
Run an unattended install for System Center 2012 R2 - DPM


Updated: May 13, 2016

You can run and unattended installation for DPM 2012 R2 as follows:

  1. Create the DPMSetup.ini file and place it on the server on which you want to install DPM 2012 R2. You can create the file in Notepad or another text editor.

  2. Paste the following into the file. When you’re done save the file as DPMSetup.ini. Note that:

    • You’ll need to replace the text inside <> with values from your own environment.

    • The lines with the hash (#) at the beginning are commented out and DPM setup will use default values. If you want to specify a value type it in and remove the # sign.

    • You’ll use the same script whether the SQL Server instance is installed on the DPM server or on a remote server.

    UserName = <A user with credentials to install DPM>  
    CompanyName = <Name of your company>  
    ProductKey = <The 25-character DPM product key in the format xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx>  
    # SqlAccountPassword = <The password to the DPM$ account>  
    # StandardAgentLicenses = <No. of standard agent licenses you have purchased>  
    # EnterpriseAgentLicenses = <No. of enterprise agent licenses you have purchased>  
    # ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager  
    # DatabaseFiles = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\DPMDB  
    # IntegratedInstallSource = <Location of the DPM setup files>  
    # ---For using a remote SQL Server instance ---  
    # YukonMachineName = <Name of the SQL Server computer> OR <SQL Cluster Name>  
    # YukonInstanceName = <Name of the instance of SQL Server that Setup must use>  
    # YukonMachineUserName = <User name that Setup must user>  
    # YukonMachinePassword = <Password for the user name Setup must use>  
    # YukonMachineDomainName = <Domain to which the SQL Server computer is attached>  
    # ---For using a reporting SQL Server instance in case of DPMDB in SQL Cluster ---  
    # ReportingMachineName = <Name of the SQL Server computer>  
    # ReportingInstanceName = <Name of the instance of SQL Server that Setup must use>  
    # ReportingMachineUserName = <User name that Setup must user>  
    # ReportingMachinePassword = <Password for the user name Setup must use>  
    # ReportingMachineDomainName = <Domain to which the SQL Server computer is attached>  
  3. After saving the file, at an elevated command prompt on the installation server, type: start /wait [media location]\setup.exe /i /f <path>\DPMSetup.ini /l <path>\dpmlog.txt. [media location] indicates where you’ll run setup.exe from. <path> is the location of the .ini file.