
Call Answering Performance Counters for Unified Messaging


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

There are many performance counters that can be used to maintain and troubleshoot a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unified Messaging (UM) server. Unified Messaging performance counters are used to measure quantities of information or data for Unified Messaging and are based on the number, size, duration, and rate of data that's being requested or received.

Call Answering Performance Counters

The following table provides a list of the call answering performance counters that can be used to monitor Unified Messaging.

Unified Messaging call answering performance counters

Performance counter Performance object Description

Average Greeting Size


Average Greeting Size is the average size, in seconds, of recorded greetings that have been retrieved by the Unified Messaging server.

Average Recent Voice Message Size


Average Recent Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of the last 50 voice messages that have been left for subscribers.

Average Time Taken for Call Answering Rule Evaluations


Average Time Taken for Call Answering Rule Evaluations is the average time it takes to determine if one or more call answering rules apply to a call answering call.

Average Voice Message Size


Average Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of voice messages left for subscribers.

Call Answering Calls


Call Answering Calls is the number of diverted calls that were answered on behalf of subscribers.

Call Answering Escapes


Call Answering Escapes is the number of times a caller pressed the * key to connect to another user instead of leaving a message.

Call Answering Missed Calls


Call Answering Missed Calls is the number of times a diverted call was dropped without a message being left.

Call Answering Protected Voice Messages


Call Answering Protected Voice Messages is the total number of protected voice messages that were submitted because calls were answered on behalf of subscribers.

Call Answering Voice Message Protection Failures


Call Answering Voice Message Protection Failures is the total number of voice messages, submitted because calls were answered on behalf of the subscribers, for which the attempt to apply protection failed.

Call Answering Voice Messages


Call Answering Voice Messages is the total number of voice messages that were submitted for delivery because the calls were answered on behalf of subscribers.

Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass


Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass is the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones.

Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error


Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error is the number of calls that have been disconnected after an irrecoverable external error occurred.

Calls Without Personal Greetings


Calls Without Personal Greetings is the number of diverted calls received for subscribers that did not have recorded greeting messages.

Diverted Extension Not Provisioned


Diverted Extension Not Provisioned is the number of calls received for which the diverted extension supplied with the call is not a UM subscriber extension.

Fetch Greeting Timed Out


Fetch Greeting Timed Out is the number of diverted calls for which the subscriber’s personal greeting could not be retrieved within the time allowed.

Total Calls to Subscribers with One or More Call Answering Rules Configured


Total Calls to Subscribers with One or More Call Answering Rules Configured evaluates calls to determine whether any call answering rules should be applied.

Total Number of Call Answering Rules Calls


Total Number of Call Answering Rules Calls is the total number of calls that fulfill the conditions of at least one call answering rule. The rule is subsequently invoked to handle the call.

Total Number of Timed-out Call Answering Rule Evaluations


Total Number of Timed-out Call Answering Rule Evaluations is the total number of calls for which call answering rules weren't applied because the system timed out. As a result, the calls were answered using the Exchange 2007 UM voice mail behavior.

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