Identify Subscription
The Identify Subscription page of the New Subscription Wizard lets you specify the subscription name and an optional HOST_NAME for filtering the subscriptions.
Subscription name
Specify the name of the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition subscription.
HOST_NAME for filtering subscriptions (optional)
Set the HOST_NAME() value, if the merge publication is defined with parameterized filters using the HOST_NAME() function to filter data.
For example, suppose your database has a Customers table with a region column, and you want all sales representatives in the Eastern Region to receive only the rows that have "Eastern" in that column. You would define a filter for that table of the form: WHERE region = HOST_NAME(). On this page of the wizard, you set the HOST_NAME() value for each subscription of an Eastern Region sales representative to "Eastern". When the sales representatives synchronize, they receive the appropriate partition of the Customers table.