
Generate DPM reports from Operations Manager


Updated: May 13, 2016

Operations Manager provides an Operations console and a web console that you can use to view and work with the monitoring data for your environment. To retrieve information you can use predefined views, or search for data and objects using searching and filtering. For more information, see Getting Information from Operations Manager.

Generate reports

DPM provides a number of predefined views that you can use to search more simply than defining your own query or filter.

vDPMBackupJob, shows backup job details

Field Data type Description
BackupJobRowId uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
TaskID uniqueidentifier Task identifier to uniquely identify job
VerbID uniqueidentifier Identifies the job type
ProtectionServer varchar(max) The protection server or cluster against which the job ran
ProtectionGroupID uniqueidentifier The protection group ID for which the job ran
ProtectionGroup varchar(max) Name of protection group
DataSourceID uniqueidentifie Date source ID for which the job ran
DataSourceName varchar(max) Data source name
StartedDateTime datetime Time job startedd
StoppedDateTime datetime Time job stopped
ExecutionState int 2 = Succeeded; 3 = Failed
ErrorCode int Error code for job failure. Error code can be ignored if job succeeded
ErrorString varchar(max) Corresponding localized error string
TransferredBytes int Number of bytes transferred by the job
BackupType varchar(max) DiskBackup; TapeBackup; CloudBackUp
IsDPM bit Whether job ran again a DPM server (indicating it ran on secondary DPM server)
IsAdHoc bit Whether job is ad hoc or scheduled

vDPMRecoveryJob: recovery job details

Field Data type Description
RecoveryJobRowID uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
TaskID uniqueidentifier Task identifier to uniquely identify job
DatasourceID uniqueidentifier Data source ID for which the recovery job ran
DataSourceName varchar(max) Data source for which the recovery job ran
StartedDateTime datetime Job start time
StoppedDateTime datetime Job end time
ExecutionState Int 2=succeeded; 3=failed
ErorCode int Error code. If job succeeded ignore the error.
ErrorString varchar(max) Corresponding localized error string
TransferredBytes int Number of bytes transferred by the job
RecoverySource int 0 = disk; 1 = Tape; 2 = Cloud
RecoveryType int Indicates recovery type
TargetServerName varchar(max) Target server on which the recovery was performed
TargetLocation varchar(max) Folder path to which recovery was performed
IsExternalSource int Indicates whether the data source is external (for example from a tape imported from another DPM server)

vDPMDiskManagement: shows disk management information

Field Data type Description
DiskManagementRowID uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
DiskID uniqueidentifier Unique ID to identify disk
DiskName varchar(max) Name of disk returned by VDS APIs (for example “Microsoft Virtual Disk”
TotalSize bigint Total size of disk
FreeSize bigint Free size on disk
IsInStoragePool bit Indicates whether the disk belongs to the DPM storage pool
DiskType smallint 0 = basic, 1 = dynamic; 2 = uninitialized
HealthStatus smallint 0 = healthy; 1 = failed
IsMissing bit Indicates whether the disk is missing
IsForeign bit Indicates whether the disk is foreign
CanAddToStoragePool bit Indicates whether the disk can be added to the DPM storage pool
CreatedDateTime datatime Created time

vDPMDiskUtlization: shows disk statistics

Field Data type Description
DiskUtilizationRowID uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
SMStatsID uniqueidentifier Statistics identifier used inside DPM
DataSourceID uniqueidentifier Data source ID for which the job ran
DataSourceName varchar(max) Data source for which the job ran
ProductionServer varchar(max) Server or cluster to which the data source belongs
ProtectionGroupID uniqueidentifier ID of protection group to which the data source belongs
ProtectionGroup varchar(max) Name of protection group to which the data source belongs
ReplicaSpaceAllocated bigint Total size of replica volume
ShadwoCopyAllocatedSize bigint Shadow copy volume size
ShadowCopyUsedSize bigint Used size of shadow copy volume
ReplicaUsedSize bigint Used size of the replica volume
FreeSpaceAvailable bigint Total free space on replica and shadow copy volumes
IsCollocated int Indicates whether the volume is used for a collocated protection group that might have multiple data sources

vDPMSLATrend: shows the percentage of instances where SLA was or wasn’t met

Field Data type Description
SLATrendRowId uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
SMStatsID uniqueidentifier Statistic identifier used in DPM
StartTime datetime Start time of specific SLA period
EndTime datetime End time of specific SLA period
DatasourceID uniqueidentifier ID of the data source for which the job ran
DatasourceName varchar(max) Name of the data source for which the job ran
ProtectionServer varchar(max) The server or cluster to which the data source belongs
ProtectionGroupID uniqueidentifier The ID of the protection group to which the data source belongs
ProtectionGroupName varchar(max) The protection group to which the data source belongs
CreationTime datetime Time that the statistic was created
DiskRecoveryPointAvailable bit Indicates whether there’s a disk recovery point available in the SLA period
TapeRecoveryPointAvailable bit Indicates whether there’s a tape recovery point available in the SLA period
CloudRecoveryPointAvailable bit Indicates whether there’s a cloud recovery point available in the SLA period
SLA int Indicates the SLA for the protection group during this SLA period

vDPMTapeUtilization: shows DPM tape utilization

Field Data type Description
TapeUtilizationRowId uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
SMStatsID uniqueidentifier Unique statistics identifier in DPM
StartTime datetime Start time of statistics period
EndTime datetime End time of statistics period
FreeTapeCount int Number of free tapes attached to the DPM server
OnlineTapeCount int Number of online tapes attached to the DPM server
OfflineTapeCount int Number of offline tapes attached to the DPM server

vDPMTapeManagement: shows DPM information for tape libraries and tape identification

Field Data type Description
TapeManagementRowID uniqueidentifier Index key
DPMServerName varchar(max) DPM server
MediaSlotNumber int) Slot number of the library on which the media is present
MediaBarcode varchar(max) Barcode of the tape
MediaLabel varchar(max) Label of the tape
IsOnline bit Indicates whether the tape is online
LibraryName varchar(max) Name of the library
ProtectedGroupName varchar(max) Name of the protection group that owns the tape
MediaExpiryDate datetime Expiry date of the tape