
Back up and restore Exchange 2013


Updated: May 13, 2016

DPM provides backup and recovery for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013. You can back up the following:

  • Exchange mailbox databases under a database availability group (DAG)Recover:

  • In addition to backing up mail databases, to fully protect your Exchange deployment you’ll need to backup other Exchange Server roles such as the Client Access Server, or the transport service on mailbox servers. You can configure protection for volumes, system state or full bare metal recovery backup to ensure that all Exchange data and configuration settings are protected.

You set up Exchange 2013 protection as follows:

Prerequisites—Read these before you begin deployment

Why back up Exchange with DPM?—Advantages of DPM protection

Configure Exchange 2013 protection—Set up protection groups for Exchange, and configure monitoring.

Recover an Exchange server and data—Learn about recovering DPM data.