This reports shows whether the configured Service Level Objectives (SLOs) met their respective goals, for selected service levels.

Web Application Availability Monitoring Solutions Library



Test Availability

This report shows availability reported by an individual test  over time.

Test Performance

This report shows selected objects and performance counter values over time to relate how well a web application has performed.

Web Application Availability

This report shows how available the web application was.  The web application availability is the rollup of all tests defined in your web application.

Application Monitoring Reports



Application Failure Analysis

This report provides detailed failure analysis for a selected application.

Application Performance Analysis

This report provides detailed performance analysis for a selected application

Application Status

This report provides daily, weekly and monthly application status summaries.

Problems Distribution Analysis

This report shows the distribution of performance, connectivity, security and code problems across all monitored applications, highlighting the applications that are most problematic.

Summary Failure Analysis

This report provides a breakdown of problems by application.

Summary Performance Analysis

This report provides a breakdown of performance violations by application.

Summary User Analysis

This report highlights the application users who experience most of the problems.

(Client Side Monitoring) Application AJAX Calls Analysis

This report provides detailed failure analysis for a selected application.

(Client Side Monitoring) Application Analysis

This report provides an overview of activity, performance and exception statistics for a selected application.

(Client Side Monitoring) Application Status

This report provides daily, weekly and monthly application status summaries.

(Client Side Monitoring) Client Latency Distribution

This report provides an analysis of client side performance in relation to network latency.

(Client Side Monitoring) Load Time Analysis Based on Subnet

This report provides an analysis of client side performance based on client subnets.

(Client Side Monitoring) Summary Performance Analysis

This report provides an analysis of performance violations by application.

(Client Side Monitoring) Summary Size Analysis

This report provides an analysis of content size across multiple applications and shows the correlation between content size and load time.

(Client Side Monitoring) Summary User Analysis

This report highlights the application users who experience most of the problems.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Application Activity Breakdown

This report shows application activity trends for a selected period in relation to an application's activity during a previous period and average application activity.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Application Daily Activity

This report shows application activity trends for a selected day in relation to an application's activity during a previous period and average application activity.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Application Failure Breakdown by Functionality

This report shows the list of application requests that experience most of the problems.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Application Failure Breakdown by Resources

This report provides failure analysis for distributed applications based on the application components and external resource dependencies.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Application Heavy Resources Analysis

This report provides performance analysis for distributed applications based on the application components and external resource dependencies.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Application Slow Request Analysis

This report shows the breakdown of application performance violations based on application requests.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Day of Week Utilization

This report shows application activity trends and application resource utilization trends for a selected period.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Hour of Day Utilization

This report shows application activity trends and application resource utilization trends for a selected period.

(Problem Analysis Reports) Utilization Trend

This report shows application activity trends and application resource utilization trends for a selected period.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Application CPU Utilization Analysis

This reports highlights applications that have the heaviest CPU utilization and provides a breakdown of CPU utilization based on the servers which host the application.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Application IO Utilization Analysis

This reports highlights applications that have the heaviest IO utilization and provides a breakdown of IO utilization based on the servers which host each application.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Application Memory Utilization Analysis

This reports highlights applications that have the heaviest memory utilization and provides a breakdown of memory utilization based on the servers which host each application.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Application Request Utilization Analysis

This report provides an analysis of application based on the volume of processed requests.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Computer Application Load Analysis

This report provides an analysis of servers based on the volume of processed requests.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Computer CPU Utilization Analysis

This reports highlights servers that have the heaviest CPU utilization and provides a breakdown of CPU utilization based on the monitored applications running on each server.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Computer IO Utilization Analysis

This reports highlights servers that have the heaviest IO utilization and provides a breakdown of IO utilization by monitored applications running on each server.

(Resource Utilization Analysis) Computer Memory Utilization Analysis

This reports highlights servers that have the heaviest memory utilization and provides a breakdown of memory utilization based on the monitored applications running on each server.