
Large-meeting scheduling process in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-22

Because only one large meeting at a time is supported on the dedicated large meeting pool, we recommend implementing a large meeting scheduling process to help prevent large meeting conflicts. The purpose of such the scheduling process is to facilitate setting up large meetings. Such capability is not provided directly by Lync Server or Lync Server clients. One way to implement such a process is to use your organization’s support team’s ticketing system, if available.

For organizers of large meetings, scheduling a large meeting involves completing the following steps:

  1. The meeting organizer or delegate determines the time, duration, and size of an upcoming meeting, in addition to the list of presenters. If the anticipated meeting size exceeds 250 users or to ensure the best user experience for a meeting of fewer than 250 users, the organizer or the delegate submits a request for a large meeting.

  2. The scheduling staff checks to see whether the requested date and time is available. Since we support only a single large meeting on the dedicated pool at a time, the scheduling staff needs to check the large-meeting calendar to determine whether there is another meeting scheduled for the requested date and time. If the requested time is available, the staff approves the meeting request.

  3. If the request is approved, the scheduling staff (using credentials on the dedicated pool) uses Online Meeting Add-in for Lync 2013 with Outlook to set up a meeting on the dedicated large-meeting pool. The URL to be used to join the meeting is provided to the requester as part of the approval notice.

  4. The meeting organizer or delegate uses Outlook to schedule the upcoming meeting, adding the URL for joining the meeting to the meeting invitation. The meeting organizer or delegate then specifies the users to be invited and sends out the meeting invitation.

    The following figure illustrates a typical request and approval workflow for scheduling large meetings.
