
Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Subscriptions

This section contains topics about defining and updating standard and data-driven subscriptions that can be used to customize report output for each recipient.

To work with any subscription, you must have permission to do so. For more information about subscription availability, see Subscription and Delivery Availability.

In This Section

Topic Description

Setting Parameters in a Subscription

Provides information about specifying report parameters to use during subscription processing.

Choosing Report Presentation Formats in a Subscription

Provides recommendations for specifying a viewing format for each mode of delivery.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Standard Subscriptions

Describes how to define and update standard subscriptions.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Data-Driven Subscriptions

Describes how to define and update data-driven subscriptions.

Using an External Data Source for Subscriber Data

Provides information about external data sources used in data-driven subscriptions.

See Also


How to: Create and Manage Subscriptions (SharePoint Integrated Mode)


Data-Driven Subscriptions
Subscription Overview
E-Mail Delivery in Reporting Services
File Share Delivery in Reporting Services

Other Resources

Delivering Reports Through Subscriptions
Managing Subscriptions

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