
Subscriber Access Performance Counters for Unified Messaging


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

There are many performance counters that can be used to maintain and troubleshoot a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unified Messaging (UM) server. Unified Messaging performance counters are used to measure quantities of information or data for Unified Messaging based on the number, size, duration, and rate of data that's being requested or received.

Subscriber Access Performance Counters

The following table provides a list of the subscriber access performance counters that can be used to monitor Unified Messaging.

Unified Messaging subscriber access performance counters

Performance counter Performance object Description

Average Recent Sent Voice Message Size


Average Recent Sent Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of the last 50 voice messages that were sent.

Average Recent Subscriber Call Duration


Average Recent Subscriber Call Duration is the average length of time, in seconds, that subscribers spent logged on to the system for the last 50 subscriber calls.

Average Sent Voice Message Size


Average Sent Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of voice messages that are sent. This size doesn't include any attachment data.

Average Subscriber Call Duration


Average Subscriber Call Duration is the average duration, in seconds, that subscribers spent logged on to the system. This timer starts when logon completes.

Calendar Accessed


Calendar Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed their calendars using the telephone user interface.

Calendar Items Details Requested


Calendar Items Details Requested is the number of times a subscriber requested additional details for a calendar item.

Calendar Items Heard


Calendar Items Heard is the number of Calendar items that have been heard by authenticated subscribers.

Calendar Late Attendance


Calendar Late Attendance is the number of messages that have been sent to inform the organizer of a meeting that the subscriber will be late.

Called Meeting Organizer


Called Meeting Organizer is the number of times subscribers called the meeting organizer.

Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass


Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass is the number of calls in which the caller disconnected while UM was playing the audio hourglass tones.

Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error


Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error is the total number of calls that have been disconnected after an irrecoverable external error occurred.

Contact Items Heard


Contact Items Heard is the number of times authenticated subscribers listened to directory details.

Contacts Accessed


Contacts Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed the Main Menu Contacts option by using the telephone user interface.

Directory Accessed


Directory Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed the Main Menu Directory option by using the telephone user interface.

Directory Accessed by Dial by Name


Directory Accessed by Dial by Name is the number of directory access operations where the subscriber used the Dial by Name feature.

Directory Accessed by Extension


Directory Accessed by Extension is the number of directory access operations in which the user supplied the extension number.

Directory Accessed by Spoken Name


Directory Accessed by Spoken Name is the number of directory access operations in which the subscriber spoke a recipient name.

Directory Accessed Successfully by Dial by Name


Directory Accessed Successfully by Dial by Name is the number of Dial by Name directory access operations that completed successfully on behalf of users.

Directory Accessed Successfully by Spoken Name


Directory Accessed Successfully by Spoken Name is the number of speech recognition directory access operations that completed successfully on behalf of subscribers.

Email Message Queue Accessed


Email Message Queue Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed their e-mail message queue by using the telephone user interface.

Email Messages Deleted


Email Messages Deleted is the number of e-mail messages that were deleted by authenticated subscribers.

Email Messages Heard


Email Messages Heard is the number of e-mail messages that were heard by authenticated subscribers.

Forward Messages Sent


Forward Messages Sent is the number of messages that have been forwarded by authenticated subscribers.

Launched Calls


Launched Calls is the number of subscriber calls that resulted in an outbound call being placed.

Meetings Accepted


Meetings Accepted is the number of Meeting Accepted messages sent by subscribers.

Meetings Declined


Meetings Declined is the number of Meeting Declined messages sent by subscribers.

Protected Voice Messages Heard


Protected Voice Messages Heard is the number of protected voice messages played (all, or in part) to subscribers.

Protected Voice Messages Sent


Protected Voice Messages Sent is the number of protected voice messages sent by authenticated UM subscribers.

Replied to Organizer


Replied to Organizer is the number of times subscribers sent reply messages to meeting organizers.

Reply Messages Sent


Reply Messages Sent is the number of replies sent by authenticated subscribers.

Subscriber Authentication Failures


Subscriber Authentication Failures is the number of authentication failures that have occurred since the service was started. This number is incremented once for every failed authentication. It is possible that a single phone call could generate several authentication failures.

Subscriber Logon Failures


Subscriber Logon Failures is the number of logon failures since the service was started. This number is incremented at most once per phone call.

Subscriber Logons


Subscriber Logons is the number of successful authentications by UM subscribers since the service was started.

Voice Message Decryption Failures


Voice Message Decryption Failures is the total number of times that an attempt to decrypt a protected voice message failed.

Voice Message Protection Failures


Voice Message Protection Failures is the total number of interpersonal voice messages for which an attempt to apply protection failed.

Voice Message Queue Accessed


Voice Message Queue Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed their voice message queues by using the telephone user interface.

Voice Messages Deleted


Voice Messages Deleted is the number of voice messages that were deleted by authenticated subscribers.

Voice Messages Heard


Voice Messages Heard is the number of voice messages played to subscribers. This count is incremented as soon as playback starts. The subscriber does not need to listen to the entire message.

Voice Messages Sent


Voice Messages Sent is the number of voice messages that have been sent by authenticated UM subscribers.

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