
SQLDriverConnect (Access Driver)


This topic provides Access Driver-specific information. For general information about this function, see the appropriate topic under ODBC API Reference.

SQLDriverConnect enables you to connect to a driver without creating a data source (DSN).

The following keywords are supported in the connection string for all drivers: DSN, DBQ, and FIL.

The UID and PWD keywords are also supported.

The PWD keyword should not include any of the special characters (see SQL_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS in SQLGetInfo Returned Values).

The following table shows the minimum keywords required to connect to each driver, and provides an example of keyword/value pairs used with SQLDriverConnect. For a full list of DRIVERID values, see SQLConfigDataSource.

Driver Keywords Required Examples
Microsoft Access Driver, DBQ Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=c:\\temp\\sample.mdb