
Report Item Behavior when Exporting as an Image File (Report Builder)

The Tiff file export option saves the layout of report items and data as a static image. How each item appears in the resulting file varies depending on the report item.


The following list describes how a matrix report is saved by the Tiff file export option:

  • All cells of a matrix are kept together, unless they contain a page break.
  • If there is a page break before the first group, the matrix is displayed on a new page.
  • If there is a page break at the end of the group, items after the matrix are displayed on a separate page.

Items in the corner that have a width or height of 100 percent are sized to fill the corner. Otherwise, they are clipped if they do not fit within the corner.

Matrix Column

The contents of a matrix column are displayed inside a cell. If the width or height is 100 percent, the items in the cell are sized to fit. If they do not fit within the cell, the items within the cell are clipped. If the matrix contains a page break, column headers are repeated on each page on which the matrix appears.

Matrix Row

The contents of a matrix row are displayed inside a cell. If the width or height is 100 percent, the items in the cell are sized to fit. If they do not fit within the cell, the items within the cell are clipped. If the matrix contains a page break, row headers are repeated on each page on which the matrix appears.


Subtotals are saved as a text box. Styles for the matrix are applied to this text box.

Matrix Cell

Items within a matrix cell are displayed inside a cell. Items with percentage widths or heights are sized to the cell; otherwise, the contents of the cell can increase the size of the cell.

  • The Line Height option determines the minimum height of the cell.
  • The Text Alignment and Padding options determine the minimum width of the cell.


A table is rendered as a grid. If the table has borders, they are drawn around the table. The following list describes how a table is saved by the Tiff file export option:

  • Unless there are page breaks, all rows of the table are kept together.
  • If there is a page break before the first group, the table is displayed on a new page.
  • If there is a page break at the end of the group, items after the table are displayed on a separate page.
Table Column

The Text Alignment and Padding options determine the minimum width of the cell.

Table Row

The table rows are displayed as a row of rectangles that contain the report items for the row. The Line Height option determines the minimum height of the cell.


Items within the table cell are saved inside a cell. If the contents of a cell do not fit within the cell, the contents of the cell can increase the size of the cell.


The following list describes how a chart is saved by the Tiff file export option:

  • A chart is always kept together.
  • If there is a page break before the first group, the chart is displayed on a new page.
  • If there is a page break at the end of the group, items after the chart are displayed on a separate page.


The following table describes how groups are saved by the Tiff file export option.

Group Saves as


The group is displayed on a new page.


Groups and items below the group are displayed on a new page.


A text box appears as wrapped text inside of a rectangle. The following list describes how text boxes are saved by the Tiff file export option:

  • The text box expands vertically to fit the text.
  • If the height of the text is smaller than the height of the text box, the text box is shrunk to fit.
  • The text in the text box is not displayed if the data is the same as the preceding record. The text is shown if it is in the first text box on the page.


The following list describes how images are saved by the Tiff file export option:

  • The image is retrieved from the data and displayed.
  • If the image cannot be retrieved, a red X image is displayed.
  • If the image is formatted using the Clip option, the image is sized to match the output resolution, and then is clipped at the specified height and weight.
  • If the image is formatted using the Fit to field option, the image is sized to the specified height and width.
  • If the image is formatted using the Fit proportional to original size option, the image is sized to the specified height or width, keeping the original proportion of the image.
  • If the image is formatted using the Autosize option, the image is sized to match the output resolution, ignoring height and width.

Border Style

Borders are drawn around an item as specified in the Top, Right, Left, and Bottom format options for the various border properties. The size of the spacing for dotted and dashed spacing is the same regardless of resolution.

When borders are drawn, half of the border is drawn inside the item, and half is drawn outside an item. For example, a text box with a border width of 4 pixels will display with 2 pixels of the border inside the text box and 2 pixels of the border outside the text box.


Because the report is run using the report server, the fonts used in the report must also be installed on the server. If the font does not exist on the server, the GenericSerif GDI+ font is used. If the value for the Font Style option is Bold or Bold Italic, the font is saved as bold.


Text is positioned within a report based on the values of the Padding Left, Padding Right, Padding Top, and Padding Bottom format options in Report Builder. The space for the padding begins at the edges of the box, not counting borders. If the padding is less than half the border width, the border overlaps the text.

Text Formatting

The following list describes what text formatting is supported and how it appears:

  • If the text is underlined, a line appears beneath the text in the Tiff file.
  • If the text is formatted as a strikeout, the Tiff file displays a line through the text.

See Also


How to: Export a Report as a Different File Type (Report Builder)


Exporting a Report as a Different File Type (Report Builder)
Design Considerations for Exporting a Report as a Different File Type (Report Builder)
Exporting a Report as an Image File (Report Builder)

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