
sp_addpullsubscription (Transact-SQL)

Adds a pull subscription to a snapshot or transactional publication. This stored procedure is executed at the Subscriber on the database where the pull subscription is to be created.

Topic link iconTransact-SQL Syntax Conventions


sp_addpullsubscription [ @publisher= ] 'publisher'
    [ , [ @publisher_db= ] 'publisher_db' ]
        , [ @publication= ] 'publication'
    [ , [ @independent_agent= ] 'independent_agent' ]
    [ , [ @subscription_type= ] 'subscription_type' ]
    [ , [ @description= ] 'description' ]
    [ , [ @update_mode= ] 'update_mode' ]
    [ , [ @immediate_sync = ] immediate_sync ]


  • [ @publisher=] 'publisher'
    Is the name of the Publisher. publisher is sysname, with no default.
  • [ @publisher_db=] 'publisher_db'
    Is the name of the Publisher database. publisher_db is sysname, with a default of NULL. publisher_db is ignored by Oracle Publishers.
  • [ @publication=] 'publication'
    Is the name of the publication. publication is sysname, with no default.
  • [ @independent_agent=] 'independent_agent'
    Specifies if there is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication. independent_agent is nvarchar(5), with a default of TRUE. If true, there is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication. If false, there is one Distribution Agent for each Publisher database/Subscriber database pair. independent_agent is a property of the publication and must have the same value here as it has at the Publisher.
  • [ @subscription_type=] 'subscription_type'
    Is the type of subscription. subscription_type is nvarchar(9), with a default of anonymous. You must specify a value of pull for subscription_type, unless you want to create a subscription without registering the subscription at the Publisher. In this case, you must specify a value of anonymous. This is necessary for cases in which you cannot establish a SQL Server connection to the Publisher during subscription configuration.
  • [ @description=] 'description'
    Is the description of the publication. description is nvarchar(100), with a default of NULL.
  • [ @update_mode=] 'update_mode'
    Is the type of update. update_mode is nvarchar(30), and can be one of the following values.

    Value Description

    read only (default)

    The subscription is read-only. Any changes at the Subscriber will not be sent back to the Publisher. Should be used when updates will not be made at the Subscriber.


    Enables support for immediate updating subscriptions.

    queued tran

    Enables the subscription for queued updating. Data modifications can be made at the Subscriber, stored in a queue, and then propagated to the Publisher.


    Enables the subscription for immediate updating with queued updating as a failover. Data modifications can be made at the Subscriber and propagated to the Publisher immediately. If the Publisher and Subscriber are not connected, data modifications made at the Subscriber can be stored in a queue until the Subscriber and Publisher are reconnected.

    queued failover

    Enables the subscription as a queued updating subscription with the ability to change to immediate updating mode. Data modifications can be made at the Subscriber and stored in a queue until a connection is established between the Subscriber and Publisher. When a continuous connection is established the updating mode can be changed to immediate updating. Not supported for Oracle Publishers.

  • [ @immediate_sync =] immediate_sync
    Is whether the synchronization files are created or re-created each time the Snapshot Agent runs. immediate_sync is bit with a default of 1, and must be set to the same value as immediate_sync in sp_addpublication.immediate_sync is a property of the publication and must have the same value here as it has at the Publisher.

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)


sp_addpullsubscription is used in snapshot replication and transactional replication.

ms174392.security(en-US,SQL.90).gifSecurity Note:
For queued updating subscriptions, use SQL Server Authentication for connections to Subscribers, and specify a different account for the connection to each Subscriber. When creating a pull subscription that supports queued updating, replication always sets the connection to use Windows Authentication (for pull subscriptions, replication cannot access metadata at the Subscriber required to use SQL Server Authentication). In this case, you should execute sp_changesubscription to change the connection to use SQL Server Authentication after the subscription is configured.

If the MSreplication_subscriptions (Transact-SQL) table does not exist at the Subscriber, sp_addpullsubscription creates it. It also adds a row to the MSreplication_subscriptions (Transact-SQL) table. For pull subscriptions, sp_addsubscription (Transact-SQL) should be called at the Publisher first.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_addpullsubscription.


-- This script uses sqlcmd scripting variables. They are in the form
-- $(MyVariable). For information about how to use scripting variables  
-- on the command line and in SQL Server Management Studio, see the 
-- "Executing Replication Scripts" section in the topic
-- "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures".

-- Execute this batch at the Subscriber.
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @publisher AS sysname;
DECLARE @publicationDB AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksProductTran';
SET @publisher = $(PubServer);
SET @publicationDB = N'AdventureWorks';

-- At the subscription database, create a pull subscription 
-- to a transactional publication.
USE [AdventureWorksReplica]
EXEC sp_addpullsubscription 
  @publisher = @publisher, 
  @publication = @publication, 
  @publisher_db = @publicationDB;

-- Add an agent job to synchronize the pull subscription.
EXEC sp_addpullsubscription_agent 
  @publisher = @publisher, 
  @publisher_db = @publicationDB, 
  @publication = @publication, 
  @distributor = @publisher, 
  @job_login = $(Login), 
  @job_password = $(Password);

See Also


sp_addpullsubscription_agent (Transact-SQL)
sp_change_subscription_properties (Transact-SQL)
sp_droppullsubscription (Transact-SQL)
sp_helppullsubscription (Transact-SQL)
sp_helpsubscription_properties (Transact-SQL)
System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)

Other Resources

How to: Create a Pull Subscription (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)
How to: Create an Updatable Subscription to a Transactional Publication (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)
Subscribing to Publications

Help and Information

Getting SQL Server 2005 Assistance

Change History

Release History

12 December 2006

Changed content:
  • Removed content that incorrectly stated that anonymous subscriptions are deprecated.