
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.Design Namespace


  Class Description
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AddApplicationBlockCommandAttribute
Attribute class used to decorate the design time view model with a Add Application Block command.
Add Application Block commands are added to the configuration tools main menu, underneath the 'Blocks' menu item.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AddSateliteProviderCommandAttribute
Attribute used to overwrite the Add Command for providers that depend on the availability of another block (Sattelite Providers).
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AppSettingsDesignTime
Container class for types and identifiers used to decorate the appSettings configuration schema with designtime information.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AppSettingsDesignTime.MetadataTypes
This class supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AppSettingsDesignTime.MetadataTypes.AppSettingsSectionMetadata
This class supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AppSettingsDesignTime.MetadataTypes.KeyValueConfigurationCollectionMetadata
This class supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AppSettingsDesignTime.MetadataTypes.KeyValueConfigurationElementMetadata
This class supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif BaseTypeAttribute
Indicates the base class or interface that must be assignable from the type specified in the property that this attribute decorates.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CloneableConfigurationElementTypeAttribute
Attribute class used to associate a ConfigurationElement class with an ICloneableConfigurationElement implementation.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommandAttribute
Attribute used to decorate a designtime View Model element with an executable command. E.g. a context menu item that allows the user to perform an action in the elements context.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime
Class that contains common type names and metadata used by the designtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.CommandTypeNames
Class that contains common command types used by the designtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.ConverterTypeNames
Class that contains common converter types used by the designtime runtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.EditorTypes
Class that contains common editor types used by the designtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.MetadataTypes
Class that contains common metadata classes used by the designtime.
This class supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.MetadataTypes.RedirectedSectionElementMetadata
This class supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.SectionType
Type names for well known Enterprise Library ConfigurationSection elements.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.ValidationTypeNames
Class that contains common validation types used by the designtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommonDesignTime.ViewModelTypeNames
Class that contains common view model types used by the designtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DesignConfigurationSource
configuration source to support design-time configuration of FileConfigurationSource
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DesigntimeDefaultAttribute
Specifies a default value for a configuration property.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DesignTimeReadOnlyAttribute
Determines if the corresponding property is read-only at designtime.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif EditorWithReadOnlyTextAttribute
Attribute that instructs the designtime to make the textbox for a property readonly.
This property can is used together with an EditorAttribute, in which the created text box is readonly, though the property can be edited by the editor.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif EnvironmentalOverridesAttribute
Attribute class used to indicate whether a property can be overwritten per environment.
The default behavior is that any property can be overwritten.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif FilteredFileNameEditorAttribute
Specifies additional metadata for the FilteredFileNameEditor editor.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif HandlesSectionAttribute
Indicates that this assembly handles the ConfigurationSection.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif MergeableConfigurationCollectionTypeAttribute
Attribute class used to associate a ConfigurationElementCollection class with an IMergeableConfigurationElementCollection implementation.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif NamePropertyAttribute
Attribute class that allows to specify a property that should be used as the Element View Model's name.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif OmitCustomAttributesPropertyAttribute
This attribute supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif PromoteCommandsAttribute
Attribute class that can be oved to offer a properties add-commands to the containing Element View Model.
This can be usefull for properties that contain a collection of providers, of which the Element Collection View Model is not shown in the UI (User Interface).
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ReferenceAttribute
Attribute class used to indicate that the property is a reference to provider.
Reference properties will show an editable dropdown that allows the referred element to be selected.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif RegisterAsMetadataTypeAttribute
Registers a class as a metadata body class for another class.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ResourceCategoryAttribute
Represents a localized CategoryAttribute.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ResourceDescriptionAttribute
A customized version of DescriptionAttribute that can load the string from assembly resources instead of just a hard-wired string.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ResourceDisplayNameAttribute
A customized version of DisplayNameAttribute that can load the string from assembly resources instead of just a hard-wired string.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif TypePickingCommandAttribute
Attribute class that is used to add a custom add command for a Element View Model.
The Type Picking Command displays a type picker prior to adding the target element and can use its result to initialize the added element.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ViewModelAttribute
Attribute class used to specify a specific View Model derivement or visual representation to be used on the target element. TODO: add more information here, possibly a reference to other documentation.
Ff665648.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif WizardCommandAttribute
Marks the annotated class as a configuration wizard that can be found by the configuration design time tools.


  Interface Description
Ff665648.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IDesignConfigurationSource
Supports Enterprise Library design-time by providing ability to retrieve, add, and remove sections.


  Enumeration Description
Ff665648.pubenumeration(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommandPlacement
Specifies the placement of a command. This can be either a top level menu, e.g.: FileMenu or BlocksMenu or a context menu, e.g.: ContextAdd, ContextCustom.
Ff665648.pubenumeration(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommandReplacement
Specifies whether a command replaces a default command.
Ff665648.pubenumeration(en-us,PandP.50).gif TypeSelectorIncludes
Provides attributes for the filter of types.