
Selection of Outbound Anonymous TLS Certificates


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

This topic describes the selection process for outbound anonymous Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. The selection of an outbound anonymous TLS certificate occurs in the following scenarios:

  • SMTP sessions between Edge Transport servers and Hub Transport servers for authentication

  • SMTP sessions between Hub Transport servers for encryption only by using public keys

For communication between Hub Transport servers, anonymous TLS and the public keys from certificates are used to encrypt the session. When an SMTP session is established, the receiving server initiates a certificate selection process to determine which certificate to use in the TLS negotiation. The receiving server also performs a certificate selection process. For more information about that process, see Selection of Inbound Anonymous TLS Certificates.

Sending from a Hub Transport Server or an Edge Transport Server

All the steps for the selection of an outbound anonymous TLS certificate are performed on the sending server. The following figure shows the steps of this process.

Selection of an outbound anonymous TLS certificate

Selection of an outbound anonymous TLS certificate

  1. When the SMTP session is established from a Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server, Microsoft Exchange calls a process to load the certificates.


    During the initial loading of the certificate, the outbound certificate selection process is different for the Edge Transport server role and the Hub Transport server role. The figure shows the starting point for each server role.

  2. The certificate loading process depends on whether the SMTP session is initiated from a Hub Transport server or an Edge Transport server.

    On a Hub Transport server   The following checks are made:

    1. The Send connector to which the session is connected is checked to see whether the SmartHostAuthMechanism property is configured for ExchangeServer. You can set the SmartHostAuthMechanism property on the Send connector by using the Set-SendConnector cmdlet. You can also set the SmartHostAuthMechanism property to ExchangeServer by selecting Exchange Server Authentication on the Configure Smart Host Authentication Settings page of a specific Send connector. To open the Configure Smart Host Authentication Settings page, click Change on the Network tab of the Send connector properties page.

    2. The DeliveryType property of the message is checked to determine whether it's set to a value of SmtpRelayWithinAdSitetoEdge. You can view the DeliveryType property by running the Get-Queue cmdlet with the format list argument ( | Format-List).

      Both of the following conditions must be met. If ExchangeServer isn't enabled as an authentication mechanism or if the DeliveryType property isn't set to SmtpRelayWithinAdSitetoEdge, the sending Hub Transport server doesn't use anonymous TLS and no certificate is loaded. If both conditions are met, the certificate selection process continues to step 3.

    On an Edge Transport server   The following checks are made:

    1. The Send connector to which the session is connected is checked to see whether the SmartHostAuthMechanism property is configured for ExchangeServer. As noted earlier in this topic, you can set the SmartHostAuthMechanism property on the Send connector by using the Set-SendConnector cmdlet. You can also set the SmartHostAuthMechanism property to ExchangeServer by selecting Exchange Server Authentication on the Configure Smart Host Authentication Settings page of a specific Send connector. To open the Configure Smart Host Authentication Settings page, click Change on the Network tab of the Send connector properties page.

    2. The Send connector to which the session is connected is checked to determine whether the SmartHost address space property contains "- -".

      Both of the following conditions must be met. If ExchangeServer isn't enabled as an authentication mechanism or the address space doesn't contain “- -“, the sending Edge Transport server doesn't use anonymous TLS and no certificate is loaded. If both conditions are met, the certificate selection process continues to step 3.

  3. Microsoft Exchange queries Active Directory to retrieve the thumbprint of the certificate on the server. The msExchServerInternalTLSCert attribute on the server object stores the certificate thumbprint.

    If the msExchServerInternalTLSCert attribute can't be read or if the value is null, Microsoft Exchange doesn't advertise X-ANONYMOUSTLS in the SMTP session and no certificate is loaded.


    If the msExchServerInternalTLSCert attribute can't be read or if the value is null during startup of the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, instead of during the SMTP session, Event ID 12012 is logged in the Application log.

  4. If a thumbprint is found, the certificate selection process searches the local computer certificate store for a certificate that matches the thumbprint. If the certificate isn't found, the server doesn't advertise X-ANONYMOUSTLS, no certificate is loaded, and Event ID 12013 is logged in the Application log.

  5. After a certificate is loaded from the certificate store, it's checked to see whether it has expired. The Valid to field on the certificate is compared to the current date and time. If the certificate has expired, Event ID 12015 is logged in the Application log. In this case, the certificate selection process doesn't fail and continues with the remaining checks.

  6. The certificate is checked to see whether it's the latest in the local computer's certificate store. As part of this check, a domain list is built for potential certificate domains. The domain list is based on the following computer configuration:

    • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as mail.contoso.com

    • Host name, such as EdgeServer01

    • Physical FQDN, such as EdgeServer01.contoso.com

    • Physical host name, such as EdgeServer01


      If the server is running Microsoft Windows Load Balancing, the following registry key is checked instead of the DnsFullyQualifiedDomainName setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WLBS\Parameters\Interface{GUID}\ClusterName

  7. After the domain list is built, the certificate selection process performs a search to find all certificates in the certificate store that have a matching FQDN. From this list, the certificate selection process identifies a list of eligible certificates. Eligible certificates must meet the following criteria:

    • The certificate is an X.509 version 3 or a later version certificate.

    • The certificate has an associated private key.

    • The Subject or Subject Alternate Name fields contain the FQDN that was retrieved in step 6.

    • The certificate is enabled for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/TLS use. Specifically, the SMTP service has been enabled for this certificate by using the Enable-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet.

  8. From the eligible certificates, the best certificate is selected based on the following sequence:

    1. Sort eligible certificates by most recent Valid from date. Valid from is a Version 1 field on the certificate.

    2. The first valid public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate that's found in this list is used.

    3. If no valid PKI certificates are found, the first self-signed certificate is used.

  9. After the best certificate has been determined, another check is made to determine whether its thumbprint matches the certificate that's stored in the msExchServerInternalTLSCert attribute. If the certificate matches, the certificate is used for X-ANONYMOUSTLS. If it doesn't match, Event ID 1037 is logged in the Application log. However, this doesn't cause X-ANONYMOUSTLS to fail.

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